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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 2-Mar-2015 18:13:00

In Response To: *** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long) (hobie)

Hi, Folks -

Found here:



Highlights of Tony's CC. Updated as the call progresses

SATURDAY NIGHT: Meeting in Iraq Saturday night where it was agreed to keep the tariffs and taxes in place; not to start the auctions as they have enough funds available to pay necessary people, but to hold off on the public side of the RV for a few days.

Tony: I think we're great. I'm feeling great. Just waiting for the time for everything to go. . . Everything has been completed. In US saying it's all done. . . the perfect time is when they feel it is to their best advantage. It's in their hands.

DC: The RV is part of the military plan. Absolutely part of the plan.

(daz posted during the call): "Terrorist leader killed of southern Tikrit Published: 2015/3/2 21:30 Salah-il-Din (Forat) –The volunteers announced killing the terrorist leader, Qusay al-Mosuly, affiliated to what is so called the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant to the south of Tikrit city. Security source reported to Alforat News Agency ''The volunteers succeeded in killing the terrorist leader of Himrean Dam nicknamed, Abo Qutada, of southern Tikrit."

Tony commented about the weekend Tweet regarding truck crossing border and paying tariff taxes that, they did not get their information from a two year old, two month old article, but from an actual intel source: someone driving a truck over the border. Tony, "We tell you what is going on in the moment."

CURRENT WINDOW: DC: Planning on , specifically, for later on in the week for this to go through. Will be an issue if Iraqi defense forces get nailed. It sucks, but that's where we are at. Tony: We don't have all the information. Only 60% at a time. .

. Tony: hearing right now, even as we have been on this call that a time is set this week.

IRAQ: In the Saturday meeting Abadhi and Dr. Shabbibi were advised and decided to take back Tikrit to get some successes for the people. This was a to the bankers. Didn't want to have celebrations at the same time hundreds of thousands were being killed. Been massing troops for months and originally planned to do this post RV/RI. Iraq has received loans due to cheap oil and everyone motivated to keep them going. Tony said it's all still in Iraq's hands.

  • Budget: Tony: All done, not going to show the other 17 articles until they make announcement . . .not putting it out front . . . until the RV is done.

  • Kurdistan was paid but it depleted them somewhat.

  • Military got paid at new revalued rate all the way back to January. Citizens, merchants, farmers know this and waiting to get their own cash. Tony: People on the street know exactly what is going on and nobody is upset.

  • Banks: same as last week. Some open and some not. Banking laws in place. DC: they (the Iraq people) are getting the same thing we are getting and they are highly frustrated.

  • Tikrit Fighting: launched an attack and did not want to do the RV today at the same time. DC: They want to show they can push ISIS back. . .I strongly believe they won’t have to completely take back the city. Just put a few points up on the board. . . I don’t think we have to wait much longer . . .we have been told, they just want to do something in Tikrit before they do the RV on the International scale.

  • ISIL - RV is expected to deplete ISIL as they are paying people to be in their army. Paying them $150 - $190 a month or a free goat to eat. RV will pay them $400-500 a month. ISIL canot affort to pay them that much. Tony: ISIL is losing oil wells, cities, territory. Post RV, the GOI is planning on a lot of the ISIL fighters to go home.

  • Telling the people, "they are about to get paid at the new rate."

INTERNATIONAL: Other countries have made loans to Iraq to keep them going until they RV/RI their currency.

  • Rates: DC heard ZIM could RV as high as .22 with 6 zero lop. Whatever you've heard about ZIM not being exchanged, remember people have already exchanged so a change in the rules now is highly unlikely. Dong: DC: If it does come out as low as 8 cents, I will exchange some, buy more dong, and wait for it to rise. . . it could be a few weeks or it could be five years.


  • 770 Accounts: This is like the 2nd time in two days of multiple times the guys have been asked about these accounts. They keep saying, "We are not financial advisers." And they suggested people go to one.

  • 800#’s/Packages: The guys still don't have a package. DC said each bank is going to run their own business as they see fit and to make an appointment with all four of them. DC: As we have said many times now, each bank will have their own 800 number. One bank only wants it's own customers and others have different criteria, from vicinity to their location, to amount of funds to be held in their bank.

  • CAP on contract rates is so more people will have the contract rate available to them.

  • EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE - that is what you are at the bank to do. DC said someone will be overseeing the process and just waiting for the use or misuse of wording. DC: Don't believe someone will be trying to trip us up, but they are waiting for the word. My point is to say as little as possible so I don't step in it.

DO NOT get hung up on the terminology, IQN, IQD, ZWR, etc.

Just say, "I want to EXCHANGE MY CURRENCY for the HIGHEST rate" and ask to see the screen.

DC: I would make an appointment with all the big four, and see if you can get contract rate. Banks saying to us, we are going to beat them. . . prime contractor. Shop it!


DC: Have to go. Have a great day and hopefully they will get this done. Know it’s frustrating but not end of the world. Basically getting themselves in position . . another step forward in situation. Very positive deal. They were ready Saturday night. Could and should have but didn’t do it. Watch news closely. We will see how the rest of the week goes.

PAM: It’s springtime in Michigan. 10-15 inches of snow. Sun is out. I’m sitting outside listening to the call. I know a lot of you are frustrated with this info. Don’t’ poop in the punch bowl. Not in our chat or other chats . . .Don’t take it out on other people. Be mindful. Don’t set your hair on fire or do it elsewhere.

RAY: Continue to enjoy this marvelous Monday and based on what Pam was saying, OM is not a rehab room.

TONY: Thank you guys, Thank the mods and everybody else. Got a text earlier in the call – rest of dinarland saying any second now. I firmly believe and hearing right now, even as we have been on this call that a time is set this week. I wanted you to understand why it did not happen this weekend.

I still know everything accomplished except flipping the switch. Rates were changed. All around the world sitting on different screens. . . paid the military in that rate. . . you know how they do things 2-3 days apart. So look for something to happen once we are over this 1st or 2nd day. Agreements are in place. Telling us it’s done, done, done – that’s what I heard . . . from different sources. . . completed. . .last thing signed off on . . . flipping of switch . . . hope I wake up to it. You should be excited.

Enjoy . . if something happens we’ll send out a tweet. Enjoy it and if I were you . . . I’d be preparing for it to happen. That’s a better use of your time. Just so close you’ll need that. Hope to talk to you tonight or tomorrow, if not see you Wednesday. Bye.


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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conf. call Cliff Notes version
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