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Vaccination is inherently hazardous

Posted By: JediShaman
Date: Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 15:33:23

In Response To: 3 readers respond, saying: NO vaccine is safe ... (billym)

I've looked at this phenomenon for many years and concluded that vaccines are all unnecessary and all potentially hazardous. They do not help you develop a full, healthy immune response. Stimulating immunity via energetic medicine methods (such as homeopathic and vibrational energy based approaches) can be useful, but creating multicomponent concoctions of viral materials with human or animal cell media and metal preservatives presents a risk of disturbing immune function and does not promote the full immune response that comes with natural routes of exposure.

Our field of energy and consciousness and the terrain of the body determine whether microorganisms become active in a pathological way. If we take steps to maintain balance and health then the microbes will have no ill effect upon us. They exist in nature to break down the debris from dead organisms, not live, vital ones. They are abundant all around us and work symbiotically to help us with things like digesting food, and when we become weak or filled with toxins they appear as apparent killers, but are just doing what nature in its recycling scheme designed them for. Specific electromedicine and oxidative medicine therapies can wipe out pathogens; we don't need to vaccinate as we can prevent illness through healthy lifestyle and thought patterns and can successfully treat it when it does arise.

I've personally encountered multiple stories of people with vaccine injuries whose stories were discounted by doctors and I have to suspect that the vast majority of harm by vaccines is never counted in medical statistics because the profession is programmed to refuse to consider or admit when people are having adverse effects that it is caused by the vaccine. Many people who get vaccinated get some form of the illness they were vaccinated for right after receiving the vaccine, yet it is counted as though they never get sick due to the vaccine working. A true sham.

This is my thoughts on the subject - I encourage everyone to research it themselves and draw their own conclusions.


: Not surprisingly, several readers took issue with the idea
: that any vaccination (innoculation) could have any value at
: all.
: Thanks to all three for their replies to my question
: "Which ones SHOULD you get?"

: SEE: Question: which ones SHOULD you get?

: first off, reader "libra" replied:
: ***************************************************************************

: Re: Question: which ones SHOULD you get?

: THERE is NO such thing as a SAFE vaccine. There is plenty of
: research that will tell you the same.

: Dr Tenpenny was one of the forerunners in exposing the FDA
: bitch for the big pharma scam. There are many others and
: more coming forward exponentially.

: [ed: see also "What Opened My Eyes to the Problems
: Vaccines Cause?" by Dr. Tenpenny ]

: ***************************************************************************

: then READER K.C. replies:
: ***************************************************************************

: Re: Question: which ones SHOULD you get?

: NONE. I know you said I must not be very smart to say none are
: good/safe, however, I am not stupid. (I went to a school
: for gifted children, joined MENSA at 13, skipped senior
: year, and entered college at 16.)

: I was hoping that this issue would be resolved, by now. The
: evidence, just lately coming out, about SV40 in the polio
: vaccines, gardisil killing our children, while the lady Dr.
: who helped develop it, is loudly saying it's bogus and
: detrimental,

: flu shots causing "Gulf War Syndrome", etc. is
: enough, but the info was there many years ago.

: My daughter will be 25, soon. She has never had a vaccine, and
: one prescription, at 18. We used herbs, diet, homeopathics,
: etc.

: My kid is healthy, and has a good immune system. I made our
: decision not to vaccinate, after doing due diligence, 25
: years ago! The best source of info was Walene James' book,
: Vaccination: The Reality Behind The Myth. [ed: Books by
: Walene James] I believe, in later editions, the name is
: now Immunization: The Reality Behind The Myth. A lot of
: research and valuable info to be found there.

: Gary Null [ed: see Gary Michael Null] had a doctor
: (Paavarola, I believe), [ed: see Paavo Airola] from
: South America, who said, a 1/4 of a century ago, that
: "Every vaccine contains an untold number of
: viruses."

: We wrote a letter for the school, in NY, that we objected on
: religeous' grounds, as we don't believe God intended
: healthy bodies to get any healthier by injecting them with
: toxins.

: I swear Walene's book is the only reference book you will
: need.

: It has a great bibliography for further diligence, as well.

: I can't imagine reading that book, and ever submitting to a
: vaccine! Seriously, do you think they've gotten any safer
: over the years? More scary now; mercury as a preservative,
: squalane as an adjuvent.... [ed: adjuvant ] Don't you
: people use the internet for anything more than social
: media? Look up how many sites you get, if you google
: vaccine damage....Japan has done awy with gardisil, after
: children were harmed, while we in the US, in our infinite
: wisdom have decided to give it to boys, too!

: I'll leave you with a quote from the American Pediatric
: Intstitute: "You are 5 times more likely to get an
: adverse reaction to the hep B vaccine, up to and including
: death, than you are from Hep B, itself." K

: ***************************************************************************

: and finally, from reader "Jay" :
: ***************************************************************************

: Re: Question: which ones SHOULD you get?

: It's not so much that vaccinations are bad, but rather the
: ignorance which is bad; Ignorance that one would need any
: vaccination to begin with. Most people in our society don't
: have a clue of what a strong immune system is. An immune
: system is not just the ability to fight off germs, viruses
: etc., it is much more than that. You don't need to get to
: get sick to become immune to a particular germ/virus. What
: you need to do is become immune to begin with.

: In other words don't get into a situation where nature is
: going to make you ill to inform you that you are out of
: sync with nature; In a state of disorder, disharmonious on
: many levels, all or in part...physical, emotional,
: spiritual. It's not very smart to take any vaccination, you
: are only attempting to avoid issues that need to be
: addressed in yourself by doing so. If you don't get that
: "condition/disease" because you thought it was
: because of a vaccination, life may just come at you from
: another angle; The vaccination facilitation that process.

: ***************************************************************************

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

3 readers respond, saying: NO vaccine is safe ...
billym -- Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 10:02:06
CGI's Morfeus: I would like to thank the 3 readers "libra", “K.C.”, and "Jay"
Susoni -- Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 15:10:49
Reader: Eugenics Today- How Vaccines Are Used To Sterilize The Masses
Susoni -- Wednesday, 15-Oct-2014 01:08:52
Vaccination is inherently hazardous
JediShaman -- Tuesday, 14-Oct-2014 15:33:23

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