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So God's "Martial Law" is declared all of a sudden tonight? At 1:37? AND REDCOATS BURN WASHINGTON D.C TONIGHT?....WTF?

Posted By: FrancisDrake
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23

For news from the Middle East front, do have a look at Elefteria's post last night:

Tonight around sunset is the same in the ultra-prophet "Mayan Calendar" 260-day cycle as Wednesday afternoon August 24, 1814 when British Redcoats zestfully torched Washington D.C., including the White House. Not only was that afternoon a multiple of 260 days ago, it was a multiple of 360 days ago as well, being 16×4680 days ago and 4680 =13×360=18×260.

That church fire in Philadelphia which began at about 1:37 p.m. CDT Tuesday August 27, 2019 was likely a 48-hour Omen, or a 2.5-day Omen, foreshadowing something at 1:37 p.m. CDT this afternoon, or at 1:37 a.m. CDT tonight...we'll see.

As I stated in my last post of Monday August 26, 2019 at 7:29 a.m. CDT, the next day Tuesday August 27, 2019 was the same in the prophetic 260-day cycle as when the Jewish Second Temple burned Monday August 4, 70 A.D. (Gregorian Calendar).


For an example of the 4680 days "in action", The Chernobyl power plant Explosion of 1:24 a.m. local time Saturday April 26, 1986 was followed 4680 days later by the Hawthorn Power Plant Explosion which shook the earth for miles around at 12:31 a.m. local time Wednesday February 17, 1999:
Incidentally tomorrow afternoon at 4:24 p.m. CDT Friday August 30, 2019 is a prophetic 12180 days (29×420 days) since the Chernobyl nuclear disaster began, and tomorrow morning is 62 (26+36) times 420 days since Israel declared Statehood at 9:00 a.m. CDT Friday May 14, 1948...700 days after Don J. Trump was born Friday June 14, 1946...the Chernobyl disaster was 40×364 days (56×260) after DJT was born and the JFK assassination was 17.5×364 days (24.5×260 days) after DJT was born.

The massive earthquake in Challis Idaho at 9:06 a.m. CDT October 28, 1983 was 20×364 days (28×260) after JFK was shot...
...and tomorrow is 17×770 days since that earthquake and is 48.5×420 days since the JFK assassination and tomorrow morning around 11:00 a.m. EDT is 26740 days (191×140) since Trump was born. Senator John McCain died 370 days ago tomorrow evening, or 20,000.00 days after Senator-turned President JFK died and 740 days ago (2×370 days ago) when DJT was 26,000 days old the USS John McCain warship collided with another ship at 4:24 p.m. August 20, 2017 or exactly 44×260 days after the Chernobyl disaster began at 4:24 p.m. CDT Friday April 25, 1986.

So what happened 420 days ago tonight at 11:00 p.m. CDT July 5-6, 2018, you might ask?

The U.S. Trade War with China began with U.S. Tariffs imposed...


...Friday July 6, 2018 was 60,000.00 days since Britain and France declared war on Russia Tuesday March 28, 1854 in the bizarre Crimean Conflict. (Do you know what that war was fought over? No? Check it out, the bit about who should have control of Jerusalem's holy sites:

I didn't really know about this major earthquake in Crimea at 5:16 p.m. CDT on Sunday September 11, 1927 until just now, it happened 33590 days ago this afternoon at 5:16 p.m. CDT:
A moderate quake occurred off the coast of Northern California at 5:16 p.m. CDT Monday January 6, 1997 or 25320 days later (120×211), I don't feel like explaining it though.

In the Twentieth and 21st Centuries, September 11 equals AUGUST 29TH in the Julian Calendar. August 29th in the Julian Calendar is when John the Baptist was slain on orders of his nominal friend Herod Antipas, 1989 years ago, in 30 A.D.

1955×364 days later (2737×260 days after August 29, 30 A.D.) the U.S. withdrew formal recognition of Taiwan in order to extend formal diplomatic recognition of Communist China, on Monday January 1, 1979.

The U.S.-China Trade War began 55.5×260 days later, late on July 5, 2018. The incredibly powerful North Sumatra/Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami of 7:59 p.m. CDT Saturday night December 25-26, 2004 was twice 55.5 years (111 years) since Mao Zedong was born December 26, 1893, and was half 52×365 days (9490 days=36.5×260 days) after Monday night January 1, 1979 when an historic quake shook Los Angeles at 6:15 p.m. CDT during the Rose Bowl Football Game:

The Trade War with China began 19×260 days after the Great Sumatra Megaquake of December 25-26, 2004.

The U.S.-China Trade war began 7020 days (19.5×360 or 27×260 days) after this here Hawaii earthquake: T

As I have often pointed out, December 25, 2004 at 7:59 p.m. CDT was eight times 260 days after a major earthquake struck Hawaii at 7:56 p.m. CDT Friday April 16, 1999....eight years before the Virginia Tech massacre was conducted April 16, 2007 by a lone Korean-American....

