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Posted By: FrancisDrake
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:23

The working title of this post was:

"Heya...I predicted yesterday's midair collision....why this may be important to you..."

A helicopter and an ultra-light plane collided over the Inca Hospital in Mallorca Spain yesterday Sunday August 25, 2019 at 7:36 a.m. CDT (1:36 p.m. local time), all seven passengers of the two aircraft perished.

This is important to you dear reader because I'm your BOY! I'm your own personal RMN predicterboy! Heh, just kidding. I will explain as I go along how it is that historic plane collisions may be important to you.

Midair plane collisions obviously represent what happens when two powers share the same exact trajectory, the same airspace, or as the ancient Chinese adage states: "Two tigers can't live atop the same mountain in peace".

In my post Friday I wrote:


"Tonight is 97×401×24 days since the fall of Babylon and last night was a multiple of 252 and 24 days since the passage of the Bill of Rights, 83160 days being 13.75×252×24....Tomorrow [Saturday August 24, 2019] is the 24th of August (see the .24?) and is day 73 of the prophetic 260-day cycle (see the .73?), the "great and dreadful" day "8 Reed" or "8 Scorpio" upon which these events happened in the past:


*Communist Bolsheviks siezed control of Russia beginning November 7, 1917.

*Nazi elite settle on the "Final Solution" for Jews and other minorities or dissidents January 20, 1942.

*Worst mid-air collision of passenger jets November 12, 1996, over India. Massive earthquake in Peru that day.
> ..."

About a month after the U.S. Navy Vincennes accidentally shot down an Iranian airliner July 3, 1988, I had a dream which said World War III was spiritually/symbolically comparable to "the world's worst plane crash." I then researched what were to date the worst plane crashes in American or world history.

1. The deadliest aviation accident in history was the collision of two airliners at Tenerife airport in the Canary Islands about 12:08 p.m. CDT Sunday March 27, 1977, 583 deaths.

2. The deadliest plane collision in U.S. history was the midair collision between a small plane (Cessna) and an airliner over San Diego at 11:02 a.m. CDT the morning of Monday September 25, 1978, 142 deaths.

(Hmm, that Wikipedia article links to a description of a similar midair collision Wednesday July 19, 1967 over Hendersonville North Carolina, 82 were killed.

The time of that crash is startling to me: 11:59:45 a.m. local time (EDT)...Reminds me, the same day as the world's worst midair collision Tuesday November 12, 1996 also occurred a powerful earthquake among the "ancient airfields(?)" of Nazca Peru at 11:59:45 a.m. local time (CDT)....

Anyway, July 19, 1967 was two years before the Chappaquiddick car accident assassinated Ted Kennedy's chances of being elected U.S. President, and was one ultra-prophetic cycle of 260 days before Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated Thursday evening April 4, 1968. Apparently plane crashes can be omens foreshadowing the end of a political career or era, I know earthquakes certainly are.

3. Deadliest Airliner crash in U.S. History prior to 9/11/2001 was the Flight 191 crash at O'Hare Airport in Chicago at about 3:00 p.m. CDT Friday May 25, 1979, 273 were killed.
See also

Interesting to me, May 25, 1979 was day 192nd/260, and six times 260 days later on September 1, 1983 Soviet warplanes shot down a Korean Airliner.

The Delta Airlines Flight 191 crashed Friday evening August 2, 1985 at 6:06 p.m. CDT and six times 260 days later, the Berlin Wall came open about 4:30 p.m. CDT Thursday evening November 9, 1989. By the way, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated Friday evening April 14, 1865 or 125×260 days (175×260 days) before Friday November 10, 1989, and 85×360 days before Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated Tuesday January 30, 1948.

Five years after the world's worst midair collision of passenger jets, Flight 587 crashed in New York City on Monday November 12, 2001 at 10:17 a.m. CDT, which was the same day Taleban-held Kabul Afghanistan fell to Allied invasion, and that day was 2320×364 days (3248×260) after the Seleucid Era began Monday October 3, 312 B.C. which was 374×360 days before the Julian Calendar began January 1, 45 B.C. which was 1840×364 days (2576×260) before the U.S. Congress created and formally submitted the Bill of Rights to the various states for ratification, on Friday September 25, 1789...2326 years after Babylon fell on Friday September 25, 538 B.C...whew!

