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To: How many times have to be told that “Jesus Christ” is a fake, a pretender, a hoax?

Posted By: sonofthewind
Date: Sunday, 9-Apr-2017 21:59:29

Look at the FACTS! If they are not facts, let people know!

“Jesus Christ” DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE 325 A.D.!
Should I repeat it?
“Jesus Christ” DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE 325 A.D.!
Did you believers get this or you are already in CD, denying this HISTORICAL FACT!
There is no letter “J” in Hebrew, Latin and Aramaic languages. In light of this fact, how could this statement be true; “...for there is none other name under heaven given among men...”

The predecessors of the name “Jesus Christ” started with Constantine from the word “Zeus” and the word “Krishna” in 325 A.D., in the “Council of Nicea”. It is amazing to see that BILLIONS of people still cling to this “Jesus Christ” phantasmagoria.

The “ANTICHRIST” will be the opposite of the Christ.
All religious Bible readers agree with this.

According to the historical FACTS, “CHRIST” is FAKE. Obviously the “anti” (opposite) of a fake is the REAL, so the “ANTICHRIST” will be the REAL McCoy NOT the status quo “Christ”, everybody worships even though they were INSTRUCTED NOT TO!

Blasphemy, blasphemy, shrieks the religious hypocrite and fanatic! Failing to add two and two together and to go against the thousands of years of brainwashing the entities of the status quo subjected them to.

Again, it is amazing to see how billions of people SUBCONSCIOUSLY want to know who the “ANTICHRIST” is even looking for His appearance putting their status quo “Christ” in the back burner.

The “ANTICHRIST” is the real “SAVIOUR” if you will, NOT the status quo “CHRIST”. The status quo “CHRIST” all religions accepted is a FAKE. A figment of imagination.

People DELIBERATELY fail to see that the entities of the status quo PERVERTED EVERYTHING, pertaining to “God”. Hence the prophetic warning statement of “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;...”. This perverting tactic of the status quo is quite old but VERY effective!

People today are UNABLE to see and comprehend, how easily they can be manipulated by the seemingly superior but cheep trickster entities of the status quo.

One example of this gullibility.
Two thousands or so years ago, there was this chap who rode into Jerusalem and people cried; “...;Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.”, yet, not twenty four hours later, the same crowd cried; “..., Crucify him, crucify him.”
How could this happen in such a short period of time?
From “king”, to “crucify him”.

The entities who are behind the status quo are superior in trickery to humans and they were able to swing the people 180 degrees. They are STILL DOING IT TODAY AND EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL AT IT! You can observe it if you sit back and watch.

The “counter measures” for the tactics of the entities of the status quo is THINKING but these entities KNOW, not too many human do such thing. That is why their tactics are so effective. Most humans are “believers”, as they were instructed to be and “followers” as they were instructed to be but no human was EVER instructed by ANY status quo entity to THINK.
Why is that?
Those who think are danger to the status quo because they discover how fake and phony the status quo entities are. Only “believe” and be a “follower”, never “think” or question anything.

Are you like the “subject” in this video link below?
Unable to resist the “herd mentality” and CONFORMS to the “mob rule”?

Are you allowing the bastard status quo cops to violate you, threaten you, intimidate you and scared sh&tless to stand up for yourself???

Are you allowing your bastard “pastor”, “preacher”, “priest”, “minister”, “rabi” or any of your self appointed or consensus appointed “leader” to feed you his/her religious LIES, unable to look into their insectoid eyes and tell them they are liars?

In an insectoid world, you MUST conform. Individuality is forbidden in an insectoid system. If you are not “towing the party” line, you are shunned or you are out.

“Collectivism” or “Communism” is the insectoid way of life. In this video link below, the opposite of courage is NOT cowardliness, it is CONFORMITY!

Are you a “conformist”, unable to have your own mind, unable to think on your own, unable to function on your own?

To your defence, (if you haven't heard it enough and unfortunately for you, you didn't do anything about it) you are FULL of bug poison, that NEGATIVELY effects your entire humanity. Most importantly, making you docile and feeling helpless, needing to be in a “hive”.

Most people are beyond “redemption”, unless somebody straps them down and scrubs them with H2O2. Lol! NOT ME! EVERYBODY had a “tipping point” where they made the decision what road they take.

The insectoid controlled status quo of the day is ALWAYS fake, without exception, suppressing, slandering and badmouthing the real, so people will fallow the pretenders, the piped pipers or trumpeters if you like that better.

One of these piped pipers is BPEarthwatch and he wants you to listen to the TONE of his voice NOT what he is saying. All you have to do reader, is listen to his BS presentation about the “ANTI-CHRIST” to verify this.
His tone of voice is so convincing, don't you think?

He claims dangerous things were revealed to him only, yet he is afraid from somebody! BPEarthwatch obviously never read in the Scriptures “...the righteous are bold as a lion” and uses his family as a blanket to keep you in suspense, making you wait for his next “revelation”, like a dope addict to the next “fix”. Obviously, BPEarthwatch doesn't even trust his god or God to protect him and his family.

What are you BPEarthwatch anyway?
Are you a Hebrew, and I don't mean the commonly believed, status quo meaning of what a Hebrew is?
Are you a “Jew” who professes to be a “Jew” but not?
Are you a “goyim”?
Are you a “gadzso”?

If you are not a Hebrew, you are SOL, buddy!
God ain't going to reveal Jack sh&t to you!
The oracles of God was given to the Hebrews. Not to those who call themselves Jews but they are not or to the goyim or to the gadzso either!
So,are you a Hebrew BPEarthwatch?
Again, if you are not, no “revelation” is going to come to you FROM GOD. From somebody else, yes.

Did you reader notice that in any Christian religion/sect, the status quo ALWAYS installs a “middle man”?
In Christianity it is either Mary or the rest of the status quo declared and exalted “saints” OR “the man, Christ Jesus” in more “fundamental” circles or should I say circuses.

This or these charlatan, fake, despicable entities went into GREAT details to prevent you (if you are a Hebrew or convert) from going DIRECTLY to GOD. They even CONVINCED people with their presentations of their fabricated “Jesus Christ”, that they are O.K., if they accept him as their personal “saviour”.

By the way that “Cliff High” fellow is in the same group with BPEarthwatch. A FAKE! Take a look how intensely the insectoid “Jews who call themselves Jews but they are not”, promoting their “Jew, who calls himself Jew but he is not” buddy! There is a DIFFERENCE between those who are “Jews” and those who “call themselves Jews but they are not”! Listen what that charlatan, phony is promoting!

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

To: How many times have to be told that “Jesus Christ” is a fake, a pretender, a hoax?
sonofthewind -- Sunday, 9-Apr-2017 21:59:29
Re: Responses from readers
sonofthewind -- Monday, 10-Apr-2017 11:45:07
Tacitus, born + /- 58 AD, mentions Christ
AndiV -- Monday, 10-Apr-2017 22:08:04
Re: Looked at the link,
sonofthewind -- Tuesday, 11-Apr-2017 16:14:46
Jesus is the English spelling
AndiV -- Thursday, 13-Apr-2017 01:56:28
Re: Jesus is the English spelling
sonofthewind -- Thursday, 13-Apr-2017 07:54:57

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