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Re: Responses from readers

Posted By: sonofthewind
Date: Monday, 10-Apr-2017 11:45:07

In Response To: To: How many times have to be told that “Jesus Christ” is a fake, a pretender, a hoax? (sonofthewind)

Thank your for your comments readers!

"First of all I appreciate you having the guts to accept an email that might contradict something you said. It is arrogant to dismiss the thoughts and opinions of others out of hand.
Our planet is in transition from Level 0 to Level 1; there are 10 levels in 3D. Since Dec. 21, 2012, only Level 1 souls are being born on Earth. Earth has about 500 million people that are Level 1 and another 2 billion that are ready for Level 1. These 2.5 billion can reincarnate on Earth.
Level 0 souls that die on Earth, since 2012, are now reincarnating on two designated planets; one about 3000 years prior to current Earth development and the other about 500 years prior to current. Both are in the same quadrant of the Milky Way as Earth and both are in need of population.
Many people of Level 0, do not accept responsibility for their actions and beliefs. The need to believe in a "free lunch" is overwhelming in these individuals. The very concept of a savior is ludicrous and totally nonsensical.
Currently about 2/3 of Earth's populace are Level 0 and will not be part of the new Earth. We are all on a ladder and some are above us and some below. Those that choose wrongly, lord it over and manipulate those below but those that choose correctly, reach down and help others up. From Level 1 and above, we choose correctly. The only religion anyone should have is that of being true their own conscience; it is the only way to grow spiritually.
There will always be horrible things done on Level 0 worlds; war, hording, deception, genocide etc. Level 0 souls are those that are spiritual infants and that is why we make so many bad choices. It is 100% certain that we will grow, as long as we don't give up. Those that give up and hide in dark places, we call demons.
Each of us becomes whatever we envision we should be and after we become that we envision becoming something else and so on. This is how we grow. On average, humanoids spend 20,000 years in 3D before entering 4D. Our soul in 3D is our body in 4D. Whereas 3D is matter with a few quantum nuances, 4D is 100% quantum. There are 20 levels in 4D. Anyways, those that are reading or writing this have a long journey before entering 4D.
Those that require much sleep are the very newest to become spiritual. As we develop we require less and less sleep and eventually none at all, even in 3D.
In every incarnation in 3D, our iris is absolutely identical and we could be tracked life to life if the image of our iris was cataloged.

All we need to do is follow our conscience and never give up. Enjoy your spiritual infancy."

SOW's comment.
What are the OBJECTIVE proofs for the above claims?
Subjective "proofs", such as OBE, channeling, dreams, visions, etc., are acceptable only to those who experienced them.

I DO KNOW ONE OBJECTIVE PROOF! Our bodies are loaded with bug/insect poison and their saliva, creating all kinds of sickness in our bodies. This PROOF can be VERIFIED by ANYBODY who wants to.

Another comment from reader.

"if you hate christ, why focus on what you hate? your life might be more enjoyable if you focus on what you love. if you can't find anything that you love, just breathe slowly and a little deeper than normal until you feel calmer, relax your emotions, calm your mind and allow yourself to feel good. don't wait until you're almost 80 to figure this out. you can start now.

as long as you focus exclusively out side of yourself, joy and bliss will elude you. look within and see your tension, let go of it and feel good. it's that simple. not easy to do, but simple in theory.

also, you know almost nothing about jesus nor do i, so why not admit it and forget it. you might be right and you might be wrong. it's all just opinions, but who cares. it's just negativity that uses diversion to suck your energy, and it's working. "if your mind is single, your whole body is full of light." if it's scattered, it's full of crap."

SOW's comments.
This is a typical response from the "blind leading the blind" entities, who are UNABLE to deal with historical FACTS. NOTHING can be done for these entities.

Additionally, (I have to assume here) the RMN "agents" are REPORTING certain events, the way they see them, many times after their trying to be objective investigations.

Do people get angry at those MSM reporters also, who report events and investigate issues or only RMN agents are privileged with the wrath of some insecure, shallow minded, believing to be "enlightened" or simply want to be heard, little children like entities?
Not that it bothers me, just curious!

In one post I seemingly take one side of an issue to the core, while in another post, take the complete opposite.

Entities with no discernment get confused and can't figure it out. Some shallow thinker stated "you are an oddball". The fact is, people want to put others into "boxes", then label them. They put me into the "oddball" named box they created. It is guaranteed, that every RMN "agent" is in somebody's box, labelled and on the shelf.

I can assure, none of you readers KNOW me through my posts but that DOESN'T MEAN I am hostile to you in any way, shape or form or I am playing games.

"Answer a fool according to his folly." and "Answer not a fool according to his folly." Both true.

I appreciate wisdom, but I have no time for intelligence. The two are VASTLY different. Intelligent entities are running around all over but almost impossible to find a wise man/women.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

To: How many times have to be told that “Jesus Christ” is a fake, a pretender, a hoax?
sonofthewind -- Sunday, 9-Apr-2017 21:59:29
Re: Responses from readers
sonofthewind -- Monday, 10-Apr-2017 11:45:07
Tacitus, born + /- 58 AD, mentions Christ
AndiV -- Monday, 10-Apr-2017 22:08:04
Re: Looked at the link,
sonofthewind -- Tuesday, 11-Apr-2017 16:14:46
Jesus is the English spelling
AndiV -- Thursday, 13-Apr-2017 01:56:28
Re: Jesus is the English spelling
sonofthewind -- Thursday, 13-Apr-2017 07:54:57

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