That Hawaii quake was 7440 days ago tonight (3×31×80 days ago) and Communist China's current leader was born 24180 days ago yesterday (3×31×260)

Again, a major earthquake struck Hawaii twelve minutes before Britain handed over Hong Kong to China at midnight local time beginning Tuesday July 1, 1997. (The quake occurred at 10:48 a.m. CDT Monday June 30th)

When a Chinese general threatened nuclear warfare against the U.S. in comments made Thursday July 14, 2005, another historic quake struck Hawaii at that same aforementioned time of 10:48 a.m. CDT, Friday July 15, 2005.

Incidentally, that Thursday July 14, 2005 was 5160 days before tomorrow August 30, 2019, or four times the Biblical prophecy cycle of 1290 days which appears to maybe refer to nuclear war "From the suppression of the 'Eternal Flame' in the Temple [which represents things like Freedom, Free Will, Freedom of Choice, Belief and Covenant-keeping] until the Horrible Destroyer is unleashed (The "A-Bomb in-nation" which makes desolate) shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days (1290 days)...Happy and Specifically Blessed is whomever waits until the 1335 days is up.

That prophecy about the 1290 and 1335 days was given by the Archangel Uriel assisted by Gabriel, to Daniel on Friday April 6, 535 B.C. or 932,610 days ago, this coming Tuesday October 29, 2019--ninety years since "Black Tuesday" U.S. Stock Market collapse Tuesday October 29, 1929--will be 932,670 days or 723×1290 days since the 1290 Days prophecy was given.
Anyway, I just realized again for the first time in about 30 years: JFK was assassinated 181 times 2×7×360 (5040) days after Friday April 6, 535 B.C.!

Compare that with the fact that Princess Diana was killed (in a car wreck) at 5:20 p.m. CDT Saturday August 30, 1997 exactly 181×4680 days (and remember, 4680=13×360 or 18×260) after Alexander the Great died Wednesday night June 8, 323 B.C. and Marilyn Monroe died 181 days after Jean Dixon saw a celebrity female stabbed to death in her vision of Monday February 5, 1962...

Remember I pointed out tomorrow morning at 9:06 a.m. is 17×770 days since the Borah Peak Idaho quake of October 28, 1983? This afternoon at 5:32 p.m. CDT is 770 days since a deadly earthquake and Tsunami which shook the island of Patmos off southwestern Turkey, where John the Apostle received the Book of Revelation vision in the first century A.D... hit at 5:32 p.m. CDT Thursday July 20, 2017 or 48 years after man reportedly landed on the Moon at 3:18 p.m. CDT Sunday July 20, 2017 and the next day Friday July 21, 2017 was 2560×364 days (3584×260 days) since the huge prophecy was given Daniel by the angel Friday April 6, 535 B.C.

Oh, which reminds me: Iraq invaded Kuwait after 5:00 p.m. CDT Wednesday August 1, 1990 (after 2:00 a.m. August 2, local time) which was 2526×365 days after the prophecy of Friday April 6, 535 B.C.:

Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded Kuwait 29.5 times 360 days ago tonight and Saddam Hussein's Iraq invaded Iran to start the Iran-Iraq War on Monday September 22, 1980 which was 39.5 times 360 days ago today. (Thus exactly 3600 days lie between the invasion of Iraq in 1980 and the invasion of Kuwait in 1990).

The last time China invaded Taiwanese territory was Monday night January 17, 1955 at 7:00 p.m. CDT, or 23600 days ago tonight, that is 400×59 days ago tonight and Iraq invaded Kuwait 180×59 days ago tonight.

Speaking of 1335 days, that is five times the human gestation period of 260 and seven days (267 days). There is a biblical prophecy in Ezekiel involving the 267-count which pinpoints Sunday August 29, 1897, that's when the First Jewish Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland.

70×364 days later, Israeli Air Force surprise-attacked Egypt, Syria, Jordan and even Iraq to start the Six-Day War on the morning of Monday June 5, 1967, or 53×360 days ago tomorrow midnight CDT August 30-31, 2019.

Tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. CDT is 26040 days since Israel declared Statehood at 4:00 p.m. local time Friday May 14, 1948.

26040 days is a DOOZIE! It is a multiple of the aforementioned (3×31)×280 and is 62×420 or 542.5×48.

What's remarkable about it is the major revelation to Ezekiel contained in Chapters 20-23 was given Saturday night July 27-28, 590 B.C. and 26040 days later a very major revelation was given to Zechariah, Chapters 7-14 of the Book of Zechariah were received beginning Saturday night November 11-12, 519 B.C.

