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Anna Von Reitz: "Bah, Humbug on the Democrats. And the Republicans."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Heads Up, State Department!" (hobie)

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Monday, July 1, 2019

Bah, Humbug on the Democrats. And the Republicans.

By Anna Von Reitz

They are both just political lobbies. Neither one are worth spitting on.

Think about it.

All you poor black and Hispanic and immigrant people out there, "your" political lobby has been largely controlling everything that goes on in Washington, DC, for decades. Decades.

And are you any better off? Really?

No, you are not. You are more isolated, more segregated, and worse off overall, if possible, than you were prior to and right after the Civil War. Strange, but true.

Back then, it was possible for a black man or woman to earn their freedom and enter into all the rights and privileges of a free and lawful Person. Black men even served as President of the United States (Corporation) long, long before Barack Obama.

But now, all people of color and all immigrants (since 1868) are automatically deemed to be slaves upholding the public debt -- that means lifetime servitude as a "14th Amendment citizen" without any possibility (so far as the Queen and her ilk and the Pope are concerned) of ever escaping this arbitrary (and as it turns out, fictional) political status.

Who would ever want to come to this country if they knew that little fact straight up front?

Oh, hello, you poor, you teeming masses..... welcome to the world's largest slave colony....right through this Golden Door.

Despite "your" political lobby, the Democrats, being in absolute control for decades --- the process of enslavement has only gotten worse, not better. This should give you cause to pause.

If the Democrats are your Political Lobby, and they have control --- in many cases having complete control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency for years at a time --- why are you all still in slave status, still either unemployed or being taxed to death, still struggling to gain privileges "conferred" on you by Congress called "Equal Civil Rights" instead of enjoying your Natural and Unalienable rights as Free Men and Women?

Great God Almighty, it's been over 150 years since these issues and a lot more, were supposed to be settled, done, and over. And your Party, your Political Lobbyists, have been in control most of the time ever since. How is this present situation even possible?

It's simple, once you look at it.

They've been selling you all a Big Fat Bill of Goods, promising one thing and delivering another, talking the talk and then, behind your backs, walking a whole different path.

It's not what they say, it's what they do.

And what they do is to stab working people, especially poor working people, in the back. What they do is to suck dry the middle class (once you make it that far) to fund welfare programs that they control and then use those programs to control and keep down the welfare recipients --- who are unemployed and dependent on the government because of the policies of the same Democrats.

They give away your money and labor to make themselves out as real good fellows and buy votes that way, while providing a princely sum of $300 a month in food stamps to a Widow with three little kids, no husband, and no job--- and waste the rest, billions upon billions of dollars--- paying off their party hacks and the labor unions and buying war machines.

Then they conscript your sons and daughters to run those war machines and teach you all to be very patriotic while at the same time denying your Veteran's Benefits.

Well, let's all sing Yankee Doodle Dandy and spit next time we see a Democrat walk down the street. Let's mentally paint a big "L" on their foreheads. That "L" can stand equally for "Liar" and "Loser" and "Let it be so!". They deserve it.

It is a gross travesty that Political Parties have been allowed to infest Washington and take over the functions of government. It's like some horrible game show where crooks and idiots get to spend billions of dollars at someone else's expense.


It is not the American Way and this is not the way our American Government is supposed to be run, but what do you expect? Foreigners have been usurping upon and de facto running our government "for" us since 1868. They, the Foreigners, brought the Political Party System with them.

This is nothing American.

It's time we ran our government for ourselves, thank you. That's what the American States Assembly is all about. It's why you need to declare your proper political status and record it. It's the reason to ditch the Political Party System once and for all.

Candidates for public offices need to come forth from the people, not from a political lobby. And once in office, they need to act as Fiduciaries --- not "representatives". They need to be minding the Public Good and the Public Purse so that the government serves the People instead of the People serving the government.

The Democrats been lying through their teeth for the last 150 years and you don't have to argue about it or think very long. Just look at where you are and how bad things are, after decades of you all loyally voting for and putting Democrats into power.

It's all just stink, stank, and stunk. And what is your alternative?

Republicans are crooks of a slightly less hypocritical sort, there to grease the wheels for Big Business openly, while the Dems do the same for other Big Business interests behind your backs.

Either way, it's just a choice between Bad and Worse. Yucky and Mucky.

So hail and farewell to the Barbary Coast and both kinds of pirates, once and for all. Come on home to America. Come operate and restore the government you are owed. Declare your birthright political status and revoke any Voter Registration at all.

You were born to be Electors, not Voters.

So.... step to the plate, America.

Visit and get started.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here:


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Anna Von Reitz: "Heads Up, State Department!"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28
Anna Von Reitz: "Bah, Humbug on the Democrats. And the Republicans."
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28
Anna Von Reitz: "Time, Work, and Being There"
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28
Reader: "Anna has not publicized Common Law IDs. We can make them right now."
hobie -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:28

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