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Reader E: What is a virus? NOT What You Are Told !!!!!

Posted By: Lion
Date: Saturday, 25-Apr-2020 11:51:32

In Response To: Insidious Evil of Mandatory "Social Distancing" (Lion)


Thanks, E

Re: Insidious Evil of Mandatory 'Social Distan....

Indeed Mark My Words Lion;

Message #1

VIRUS - The NATURAL Mechanism Of Cells

What is a virus? NOT What You Are Told !!!!!

April 17, 2020
By Love Angel, Guest Writer – Operation Disclosure

Viruses are not what you are told. The VIRUS is part of the natural mechanisms of cells. People get sick from other factors. The virus is there because you get sick. It is NOT what makes you sick.

The virus is part of the communication mechanism between cells. They contain genetic material in a protein capsule and they have receptors on top that bind the cells. Cells, especially dying cells, produce it to warn other cells that there is high toxicity in the environment and that they are all going to be in a state of conservation.

So a cell that for any reason receives a poisonous signal triggers an alarm, what we call "a virus," to warn others. If the toxicity is greater than a certain range, many cells will secrete what is known as the "virus," which is also a cellular mechanism for secreting or removing internal toxicity. THIS additional toxicity causes the secretion of this cellular exo-substance that humans call "viruses"

The virus has two main factors;

1. Give the alarm to other cells and also provide genetic information about the nature of the alarm Separate the accumulated toxicity within to try to survive. So when a cell gets into a poisonous state, like the cells in a person's throat, for example, the throat will begin to secrete what people call the flu virus. It is the result of the problem, not the cause.

Their mucous membranes secrete that toxicity, removing stuff that the body doesn't need. So those secretions come with coughing and sneezing and are packed with what people call "viruses" which we translate into exogenous cellular secretions. So an affected person begins to excrete that toxicity and begins a chain reaction to the warning for the EXO gene.

In Wuhan, people saw a lot of toxicity, their bodies got sick, so they did their "study" and found the so-called "virus," which are only ALARM SIGNALS activated between cells due to high environmental toxicity.

The alleged tests only look for pieces of genetic material that can come from a long list of factors. If you have those genetic factors, the test will be positive, so for example you have a serious liver problem, it will likely turn out that you also have Covic 19.

They developed a very basic test to detect certain proteins that are the cellular eco gene secretion and if someone has more than a certain number of them, you have covid 19! Even when people are under a lot of stress, they too excrete more exo-gen! A virus is nothing more than an alarm signal with information about what happens and why the alarm occurs.

It is a natural process of the body and cells and a crucial part of the immune system.

2. THEY (BIG Pharma) CANNOT make antiviral medicines or vaccines. That's a joke !!!!!! This 'ALARM' signal does not affect a person who is NOT under the conditions that the genetic material of the eco gene carries with them.

For example, EBOLA causes the signal of a vitamin C deficiency. Only people with a severe deficiency of Vitamin C can get Ebola. So the “alarm signal” will only get a response from people who are also deficient in vitamin C.

So simply put: when a person is a match for the alarm system, the cells will respond. The body will say; "Hey, I'm toxic too, let's excrete all toxins." "You will develop mucus to excrete the toxins, you may become a little weak, but it doesn't bother you. If your immune system is not strong, only then will it go wrong.

Many thanks to Swaruu & Senetre of Erra for clearing this up! We have been bombarded with chemtrails, GMO foods, parasites, and high toxin foods. As a result, our bodies may be ARE "activated" to defend themselves. Many people suffer from "toxin secretion" and our immune systems aren't up to the task.


While the body is in a state of alarm, other opportunistic organisms benefiting from a weak immune system, bacteria, staphylococci, candida, etc. that were previously in equilibrium with the body are now infiltrating.

Most of us, unfortunately, suffer from a weak immune system, because our bodies are flooded with parasites. This is why hydroxychloroquine & azithromycin may work well for those who get sick, even if you don't have COVID-19. It kills PARASITES and gives your immune system a fair chance.

It is therefore clear to me that when we all wear mouth masks, we cannot catch the “alarm,” or Virus so we cannot use our immune system and as such remain more vulnerable to the virus in the future. Our bodies need to get the alarm, so we can start putting our immune system to work. No vaccines can top that task!

I also think it would be more sensible to teach people how to boost one’s immune system. We also need high doses of Vit D to stay strong. So staying inside is very bad for us. People get more sick in winter, not from the cold, we just don’t get our good doses of Vitamin D in winter. This is my opinion only.

Listen people, be well, be happy, and work on pampering your immune systems. Laughing also boosts your systems up!


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Insidious Evil of Mandatory "Social Distancing"
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