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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 6-Apr-2015 17:42:51

Hi, Folks -

Found at


4-6-15 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good evening, TNT! Today is Monday, April 6, 2015 at 3.30 Central time. For those who need to know, DC is not here. He’s been tied up in meetings. Whatever he’s doing has to be important.

This will be a brief call to clear up the nonsense. Everybody, all around the world, was expecting this to go on Sunday. A bunch of people are highly upset after bank briefings over the weekend, on Easter, expecting something to happen. There are bank personnel at work right now, trying to figure out when this didn’t happen. Iraqi television is still saying that stage four will come to an end in the next few days. People we are talking to in Baghdad still have not received their money, but they have relatives in other parts of the country who have received theirs. Baghdad will be last to receive, and then it will be announced.

We are on the doorstep and someone needs to kick in the door. Nobody knows why they keep ramping this up and it doesn’t go. I don’t know what the actual reason is. Things are getting tighter and tighter as people are being threatened with their job security. Someone is now saying this will go to June, it’s another couple of months before we see this. They are trying to tie this in with the Iran deal. It could be a coincidence that it was supposed to got 31. March, the same day as the Iran deal… I don’t know.

More and more people are finding out about this, including bank managers, with articles and all the rest, all the banking laws that makes it transparent, that they can wait another two months?? IN the outskirts of Iraq they have given money and they keep saying it will end in another few months? I don’t see how that can happen. I don’t see how they could come right to the brink and then say it will take another two months. A lot of things would have to change, and I think we would hear about it. We have people with appointments over the weekend, and throughout this week; unless they shut them all down again, this thing is getting closer, and that is what we want: for it to continue to got and more people getting paid.

I’m not going to drag you through a whole lot of stuff. We are at the 1” line, we are banging on the door. We are one thing away from this happening. I did get another window of time from Iraq. They are highly upset about this weekend because most thought this was going. Everyone is just waiting. Typically, we try to get information for Monday, and get a flood after the call. If we find out for a fact that it will be two more months, we will tell you so. I do know that Iran has a lot of dinar – it was smuggled in one way and another. The US knows that, everyone knows that, and that it is why a lot of laws were put in place to prevent that money being smuggled back into Iraq. There is nothing that says we have to make a deal with Iran. Is Iraq not going to do it if there is not a deal?

The actual RV has already been done for some weeks; we are just waiting for an announcement. There is no bad news apart from the fact it didn’t happen on Sunday like we expected. A lot of good people were at work and it didn’t happen. If it takes another day or week, we’ll live with that. But there is an end point. I met with some TNT people over the weekend, and I told them what I tell everyone else: I don’t care what happens in your life at this point. Fifteen minutes I talked to someone who had their car repossessed; another person’s house is up for sale on the 15th, and someone else lost their job. Bad things happen in life, but do NOT get rid of your currency. Dinar is your saving grace at this point, and you would not be able to get it back. I would sit in my house with no lights or running water, but wouldn’t sell my dinar, because that is my only way back.

On Iraqi television, they are saying that the end of their economic crisis is coming in the next few days. I know that there are only four phases, not phases 5, 6 or 7, so we are coming to the end of this process.

I did say that I would tell you how to get on the early list. Pam had a great idea, and DC agrees, but… we will try to see if we can make it just a little while longer before we upset the apple cart. I’m not sure it would actually get you on the list, but it would make sure a lot of people know you exist, at least until DC is on the call.

There is a question about the 50 dinar notes, which expire on the 15th. That is just a week from now.

Pam: Someone asked about 25K notes, and those coincide with the 25 dinar notes, when they take out the three zeroes. There is no issue with the 25K notes. If you have 50 dinar notes, see if the dealers will exchange them for other notes, because after the 15th they will be worthless.

585, did I answer all your questions? No 585? Okay.

954 caller: Have the rates changed, particularly the dong?

Tony: The rates have not changed; the viewing of the rates has changed. The rates were live and all were showing, then they reduced it down to one. Some people cannot see them because adjustments are being made – not higher/lower, but live or not live.

707 caller: Can I use a currency dealer to exchange rather than the banks?

Tony: It sounds like you have another option most people don’t have. If they can give you the same rate or a better rate, great!

