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Posted By: Newshound
Date: Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 17:23:42



I'm afraid Mr. Nexus is right. I love his website, thanks for sharing.

This is from your excellent article "Saturation Means War" The issues and problem are 5 years old, and things have changed, and I have addressed them below. Please advise me if I have interpreted anything incorrectly:

"Believe me, the Great Depression is coming closer and closer, and it will affect all of the United States and its stupid "most favored nation trade states". That is the most stupid law on your books!"

R: This is true NAFTA is a joke--I tried to warn everyone. It was just some trying to get rich quick, but American business men will pay in the end. They wanted cheap labor, Chinese and European markets. After we help build factories in China, thousands of Americans will be out of work, and unable to buy American products or even the cheaper Chinese products. The Chinese will then take possession of the factories and shopping centers, and boot American businessmen out. Don had so many request to do engieering jobs for the Chinese from International Companies, but he turned them down flat, and refused to design any buildings for them.

"I hope I have given you an idea of what is yet to come. There won't be any food riots or anything of the kind. The shame, in the greater scheme of things, will be that the United States will have to dance to the tune of Fortress Europa."

R: I question this. Unemployed, broke, hungery people can get very ugly. We can probably go back to a barter system. American farmers will profit more, then they do from the commercial buyers. It's worked before--remember the 1980 and the co-ops; if everyone just keeps their heads, should it come to that.

"I look forward to the day that the President of the United States will call on us for aid and assistance. As I have said in the recent past, the U.S. has enough food reserves for a period in excess of 5 years for everyone."

R: Europe may have more money if they pull out of our markets which I believe will happen; and have factored that in with mutual fund with the morjority of investment in foreign countries, but not in Communist countries.

As far as food yes. Beans, corn, soy, rice, also cotton, wool, leather, but at what price? Many have been genetically altered, and will not germinate unless the right herbicide is used. The farmers could be held hostage to the chemical companies who are setting them up, and the rest of the world for famine.

The DNA has also been altered, which has changed the DNA and protein in our cells. Many babies are now being born, and having asthma attacks at birth; Diabetes Type II is epidemic perhaps by changing cells in the pancreas. The doctors are saying it's due to overweight, which is true, but lots of thin people get it too. We have food reserves, but I have a feeling it will get real expensive. We can all raise gardens like they do in Germany. That's why the NWO want to keep you city bound and dependent on them. I'm sure there are many with family or friends with place in the country, or spot you can rent. I have a website for NON-hybrid seeds FREE SEED OFFER!

"There won't be any panic, except on free market issues such as the stocks, bonds, and government debentures. They will reach an all time low. There will be a market crash, but it will be softened thanks to our money."

R: "The Street" always panics, with the least bit of "bear honey" and uses it for profit taking anytime it meets their need and interest. Don't expect the Europeans to bail us out, they will be looking out for themselves first, pay backs are hard. Then the UN will try to switch us to Euros, and have control over us--the last thing we want. They are some that say, soon we will be finger printed we go to the bank for cash, and if we don't use it, must change it every 30 days. That way they keep tabs on us, and know who has what and where. It prevents people from changing their investments to a cash position and keeping at home if there is another run on the banks and S&Ls like in the 1980 with all the bank & S&L crashes-remember? It's just in the works. They are now finger printing kids at school for lunch. See It was on Alex web page.

People stay ahead of the game, and make better choices:
This is a NO LOAD GOLD mutual fund,with a minimum deposit of $250; cheap expenses 2.34%. You could take the real thing, (gold bars) but heavy, cumbersome, and would need Brinks to guard it.

Financial advisors recommend only 5-10% of your portfolio be in Gold. However if history repeats itself, following the Recession, will be inflation in which Gold Investments work best, but it's cheap now $260/oz. Always read the perspectus, and DO NOT BUY ON MARGIN!!!!!!!
There are also Gold Coins, but you must be very careful, some are not of good quality, and if you don't know what you are doing, you could get into trouble.

Watch the machine tool companies i.e. Warner Swazey. They are a barometer for the economy. They are the first to go down, and the first to come back up. Then comes autos, and housing starts. England just lowered their prime to 7%

"You guys haven't really noticed the difference in what a dollar buys because the inflation has been a slow one. Right at the time of the jumbo crash on the exchanges you'll feel it hardest, through the purchase of gasoline, liquor and cigarettes. They will double to triple in price over a short period of time."

