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Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Tuesday, 19-Sep-2000 21:43:37

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by Rayelan Allan

Did Saddam Hussein do this on his own? Or is there a hidden agenda here?

Today on FOXNEWS, former UNSCOM head, Richard Butler, warned us that Saddam Hussein is causing problems again. Butler raised the specter of going back to war with Iraq. This of course runs the risk that Saddam would pull his oil off the market which would cause an even larger world wide oil crisis than the one we already have.

The oil crisis is causing problems throughout the western world. Strikes, boycotts, and blockades are spreading across Europe and even into Israel. The United Nations is whispering that Saddam Hussein is the culprit. They say he is making the same kind of threats toward Kuwait that he made ten years ago.

Reading between the lines, it appears as if a reason to start a war against Iraq is being created. Saddam conspired with Venezuelan President Chavez and other OPEC countries to raise the price of oil. But simple truths like this can’t be spoken, so the United Nations, meaning the United States, is creating a crisis in order to go to war with Iraq. If Iraq doesn’t back down and convince the other OPEC countries to end the oil crisis, Iraq will be bombed back into the stone age, for the second time in ten years.

If Saddam holds out another week, will the market continue to fall? Yesterday it fell to the lowest level this year. Today the Nasdaq earned back some, but the DOW stayed where it was. If the fuel crisis continues and the market starts falling, will a war with Iraq end the fuel crisis and stop a full scale market crash?

Can President Clinton fight a war with Iraq and at the same time, insure that Iraq does not withdraw its supply of oil from the world wide market? If Saddam shuts down his oil production, Clinton will have succeeded in making the double crises in fuel and in the economic markets that much worse.

Can President Clinton pull a rabbit out of the hat and create a media miracle in time to help Vice President Gore get elected?
Or will he will he choose to do nothing and let Saddam continue to intimidate Kuwait and blackmail the rest of the world by raising the price of oil?

In case you hadn’t noticed, there is a world wide oil crisis going on. It hasn’t reached the United States yet, but it will. When did this oil crisis begin? Some say it began last month... in Iraq. Saddam was visited by Venezuelan President, Col. Hugo Chavez, a disciple of Castro, who is so far to the left that the United States government revoked his visa in 1994. The U.S. did this after Chavez was released from prison for having participated in a failed coup attempt in 1992. Immediately after his meeting with Saddam Hussein, Chavez flew to Libya for a meeting with Muammar Gaddafi

Within weeks of these meetings, the President of OPEC issued a worldwide warning that we were on the brink of an oil crisis. It looks like an OPEC conspiracy to me. At the moment, it appears as if Iraq and other enemies of the United States are behind the oil crisis. However, what if there is another reason? What if there is a hidden agenda?

Remember back in 1979 and 1980 how impotent Carter looked in the face of the Iranian Revolutionaries who were holding 52 Americans hostage in the Beirut Embassy? When Carter couldn't free the hostages before the 1980 November election, he looked weak and impotent. The 1980 election was as close as the 2000 election is. Only a few percentage points separated Carter and Reagan, just as they separate Gore and Bush in this year’s election.

The pollsters for the Reagan Campaign said if Carter freed the hostages before the election, Carter would win. If the freeing of the hostages was delayed until after the election, Reagan would win. Many people believe that the Reagan Campaign made a deal with Iran to hold the hostages until after the election, thereby assuring Ronald Reagan of being elected.

If I were part of the Bush family, I would ask myself how we could pull a repeat of the 1980 October Surprise. Then I would look around the world and figure out what crisis could be engineered to burst forth on the world scene just weeks before the election. It would have to be a crisis that could be dragged out long enough that the mood of America would shift away from the Democrats and their inability to handle foreign policy. It would have to be a crisis that would NOT go away, no matter how hard President Clinton tried.

Imagine how impotent Clinton and Gore will look if the oil crisis continues for a few more weeks. Clinton won his 1992 election against President George Bush on the slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid!” Many Americans have enjoyed easy prosperous times during Clinton’s reign. But how many of these fat and happy people will continue to support him and his party if his inept foreign policies raise the price of oil, create gas lines, force factory closings, cause an economic downturn and a stock market crash?

If the gas shortages keep companies from getting supplies, people will lose their jobs. This will cause panic, fear and anger which will express itself at the ballot box.