...200 years after Friday September 25, 1789, I had that "48 Hours Blow Loan" Dream which referred to an aviation disaster as symbolism of Babylon's fall in our daily lives: In short, when you receive enlightenment from God and comply with it, you yank some wind from beneath the wings of spiritual Babylon, which thrives on the delusion that mankind needs only fellow humans and devils to succeed, that one doesn't need God and revelation from God to survive and thrive. Wanna stab at at Lucifer the King of Babylon? Then receive revelation from Father in Heaven and his angels, and obey what you receive. "By belief and obedience the Curse is lifted" and "By prayer and study Satan will have no power over you" said the angel to a guy.

("Braniff Files for Bankruptcy" Sept. 28, 1989)

Now, yesterday's midair collision in the Mediterranean involved a helicopter. On Tuesday September 17, 1991 I had a very brief dream which showed a drawing of a crashed helicopter and beneath it the words SURPRISE ATTACK!!! --meaning, I presume, that a helicopter crash somewhere in the world could be an omen for surprise attack elsewhere in the world.

Come to think of it, the circumstances of "Black Hawk Down" October 3-4, 1993 was 2304 years (48×48 years) after the Seleucid Era began October 3-4, 312 B.C. and twenty years after the modern state of Israel was surprise attacked by Syria and Egypt on Saturday October 6, 1973.

The "Black Hawk Down" debacle began with the U.S. invasion of Somalia on Wednesday December 9, 1992, which was 106×260 days since Tuesday June 26, 1917 when 14,000 U.S. troops arrived in France to help in World War I, the first such troops to arrive in France en masse.

"The first Marines of UNITAF landed on the beaches of Somalia on 9 December 1992 amid a media circus. The press "seemed to know the exact time and place of the Marines' arrival" and waited on the airport runway and beaches to capture the moment...."

26.0 years after December 9, 1992 was Sunday December 9, 2018 which was 260 days ago today, today Monday August 26, 2019 and last December 9 are the day "10 Eagle", the 75th day of the 260-day cycle, corresponding to the Hebrew letter "Shin" (Eagle's Wing) and the planet Pluto and the Element of Fire.
136 years ago tonight, Krakatoa Volcano erupted cataclysmically. Sunday August 26, 1883 was not only 689,000 days (2650×260 days) since John the Baptist ("John the Immerser") was born Wednesday March 26, 4 B.C. (and thus his birthday in the 260-day count, "10 Wind"), it was the anniversary of his death in the "regular" 365.2422-day cycle/year, John the Baptist was beheaded probably around 12:30 a.m. local time Monday night August 26-27, 30 A.D. (Gregorian Calendar).... 1853 years before Krakatau blew its' top to symbolize the power of God's love and light when he deploys those as described in the Book of Joel and Isaiah Chapter 30 to name a few) ... And 1989 years ago tonight (17×9×13 years ago tonight) John the Baptist was beheaded on orders of his friend Herod, on Herod's birthday.
Jesus described his cousin John as the most intelligent man who ever lived, which is easy to figure, considering that in heavenly realms John the Baptist is known as the Archangel Uriel, the Angel of the East, angel of the planet Uranus and compared to "the Rising Sun" in the sheer volume of light which he brings, read how Daniel describes a visit by Uriel on Friday afternoon April 6, 535 B.C:
"Only I, Daniel, saw this vision. The men with me saw nothing, but they were suddenly terrified and ran away to hide..."

Why did Jesus say that he that is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than John the Baptist/Uriel? Because he with the least egoism in the kingdom of heaven is Jesus Christ, who is only half it? I've read hilarious misinterpretations of that verse which say that as "great" a prophet John the Baptist was, even the most doltish in the Kingdom of Heaven is smarter than he. LOL!

Tonight is 711,880 days (2×26×37×370 days) since the Second Temple was burned beginning in the evening of Sunday August 3-4, 70 A.D. (Gregorian Calendar), or 39.5×364 days after Jesus of Nazareth incurred eventual arrest by storming that Temple on Sunday afternoon March 23, 31 A.D. and overturning the moneychangers' tables...and setting free the birds they were selling to sacrifice.