R: This has already happened, and I'm sure gasoline will go higher or possibly supplies reduced when the Saber Rattling begins in the Mid East.

"Food items too will become much more expensive and double in price over a few months. All your ever so important imports, such as coffee beans, cocoa, tea will triple within 2-3 months. That's when the light will go on."

R: Already addressed above.

"At that point, you sure as hell aren't in need of terrorists. You will need stronger police officers, and a change in your laws on bail."

R: We are already in a Police State, UN soldiers with TX State Patrol have been setting up road blocks, and stopping citizens. There have been suits filed against the US Govt., and Janet Reno in several states. National Police Force Not Far Off-01/26/2001

From Kathleen "This smacks of a Federal policy to put a national police force in place, bypassing state and local jurisdictions. If the suit is unsuccessful, the face of law enforcement in the United States could change dramatically." (Read more-click on link below)

From Alex Jones The video belows plays on Real Player. If you don't have it installed, you can get a free copy from then click on the site below:

"Yes, there will be concentration camps, for home grown terrorists and criminals who will need to be removed from the streets."

R: There are over 600 FEMA Internment Camps, already being manned, but without prisioners. Alex Jones said the other day, in addition to all the money govt. gets from permitted importing drugs; it also provides a reason to build more prisons. Those guys will be let out and dissidents jailed. Alex is very well informed. This is a very comprehensive website about FEMA camps. The one in Arizona visited by a talk show host, and friend of mine even has a crematory:

"Don't think that political dissidents will be rounded up. Dissidents will not be an endangered species... after all, they were the ones who were right all along!! The dissidents will form a new and far stronger government with laws that all of us can live with! From their ranks a new country will be born. (Let's hope it is one that still honors liberty, freedom and the original concepts of the Constitution of the United States.)"

R: Militia, and Christian first. There has been a tremendous increase in Militia groups. I think they will be our first line of defense in maintaining calm in their communities, and protecting citizens. We need our National Guard too. Although, they must follow orders, they are less likely to shoot US citizens than Russian, Chinese, French, German, and Chez UN troops brought up in Communist countries who would like nothing better than annihalate us.

"The military will take its proper place, and guard your frontiers from the flow of illegals. You have to make a tight border to the south, for that's where the flood of illegals from South American nations-- will come from."

R: Reno wouldn't even give the border patrol they (Type 4) bullet proof vest they requested after being shot at by Chinse troop dressed in Mexican uniforms. Moreover, there is legislation before Congress to welcome them, carry over from Klinton, and being pushed by GW now. There are 10,000 Chinese dressed in Mexican Uniforms on the Mex/TX/AZ/CA border poised and ready to invade whenever they choose. The INS knows about it, and Mainstream media is not even telling us about. This article doesn't mention the number, but I have a friend that knows.

Europe will help without sending any troops!!

R: The UN troops are already here, and need to go home, and bring our National Guard home from Kosovo, to protect us. This site has tons of pictures of their vehicles, and even UN trains including prisoner trains with air holes, some three tiered.

Africa will be our next hotspot, unless it's S. America which will prove to be another Viet Nam; perhaps both at the same time. As I said above. There are 10,000 Chinese Soldiers dressed as Mexicans on our Mexican Border, having tanks, truck, weapons, and are poised for attack. The INS knows about it, and mainstream media isn't covering it. There has been massive immigration of Chinese in S. America. As Rayeland says, but in kinder terms, Austria and Germany are becoming bed partners again.

What exactly is the UN/WHO/NWO doing for Africa? Of course that country is sitting on a ton of minerals, gold, and diamonds. Sick people can't fight back. There are 750,000 Chinese in Sudan.

In addition, a friend with (friends in high places) sent an email which was sent to me which said, that many military have already been sent to the Mid East, and the National Guard has been called up and put on alert for biological warfare.

You must keep in mind, Mr. Sharon is a hawk, has killed thousands, and will do it again. Check Mr. Bush's cabinet, many with recent heavy military experience; he's getting ready. However, our military is in deplorable condition thanks to Klinton, but George isn't doing anything about it as promised, and has put it on the back burner. The heck with tax cut, that only favors his rich cronies, not the majority of Americans. We have other more important priorities. I think it's his way of keep a promise to large corporations who helped him. This is not bad we need big business for jobs, and it would have a trickled down effect on the economy. I just wished he'd put the military first. It may only be "Saber Rattling" or the real thing. Think about it.