I know the Bush family well enough to know they have a built-in family "dirty tricks unit". I worked for the Gary Hart campaign in 1984. He lost the primary to Walter Mondale who lost the election to Ronald Reagan.. I was about to work for Hart again in 1988, but the Bush campaign had already decided that Hart would be too Hard to beat, so they needed to knock him out of the arena. The entire Donna Rice episode was orchestrated, just like the Monica Lewinsky episode was orchestrated. Word in the Hart Headquarters was that it was the Bush Dirty Tricks Team out of Florida.

George Bush had a hand in what happened to Carter in 1980. In other words, Vice Presidential Candidate and former CIA Director George H. W. Bush, helped orchestrate the 1980 October Surprise. Papa Bush was clever enough to knock President Jimmy Carter and Senator Gary Hart out of the field to insure that he became Vice President and then President. Do you think that just because he is "old and retired" that he is no longer clever enough to hatch a plan to get George W. in office?

Believe it or not... I am not making a judgement call. This is the way things are done in that world. Just look at the way James Carville does Clinton’s dirty work. If I were a Bush and had the ability to put this plan in action, would I? If I didn’t, I wouldn’t get my candidate elected, and if the Bush family doesn’t pull something like this, G.W. won’t get elected either.

My sources have told me that what the Bushes have planned, will make the Vanity Fair hit piece on G.W.... the one written by Gail Sheehy, look like G.W. just won the Medal of Honor.

My Sources didn't tell me what the Bush family has planned. I put two and two together and came up with Saddam and the oil crisis. If I am right, then the situation will be set up so that the only thing Clinton can do is go to war with Saddam. I can see from the media blurbs that they are already stoking the fires so that Saddam looks like the evil bully who is threatening poor Kuwait again. Just wait, soon there will be Kuwait babies thrown onto the floor by evil Iraqis while Madison Avenue PR firms mold the American mind.

If Clinton attacks Iraq and if Iraq cuts off the oil, Clinton will make the fuel crisis worse. What can Clinton do to Saddam that will make him back down immediately? What are his options? Can he bribe Israel to do something? What will he give Israel in return? Jonathan Pollard? Or will he try to talk Saddam's Muslim neighbors into dealing with Saddam? What can he offer the Muslim world that they can't get from somewhere else? Does Clinton have any room to wiggle? Or is he locked into one path that will lead to a Bush victory over Gore?

Yesterday the stock market dropped to its lowest of the year. Already the dot.commies are fretting about how high their delivery costs will rise, and wondering if they will still be able to make a profit. If the economy turns down as a result of the oil crisis then G.W.’s new campaign slogan should be: "It’s the economy, stupid!"

My Sources have led me to believe that the major market shift will take place on Friday, the 13th of October. This will give Clinton and Gore only 25 days before the election to try to get the economy back on track. But if this crisis is orchestrated as cleverly as I think it is, each new day will bring new crises. Each day G.W. will give a speech talking about what he would do to stop this immediately.

The week of October 13th begins with Columbus Day. As you know, many of the "racially correct" anarchists want to make this holiday a day to protest the evil white race. We also have the Mexican holiday El Dia de La Raza -- The Day of the Race or the People coming up on October 12th.
La Raza is one of the names that is given to the Atzlan Liberation Army. If I were orchestrating the demise of Clinton and Gore and the Democratic Party, I would hire a bunch of anarchists and agitators and send them out to start causing trouble. I might even get a few Mexicans to invade the United States and shoot at a few border guards. I wouldn’t want anything too serious to happen, because the new President Fox and G.W. have already agreed to solve the problems in Mexico by letting Mexicans live anywhere they want.

Even without the hired anarchists, I expect the week of October 9th – Columbus Day – will convince the world that something is happening. October 8th, at sunset, Yom Kippur begins. I wonder if we will see a repeat of the Yom Kippur war?

If the Islamic world is planning something, will it be a hot war, a financial war or a chemical and biological war?

If you have listened to a number of doomsdayers, you will have heard that President Clinton is going to stage something during this time to create a way for him to declare martial law and stay in power forever. And if Clinton had his way, this is exactly what he would do. Numerous people know that this is exactly the kind of thing he would do, and there will be NO way he will be allowed to do this.

He hasn’t had control of the “football” in years.

