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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Monday, 30-Oct-2000 01:57:57


"The tapes were supplied by an international paedophile ring based in Russia…"

"The software company Microsoft, and the FBI in the US, have been helping the Italian police."

"The police set up a filter on the main Microsoft internet provider in Italy.... "

“Through Interpol, the Italian police have asked the Russian police to re-arrest a Russian citizen who is believed to be in charge of the paedophile ring uncovered in Moscow.”


The BBC article on the child porn ring that was cracked by the Italian police ties together a number of stories that Rumor Mill had published over the years.

The world wide epidemic of pedophilia was first introduced to Rumor Mill News readers in an article written by Gunther Russbacher, a Special Operations (SOG) Field Team leader who was Navy Intelligence attached to the CIA.

In the article, Operation Clydesdale, Russbacher described a Special Operations Group that was fielded behind the Iron Curtain. The SOG was created under the auspices of the United States attorney’s office in New York City. The U.S. Attorney in that area was Rudolph Guiliani.

The article describes the field operation, but it does not go into the years of preparation that went into the operation. The operation was ready to rock and roll in 1986, but the preparations for the operation had begun many years before.

Pedophile porn films are some of the hardest porn films in the world to buy. The film makers and distributors of “child porn” are extremely reluctant to make new contacts. They only trust people who have been in the business for years.

In order to gain admittance into the outer fringes of these child porn rings, a elaborate network of government controlled “porn” businesses had to be created.

One of the first businesses to go “on line” was the 900 “sex lines”. It was created to give the operative who started it an entryway into the world of porn. The 900 Sex numbers were wildly successful. Not only did they open the door to the underground porn world, they generated lots of money and information. The sex lines were so successful it was decided that they would be continued as a way of creating “off budget” funds for covert operations as well as gathering information. These government run sex lines are still in operation today.

The next step was the creation of a mailing list. This was done to discover who among the callers liked “kiddie porn” The callers to the 900 line were promised a free gift. To get the gift, they had to give their address.

Step three was the creation of a catalog filled with porn films and other sex paraphenalia.

Step four was to use the catalog as an entry way into the world of “hard porn” and “kiddie porn”.

Step five was setting up porn film companies to create films for the catalog and gain further acceptance into the porn world.

Step six was money laundering. This step overlapped with other crimes such as drug dealing, spying, taking bribes, and general corruption on the part of world leaders.

Step seven was the creation of software that could track money launderers on a world wide basis. (Step eight was getting this soft ware into the right places, but this story is too long to tell right now.)

The PROMIS software was modified so that it could track money, and steal money out of the accounts of crooks. (Charles Hayes and the Fifth Column Warriors was an early part of this operation.)

The modification that allowed PROMIS to track and steal money was not the one put in place by the United States government. This modification was created by members of the P.E.T. SOG. They created it so that the control of the PROMIS back door was passed into their hands.

After “The Patch” was created, it was sold to the institutions who were using PROMIS. These institutions were told that the “patch” would keep the US government from using the PROMIS “back door” to spy on them. The “patch” was more than just software. It incorporated Artificial Intelligence, (AI).

If the “firewalls” put in place by the Institutions detected the “patch” at work, doing its snooping and stealing, the “patch” had the ability to transform itself and appear as merely a “patch”.

The “PROMIS Patch” was marketed to the financial institutions who are laundering money as a way to keep the U.S. out of their business. The “PROMIS Patch” merely transferred the “back door” entry way from the United States government to a foreign unit that knows no allegiance to any country or group but their own.

With all of these steps in place, the crack down on the child porn world begins. Pedophiles cannot be cured. The only way to protect our children is to kill pedophiles or keep them in an escape proof prison for the rest of their lives.

The operation in Italy is the first one to make the newspapers. Similar operations have been going on all over the world. The pedophiles have already been found, labeled and tracked. Remember, this was not a one or two year operation. It has been going on for over 20 years.

Pedophiles are easy to blackmail and control. This is why pedophiles are put in high level military and government positions all around the world. They are controlled and used by people who have an agenda for world domination.

When the pedophile scandal broke in Belgium several years ago, Interpol first realized how many governments in Europe are massively infected with pedophiles.

Interpol called upon men who had been part of the SOG called Operation Clydesdale. During Operation Clydesdale, these men had been “recalled” by the head of their unit. "Recalled" means the team was ordered to end their mission before the mission had been successfully completed. Because of this, they had not been successful in eliminating ALL the pedophiles who had been identified and targeted. This meant the child snuff film-makers stayed in business, they merely changed names and countries.

The men who made up Operation Clydesdale soon discovered that United States government agencies were being controlled and run by pedophiles and their handlers. After the Operation Clydesdale team realized this, many of them were thrown in prison and charged with crimes that had nothing to do with the real reason they were in prison.

When they were freed, they were recruited by Interpol. As they began planning the world wide version of Operation Clydesdale, the one thing they insisted on was complete and total autonomy. They demanded that they answer to no one but their own group. They also demanded that once a P.E.T. (Pedophile Eradication Team) had been launched, it could never be recalled until the mission was complete.