Keep praying for peace, and God bless you.


: Duncan Rodes, from Nexus sent me an email. It is below, plus
: my comment to him.

: If it had come from someone that I didn't know and respect, I
: would have dismissed it thinking the person just didn't
: have the background with Rumor Mill to know any better.

: But I know Duncan and he knows Rumor Mill.

: After you read his comment and my response... re-read the
: article, SATURATION MEANS WAR, and let me know where I
: should have inserted the paragraph that lets people know
: that no one who knows about the New World Order thinks
: that world leaders have power.

: My response to Duncan is inserted after his.... (keep
: scrolling, it will be there.)


: ----- Original Message -----
: From: nexusmagazine
: To: Rayelan
: Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 3:45 AM
: Subject: RumourMills laterst 'contact'

: Dear Rayelan,

: First up, let me say that I admire your spirit and dedication.

: Second up, I would not place too much reliance on your new
: European
: 'contact'.

: Any 'contact' worth their security clearance knows that
: Clinton, Blair,
: Schmidt, et al have NO real power, ESPECIALLY when it comes to
: manipulation of finance markets.

: In fact, your 'contacts' should be telling you how far down
: the ladder
: world 'leaders' like Clinton really are.

: Each time you publish articles from 'contacts' who indicate
: that Clinton,
: Blair, or any government has power over finance markets, you
: are acting
: as a disinformation conduit.

: I know you mean well etc, but your latest article really shows
: how little
: your 'contacts' really know.

: I too have 'contacts', all of whom laugh at the idea that
: world 'leaders'
: have any real power, especially when it comes to finance
: markets,
: policies, wars, etc. The only 'power' Clinton, Blair, etc
: have/had is
: the power to sell tabloid newspapers.

: Please dig deeper and give up on the "USA is good"
: propaganda. The
: average people in the USA are nice, decent friendly people.
: The people
: who run your country have made you the most despised nation on
: Earth.
: Worse still, the people who run your country remain in power
: despite who
: you vote for.

: I could go on, but your latest 'contact' makes me want to
: puke.

: regards

: Duncan

: Duncan M. Roads
: Editor, NEXUS Magazine
: PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
: Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381

: "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never
: justify the means.
: On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
: (Aldous Huxley)


: Duncan,

: I guess I did not express myself well enough. I thought the
: following sentence would let everyone know that leaders
: have no power,

: "As soon as they have enough of their people (read this
: "sane" puppets) in place, then -- LET THE WAR

: I guess I should have defined the "masters" in this
: sentence, but I just assumed everyone would know who I was
: talking about.

: "The Masters who control our destiny have known for years
: that the good financial times would not last"

: Should I have pointed out more clearly that individual leaders
: have no power? I guess I thought when I wrote this that
: most people who read Rumor Mill already know that
: individuals are only figure heads for larger cabals, as I
: said here: "The Clinton Progressives (this is code for
: Marxists), have given way to the Bush "Compassionate
: Corporate Cabal" (this is code for Feudal/Fascism).

: Did I really miswrite this so badly that people could come to
: the conclusion that I or my source or Rumor Mill believes
: that the leaders of nations have any power?

: The main point of the article is my source saw the 20 year
: plan five years ago and that plan says the only thing that
: will prevent a world wide depression is war.

: If you don't mind, I will put your email and my response to it
: up on the Forum and I will ask my readers where I need to
: add clarification so that the article says what I, my
: source and all regular readers of Rumor Mill know -- ALL
: world leaders are puppets, those who aren't or think they
: can change things are killed!

: Sometimes when you are so close to an article, you think you
: say one thing, when in fact you are saying something else.
: If I really did this, my readers and the agents on the
: Forum will let me know.

: Thanks for the feedback,

: Rayelan

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 11:51:42
Mis-apprehending what's being said
hobie -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 14:05:20
Esclarmonde -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 14:19:23
Newshound -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 17:23:42
BILL_FULLER -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 19:03:37
BOB -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 19:28:07
Hello Rayelan!
Data_Junkie -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 21:12:55
Some Thoughts
oliverhaddo -- Sunday, 11-Feb-2001 22:43:35

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