Do I think the American people have anything to fear from this year’s October Surprise? I believe they will lose their money in the stock market and some of their sons and daughters in a new war with Iraq. If our army gets sent to the desert again, many will come back with new and exotic diseases similar to Gulf War Syndrome.

I do NOT believe that President Clinton is going to be the one that declares martial law and ushers us into a One World Government patterned after George Orwell’s 1984.

I think the Bush family is saving this joyful task for themselves!

The following articles, starting one month ago, will show you how this current fuel crisis and coming war with Iraq was orchestrated.

"On September 27-29, the heads of state of the OPEC
countries will meet for the first time in a quarter of a
century. For the first time, they will meet in the Western
hemisphere. Specifically, they will meet in Venezuela.

This is bad news for the West. The President of
Venezuela, Col. Hugo Chavez, is a disciple of Castro, a
self-declared social revolutionary, and a man so far to the
left that the United States government revoked his visa in
1994 after he was released from prison for having
participated in a failed coup attempt in 1992. The visa
was restored in 1998, after he was elected, but he has notused it.

IRAQ -- Chavez Drums Up Support for OPEC Meeting,
Vexing U.S.

Venezuelan President Meets Gadhafi After Controversial Trip to Iraq

The president of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries has said the world is in danger of facing a serious oil crisis.

Vandal Hacks OPEC Web Site

Scott Ritter--Reports of Iraqi Missile Threat Are Greatly Exaggerated

Iraq Accuses Kuwait of Stealing Its Oil

Iraq threatens Kuwait - OIL PRICE SHOOTS UP

West Worries the Iraq Could Wield Oil as Weapon


Kuwait seeks international help against Iraq

Iran Rockets Hit Baghdad

CIA Creates Palestinian Intelligence!
(which part of the CIA created this unit? Is it a part of the CIA which is still controlled by George Bush? Could they be planning some type of covert action which would turn the American people against the policies of Clinton/Gore?)

'Israel suspends peace talks'

Tribunal Against Saddam: US Presses Case For Putting Irag's Saddam Hussein on Trial
``Our primary objective is to see Saddam Hussein and the leadership of the Iraqi regime indicted and prosecuted by an international criminal tribunal,'' said David Scheffer, U.S. ambassador at large for war crimes issues."

There are also stories being planted which G. W. will be able to use to make himself into a true compassionate conservative. He will become a peace maker with Iraq once he gets into the Oval office. After all, if we are going to go to war with China and Mexico, we’ve got to have Iraq and the Arabs as friends!

Allies Deliberately Poisoned Iraq Public Water Supply In Gulf War

Article 54 of the Geneva Convention states: "It is prohibited to attack,
destroy or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the
civilian population" and includes foodstuffs, livestock and "drinking
water supplies and irrigation works".

All G.W. has to do is admit that this was a mistake and apologize for it. More than likely there is already some deal worked out with Saddam that will give him whatever he wants if he will just start being nice -- this deal will never be known -- just like all the financial involvements George Sr. and Saddam had in BCCI and other endeavors will never be known.

"Water-borne diseases in Iraq today are both endemic and epidemic. They include typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis, cholera and polio (which had previously been eradicated), along with a litany of others."
G.W. will be not only be considered the most compassionate American President ever, he will be considered a statesman and a hero. He will take the sanctions off Iraq, take care of the children, do away with the diseases and help Iraq rebuild. Who else could do this? Who else could get away with saying that President George Bush made a mistake or didn't finish the job? It doesn’t matter if Saddam leaves or stays, all that matters is Saddam continues to make G.W. look like Albert Swietzer.

Western Leaders Face Trial in Belgrade --

"In addition to Clinton and Blair, the alleged crimes have cast a wide net, ensnaring Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder —— in all, a total of 14 leaders of the Western world."

After he is elected, if G.W. is smart, he will focus all attention on what Clinton and crew did in Serbia. This is still fresh in people's minds. G.W. can become the hero and Clinton can become the villain. It doesn’t matter what is true, it just matters who controls the media.

============The Uncensored National Rumor===========
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Articles In This Thread

Rayelan -- Tuesday, 19-Sep-2000 21:43:37
Re: OIL CRISIS --Don't Sell Bubba Short
oliverhaddo -- Wednesday, 20-Sep-2000 10:50:06

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