Caller: I don’t know what his rate or fees will be because he doesn’t know what the criteria will be.

Tony: I have no idea how this dealer will work. Your concern should be how competitive he is to banks, what he can offer you. Can he help you with perks, business opportunities? You have to look at that.

Caller: He seems to have unlimited resources?

Tony: His money will have to come from some bank or treasury or Federal Reserve somewhere. IF the banks are saying they don’t have enough money to do this, where is his money coming from? You need to have him show you how it works. If the main five banks say that they cannot handle it. If he can, I’d love to know how. If they cannot do it, I don’t see how he can do it, not with cash. I would want to fully understand that before I got with him, especially if that means you lose out on the banking perks.

281 caller: Can you clarify about the notes you talked about?

Tony: We were talking about the 50 dinar note that expires on April 15, and also the 25K dinar note, that there is not an issue with at this time. They are supposed to run for two years, but they will not last that long because everyone will exchange them well before that two years runs out.

410 caller: You mentioned a new timeline; does that start immediately?

Tony: Yes, it starts immediately and it can go at any moment. The 50 dinar note expires on the 15th, but we don’t have to wait that long. It doesn’t make sense to me that they would wait for two months to see if Iran lives up to what they said.

Caller: You say that these are very smart people, and they have always known that the 50 dinar note expires on the 15th, so I cannot see why they would pin it on that, especially with Abadi explaining this to the people of Iraq.

Tony: The Iraqi people know it’s right there, and they are getting antsy. Iraqi television in the US has been announcing it, too. The people there are getting frustrated, and so Abadi has already been through all the promises. At some point, they are going to say ‘enough is enough’, and nobody wants to get to that point. It upsets everything they have accomplished in the last 8-9 months. They are kicking on the door, and they have got to be saying “Someone has to let this go!” When it didn’t happen over the weekend, Abadi has to face his people on Monday morning, just like us.

Caller: I believe and agree with what you are saying. We have to be a little confused for a while, and then it won’t matter anyway.

Tony: On the 15th of April, the 50 dinar note will expire, so make sure you take care of that.

972 caller: People who are getting appointments for tomorrow, is there any common thread or pattern about who is getting them or not?

Tony: The only thing I can tell you about that, is that they have to know who you are and how much you have, which means you have submitted through one of the groups, or you bought dinar through one of the banks so that they know you have it. That’s the only thing we have seen so far.

I said the 50 dinar note expires on 15th April.

Caller: You’re saying everyone is frustrated or mad. I understand why we poor folks are frustrated, but why would the countries be mad?

Tony: Let’s say you are a county eating rice and drinking muddy water 12 times a week, and let’s say your currency is changing in this reset, then that is going to make a huge change: your people can eat better food, drink clean water, buy clothes, etc. They are not the five power countries that are making this decision, these are the poorer countries that are pleading to let this go. Some 190 countries are involved in this. The G-20 also have plans and made promises and it’s still not coming.

Caller: So it’s not the G-20 folks?

Tony: This is supposed to be a short call. I’m feeling good.

Ray: I’m feeling gooder! Continue to enjoy this Marvelous Monday because Terrific Tuesday is coming in the morning.

Pam: I’m feeling goodest. If I felt any better, I’d be younger and better looking, and Spook agrees with me. I’m hanging in there and hope they are as well.

Tony: It was very quiet this weekend because everyone was told it was finally coming through. A lot of people sat that their desks over Easter because that’s what they were told, and others were told to expect a lot of new clients this week. What’s good is that this is closer to when it will happen. Every time Abadi goes to another province saying it is coming, that is helpful to us, because it’s getting closer and closer.

Any time we know that DC is not on a call with us, we know that something is really going on that he will have to explain on the next call. Everything is good, no negative. They are pushing this out. I don’t see how it can possibly last for another two months, not matter what others say. Today is the 6th, and It is still a good time, this week. The bankers are still there, people are still having appointments this week, and that is good for us. Have a good day, and I’ll talk to you on Wednesday.


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Monday, 6-Apr-2015 17:42:51
Reader: "Tony sounds as perplexed as the rest of us and that isn't good."
hobie -- Monday, 6-Apr-2015 19:44:10

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