Insidious Evil of Mandatory "Social Distancing"
From the beginning of the Bill Gates virus planned-emic hoax, I have maintained that weak minded order followers would be our biggest problem.
Weak minded order followers never look at the facts behind the order, or think through the results of obeying an order.
Weak minded order followers willfully follow directives, simply because the directive did not come from themselves.
Weak minded order followers take 'conventional wisdom', and MSM media lies as the gospel truth.
To weak minded order followers, it is 'trendy' to believe in the Bill Gates virus scam.
At this juncture, in this act of the great Bill Gates virus scam power play, despots from all walks of the power structure are taking full advantage weak minded schleps who will do anything they can to avoid taking personal responsibility as a Human Being for the actions they take, or actions they refuse to take.
City mayors and state governors are instituting snitch lines for weak minded order followers to report other Human Beings who are not following 'Social Distancing' guidelines.
Low IQ, order following LEO's are arresting mothers for swinging their babies on a swing at the park.
Low IQ, order following LEOs are arresting people for not wearing a mask on their face in public.
Weak minded, order following department store owners -
- who's private sector businesses are "allowed" to remain open by non-producing tyrannical despot parasites in positions of power -
- are endorsing the idiocy of division by blaring intellectually insulting messages of Bill Gates virus fear porn, and mandatory social distancing over their loudspeakers 24/7.
It is not the Bill Gates virus that is toxic.
The toxicity is in the brain of the order follower, who then lambastes their own infection into the minds of other weak minded order followers, while the mushroom of stupid expands exponentially.
“Scan Your Code!” — Dystopian Post-Lockdown ‘Normal’ In Wuhan Enforced By ‘Anti-Virus Patrols’
If I were Bill Gates, and I needed to decide whom was most eligible to be injected with my micro chip tracking vaccine, I would pick the individuals who will not voluntarily wear a mask in public, and those who refuse to practice social distancing.
Weak minded order followers who are presently choosing to wear a mask in public,
- or practicing social distancing as a preventative measure to alleviate the effects of fear porn they have been fed from other weak minded order followers, -
- are already mind controlled zombies - who have no need for the Bill Gates micro chip tracking vaccine.
From a medical point of view, any real physician worth their salt, will tell you that quarantine, isolation, and social distancing is the absolute worst way to combat any virus.
Any real physician will tell you that guidelines set forth from the CDC and WHO pertaining to the Bill Gates virus scam -
-are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is required to maintain a healthy, living, organism.
From a Human point of view, mandatory social distancing is simply an ugly and insidious evil.
Fear porn promoters have weak minded order followers divided from their friends, and from their community.
Fear porn promoters have weak minded order followers divided from their own family members.
The Human family is the backbone of Humanity itself.
Human Beings are designed to interact with each other.
There is strength in numbers, and unity is our strength.
The enemies of the Human Race are well aware that a divided house cannot stand, and mandatory social distancing is yet another divide and conquer technique to further demoralize Human interaction or unified Human relationships.
Now, the weak minded order followers will be forced to take responsibility for their own existence - like it or not.
The weak minded order followers will be held responsible for contributing to the demise of their own existence as a Human Being.
The low IQ order followers, the politicians, the bankers, the doctors, the medical mafia, the media talking heads, big pharma profiteers, the low IQ Leo's who arrest Human Beings for being Human, all the private sector morons endorsing the evil of 'Social Distancing' -
- are well on their way to having the shit kicked out of them by the Human Race.
Mark my words.