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Anna Von Reitz: "Clarity About NESARA"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 26-Jan-2023 04:17:29

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Consider the Hypocrisy" (hobie)

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Monday, January 23, 2023

Clarity About NESARA

By Anna Von Reitz

Let's be real clear about Anna and her personal history with NESARA.

I grew up with General Roy Schwasinger at the dinner table. My Mother was a loyal assistant working with the National Farmers Organization (NFO) in Wisconsin and Minnesota, trying to organize the multi-state awareness and participation necessary to bring relief to the farmers (this started out as "the Farm Union Cases" for a reason, folks) and put an end to the attack on family farms by big government and agribusiness corporations.

For me, this whole subject was a daily conversation throughout Junior High School and High School and it continued on throughout college. There are probably damned few people in this country who were at Ground Zero of NESARA like I was. My Mother called me multiple times in 1979 and 1980 when the long court battle settled, and I can tell you for a fact that the Supreme Court wussed out.

They basically said, yeah, you are right. Unfortunately, the entities at fault are all bankrupt and other than standing in line with all the other bankruptcy creditors, there is really nothing you or we can do about this.

They lied. They could have removed the "corporate veil" and let us stand as the Priority Creditors, but they didn't suggest that and at the time, we were too ignorant to pursue it.

A lone Congressman, from one of the Midwestern States (maybe Wisconsin, maybe Ohio? I don't remember his name after more than forty years) proposed NESARA as remedy due the farmers and he got laughed out of the Beltway. No surprises there.

The "Congress" responsible for the crimes and sins and errors was in charge of the purse-strings, after all, and they would rather spend our money on things like Vietnam and paying Dow Chemical for Agent Orange and more napalm. Forget about justice for American farmers and workers in general.

Much later, during the Clinton Administration, there were unconfirmed rumors that some special forces guys took matters into their own hands and held Clinton captive until he signed an Executive Order to force remedy owed under NESARA, but there was nothing convincing to suggest that that ever happened, and if William Jefferson was coerced at gunpoint to do it (as the reports themselves alleged) then his signature would be under duress and worthless for enforcement purposes.

Now, as you or anyone else can see for themselves, the NESARA legislation has been stone dead in Congress since the 1990's, when some of the Rats decided to tinker with it --- not to pass it, oh, no, but to tinker with it, so that if it was revisited in the future, it would be pre-twisted around into something of advantage to the Rats instead of the farmers and other victims of this evil, out-of-control, criminal "System" the Vermin have going for themselves.

So what stands on the books as "NESARA" isn't even NESARA any more, and only God knows what "GESARA" is, either, and whether or not it's good or bad.

Now the military is putting out all sorts of "Hero Specials" congratulating themselves based on those very few and far between real life heroes like General Schwasinger and General Smedley Butler who actually tried to address at least some of the crap, and that's all well and good for the shirt-tail riders who weren't there patting Schwasinger on the shoulder and giving him a cup of coffee like my Mom -- and, anyway, I am not interested in blaming the military.

Perhaps the military blames itself for not doing more, but the plain fact is that they were dependent on the political pukes for funding, so there you have it, the whole story, in a nutshell, from the days of Lincoln until now.

If NESARA is finally going to be funded and all this hideous Bushwah straightened out, I'll bring flowers to Schwasinger's grave and my Mother's, and I will be solemnly glad to see them vindicated, albeit, long after their deaths. But until I see it and see the good that they suffered for made reality, I remain skeptical and cautious and watchful.

I have every reason to believe that the people behind this whole situation were treasonous, self-interested, white-collar criminals back in the 1860's, and I see no reason to think that their great-grandsons and great-granddaughters fell far from the tree. Instead of mindlessly supporting something "called" NESARA, let's stop and take a real good look at what they are selling and why, and what "NESARA" in this present iteration, actually means?

The NESARA General Schwasinger fought for and which that lone Congressman proposed, was profoundly good; but as I say, it was tweaked later on by the forces of evil in DC, and it now bears a lot of review before anyone starts dancing.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:


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