The clincher is that American prophet Archie Johnson Inger, who authored the "Revealed Translation of John's Revelation", lived [on earth] for exactly 26040 days, from Sunday June 17, 1883 to Sunday October 3, 1954.

Tomorrow is day 78th/260 "13 Blade" and tomorrow the Great and Dreadful 79th/260 "1 Rainstorm". The date "1 Rainstorm" is mysteriously depicted on the Aztec Calendar: One dot and a depiction of Tlaloc the Rainstorm Angel's head, see at the bottom left? Across from the depiction of a monkey's head and seven dots ("7 Artisan" the 111th/260)

My eyebrow raised sky-high when I realized that the original twelve U.S. Bill of Rights were finalized by U.S. Congress on day "1 Rainstorm" September 24, 1789 and ratified and implemented on day "7 Monkey" Thursday December 15, 1791! That is SOME shit!

At least five great Era Shifts happened on day "1 Rainstorm" (which can also be noted as "1/79"), and tomorrow promises to see another one:

1. The Seleucid Calendar and thus the Seleucid Era began Monday night October 3-4, 312 B.C., or 850,980 days (3273×260 days) before tomorrow evening August 30-31, 2019. This is the Era to which the prophecy in Daniel 8:14 about a 2300-year period, refers.

2. 2300 years after the Seleucid Era began was the last week of September 1989 and the first week or so of October 1989: I had a dream after midnight Saturday October 7, 1989 which showed a piece of paper upon which was written: "The 2300 years are fulfilled today." Later that day Mikhail Gorbachev met with East Germany's Communist Dictator Erich Honecher and refused to help him staunch the rising tide of emigrants from nasty commie East Germany...the Berlin Wall came down the next month, and Germany reunited on October 3, 1990.
Hey! What is the meaning of this: East German Dictator Honecker died May 29, 1994 and LDS Church Dictator Ezra Taft Benson died the next day:

3. The Julian Calendar was implemented by Julius Caesar beginning Friday January 1, 45 B.C. (Julian Calendar...equals Friday December 30, 46 B.C., Gregorian Calendar). Thursday December 31, 46 B.C. (the last day of pre-Julian Calendrical systems) was day "1 Rainstorm" "1/79", the 79th day of the 260-day round and was 374×260 days after the Seleucid Era began late Monday October 3, 312 B.C.

4. The U.S. Congress created the U.S. Bill of Rights and submitted them to the U.S. States for ratification on Friday September 25, 1789 which was 1840×364 days or 2576×260 days since the Julian Calendar began Friday January 1, 45 B.C. Amazing!

5. 200×364 days since the U.S. Bill of Rights were created was Friday January 20, 1989 when George Herbert Walker Bush was inaugurated, ending the Reagan era and beginning the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama Era.....

6. 200 regular years later I had that "Blow Loan 48 Hours Dream" on Monday morning September 25, 1989 and the next week began a new dispensation, to where a law even more respectful of human rights and human dignity and freedom than the U.S. Bill of Rights began to come in: The "law" of living by guidance of one's conscience by the Holy Spirit, the "Angel of YHWH's Presence" mentioned in Exodus 23:20 through the end of that chapter.

The ideal society or civilization is one where both leadership and laity are guided by the Holy Spirit, simple as that. For six thousand years mankind has predominantly wanted to experiment with alternatives to that ideal, and so God has let 'em. But now at long last the "proud" and self-exalting are being outvoted, and idols and ideals which block the Desire of All Nations instead of welcoming Him, are burning, as per Malachi Chapter 4's description of the Third Thousand years since Christ which is roughly the same as the Seventh thousand years since Adam and Eve.

Well blimey, this is one of those occasions where I still have a lot to explain about this evening and tomorrow in prophetic time cycles, but I have run out of time, there are other things I must tend to.

In closing I want to mention this earthquake at 7:17 p.m. CDT Tuesday July 30, 2002 or 6240 days (24×260) before Friday August 30, 2019 at 7:17 p.m. CDT:

Have a Great Day!😊

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So God's "Martial Law" is declared all of a sudden tonight? At 1:37? AND REDCOATS BURN WASHINGTON D.C TONIGHT?....WTF?
FrancisDrake -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23
Earthquake M 6.3 - Cascadia subduction zone off coast of Oregon - 2019-08-29 15:07:59 UTC
NaturalWisdom -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23
DUTCHSINSE: 8/29/2019 -- Large M6.4 (M6.3) Earthquake off W. Coast USA / Oregon -- DIRECT FORECAST AREA HIT [VIDEO]
NaturalWisdom -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23
Thanks...BIGGEST EARTHQUAKE THERE IN 12 YEARS!...Oregon Coast quakes can indicate coups or surprise attacks elsewhere in the world...
FrancisDrake -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23

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