In order to comply with the demands of the SOG, Interpol created a special unit, which they funded through Europol. This unit is so secret that only the men who have been part of it for over 20 years know all the different pieces and players.

Pedophiles and child porn rings have many different faces and purposes. Child porn and snuff films are only one small part of a larger whole. The entire picture has many different faces and aspects, each as horrible and vile as torturing a child to death on film for the sexual gratification on a pedophile.

The other aspects include, but are not limited to, mind control and satanism. Controlling people through torture and sexual degradation has been used effectively for thousands of years. In addition to the aspect of control, there is a belief system that teaches the adherents to these perversions that what they do is morally correct.

The teachings of this system include reincarnation and the use of a child’s life force and blood to insure eternal life. Those who believe in these teachings see pedophilia as a “sign” that they have found “one of their own”.

In this belief system, pedophilia does not stop with the death of the body, it continues to the next life and the next body. The teachings state that all pedophiles have been part of this evil group in other lives which were lived in other times and bodies.

Whether or not this is true, this is what is believed. Because it is believed, the men who make up this evil cabal have complete control over their “pedophiles”; body, mind and soul. These controllers are the men who make up the inner core of the New World Order. The operation to wipe out pedophiles is part of the operation to destroy the One World Government of the New World Order.

The following articles each contain a piece of the puzzle. If the P.E.T. Project is allowed to continue we may see a different world in a few years. We may discover that we have returned to a world that is a lot more innocent that the one that now exists. As you read each article, ask yourself how this piece is connected to the larger whole.

If you think you have a piece – post it as a response.

MICROSOFT ATTACKED BY HACKERS -- The finger clearly points to Russia

"What Interests me is the similarity to the PROMIS back doors."

(Russia is involved in the attacks on Microsoft and the child porn ring that was broken up in Italy. Was the attack on Microsoft really trying to find out how Interpol was tracking the pedophile rings? Were they hoping to find a way to divert the Interpol trackers?)

THE PROMIS STORY BREAKS – Disinformation is Raised to a New Level

(Who wanted to break the PROMIS story prematurely? Who benefits from putting out disinformation? Who is orchestrating the attempt to derail an investigation into all aspects and angles of PROMIS? The guilty are trying to keep the truth from being known. So far they have succeeded. Very little of what has been written about PROMIS is true. Why to you think the Canadian newspaper has stopped publishing? They now realize they were used to put out disinformation.)

OPERATION CLYDESDALE -- A Pedophile Eradication Team Strikes A Soviet Eastern European Child Snuff Film Operation --1986

(This is another connection to the former Soviet Union. The child porn rings were run out of communist block countries. When pedophiles rule governments, they can turn that government into anything they want it to be. Remember the types of experiments in mind control that were done behind the Iron Curtain. Also remember the psychic research that was being done there. It was not the Russian people who were behind this. The evil cabal who is trying to turn the entire planet into a soviet gulag was behind the evil that happened in the Soviet Union. Will the Russian people be able to throw these men out completely?)

THE P.E.T. PROJECT -- Pedophile Eratication Team
"Once fielded they are not subject to recall"

The P.E.T. Project is a special assassination squad created in the wake of the Belgium pedophile scandal to dispatch pedophiles.


Friday, 27 October, 2000, 22:02 GMT 23:02 UK


Italian police, using sophisticated computer software, have tracked down almost 1,500 suspected users of child pornography videos.

The tapes were supplied by an international paedophile ring based in Russia, which takes orders via the internet from users around the world.

An international arrest warrant has been issued for a Russian man suspected of organising the ring.

Police have already filed criminal charges against more than 831 suspected users of child pornography in Italy.

They are trying to trace 660 other users in countries including Britain, the United States, Malaysia and Switzerland, who now risk detention on an international arrest warrant if they try to leave their county of origin.


The video cassettes show scenes of rape, torture and even murder of minors. Customs police lured suspects by means of a fake website.

The software company Microsoft, and the FBI in the US, have been helping the Italian police.

The hunt involved a task force of 400 computer experts, including some hackers, to monitor the internet 24 hours a day, and identify people in many countries who order paedophile material online.


The police set up a filter on the main Microsoft internet provider in Italy which warns any person seeking paedophile web sites that they are committing a crime and may be prosecuted under Italian law.

Police have been using advanced technology to bombard viruses at websites offering child pornography.

Through Interpol, the Italian police have asked the Russian police to re-arrest a Russian citizen who is believed to be in charge of the paedophile ring uncovered in Moscow.

This man has already been sentenced for distributing pornography, but was released from jail earlier this year, under an amnesty declared by the Russian parliament.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Monday, 30-Oct-2000 01:57:57
Rayelan -- Monday, 30-Oct-2000 04:33:55
Re: PEDOPHILES, PROMIS, - Other events to note
johnbonk -- Monday, 30-Oct-2000 17:02:46
Rayelan -- Tuesday, 31-Oct-2000 01:40:47

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