Interestingly, John the Baptist was beheaded 624×360 days (864×260 days) after Solomon's Temple burned Friday night August 11-12, 586 B.C... 2540×364 days (3556×260 days) after Solomon's Temple was torched, a catastrophic earthquake struck Japan at 2:19 p.m. CDT Friday December 20-21, 1946.
I feel like urging you to pay attention at this point, but I reckon if you've made it this far into the post, you are definitely paying attention already...
When I visited the Jordan River in Israel and fasted, studied scripture and prayed, John the Baptist came to me in a dream on the morning of Wednesday September 21, 1983 (Caesar Augustus' 2046th birthday...Octavius was born Wednesday September 21, 63 B.C., Gregorian Calendar) and said "Now is the Time/The Time is Now/Millions will come up/And Millions will come down!"....then reference was made to a historic decapitation, reference was made to thevfact that when one accepts the mind of Christ, he or she is "beheading" selfishness and delusion.

...a big earthquake hit offshore Eastern Taiwan at 2:20 p.m. CDT that afternoon. Here are a number of 2:20 p.m. CDT earthquakes, Japan on 12/20/1946; Taiwan on 9/21/1983; Taiwan on 6/20/2018 or 71.5 yrs. after 12/20/1946; Hawaii on 11/23/2006...

This one at 4:20 p.m. CST not 2:20 p.m. CDT:

1955 times 364 days (2737×260 days) after John the Immerser was beheaded, the U.S. cut off formal recognition of Taiwan and established formal recognition of Communist China, Monday January 1, 1979.

Nevertheless, the U.S. would go to war with China if it were to decapitate and invade Taiwan.

See also:


Twenty times 364 days ago today (28×260 days ago today) at 12:47 p.m. CDT Monday September 20, 1999 a catastrophic earthquake struck Taiwan, it was 1:47 a.m. September 21 in Taiwan, or sixteen years after the Taiwan earthquake of September 21, 1983:

Again, 260 days ago today is Sunday December 9, 2018....the Taiwan earthquake that morning at 10:16 a.m. CDT was 27×260 days after the Great Quake of 9/20/1999 (USA Time Zones).

Twenty times 364 days (28×260 days) after John the Baptist visited me in that dream early Wednesday September 21, 1983, a notable earthquake struck Hawaii at 1:24 a.m. CDT on....Wednesday August 27, 2003, or 1973 years after John the Baptist was beheaded.

From Tuesday night August 26, 2003 to Thursday night April 24, 2019 at 8:07 p.m. CDT is 5720 days, or 22×260 days, in other words, the San Juan Bautista quake of last April 24th was 50×260 days or 13,000 days after San Juan Bautista visited me in a dream early September 21, 1983.

Lord Mountbatten was assassinated forty years ago tomorrow morning.

Pinnacles National Park experienced a swarm of quakes in the second half of August 2011, the largest was at 2:18 a.m. Saturday August 27, 2011, or eight years ago tonight.

99×260 days ago tonight at 11:51 p.m. local time (1:51 a.m. CDT Monday March 7, 1949) a "noisy" earthquake struck Salt Lake City Utah, at least one witness wondered if nuclear weapons were being used.

Oh my...there have been at least three unusual "felt" earthquakes "in diverse places" associated with biblical prophecy this morning....

Southern Lebanon and northern Israel (!)
magnitude 3.0, at 4:13 a.m. CDT.

Near Manchester, England in the U.K.(!)
Magnitude 2.9 at 2:31 a.m. CDT--

Northeast of Rome Italy at 1:51 and 2:24 a.m. CDT magnitudes 2.2 and 2.8--

New Madrid Missouri region quake, magnitude 2.2 at 12:01 a.m. CDT midnight:

That reminds me....61×260 days ago tonight, two historic jolts in the New Madrid Missouri region at 7:41 and 8:00 p.m. CDT Wednesday night March 24, 1976. That night happened to be exactly 60,000 days since the Great New Madrid Earthquake
of 3:15 a.m. CDT Monday December 16, 2019....

The film "Wizard of Oz" opened in U.S. theaters nationwide 80 years ago last night (4×20 years ago), on Friday night August 25, 1939. Check this out:

There, that's all for now.

Have a Great Day!😜

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