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Posted By: RAYELAN
Date: Sunday, 20-Feb-2000 04:40:01

In Response To: What's Wrong with This Picture? (Ghost_Writer)

About a month ago I walked outside and directly over my house was a tic tac toe contrail pattern. Instead of two lines intersecting two lines... there were five lines intersecting five lines. The pattern was directly over my head.

I ran in to get a camera, but discovered I had no film.

The next week was the day the ATT Golf Tournament began in Pebble Beach, which is across Monterey Bay from me.

The contrails in the sky that day were unbelievable. My doctor's office is around the corner from me. (He is one of us. If you have ever listened to Radio Liberty, you have heard him.) I had an appointment with him that day and commented on the contrails. Later than day, his assistant called me to talk about the contrails.

I told her they were bigger and longer than any I had ever seen. Instead of many lines criss crossing, there would be one very fat contrail in the sky, strectching from horizon to horizon. The moment one fat one would start puffing up and dissipating, an airplane would be laying down another one. The contrails went from horizon to horizon, a distance of about 50 to 60 miles... from the Santa Cruz mountains to the other side of the Bay where Monterey, Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach and Carmel are located.

I have never seen anything like it in my life. The contrails appeared to go straight down into the ground. In the Santa Cruz mountians, at the point where one contrail looked as if it touched the ground, something that looked like grey smoke was coming up.

The other end of the largest contrail vanished into the horizon over Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove and Carmel. This is the area where all the movie stars and golf celebrities were playing golf at the ATT --- formerly known as the Crosby. Stars like Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, and Jack Lemmon were present. It would be interesting to know if any of the golfers or actors became ill after the tournament.

Since the first spraying, I have been so weak and exhausted that I can barely function.

I have been having problems unrelated to contrails for two years now. I injured my knee and suddenly I developed a whole syndrome of problems.

I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, closed eleocecal valve and others I can't even remember.

I have tried everything from liver flushes, to parasite cleasning to all manner of vitamins and herbs. In August of 1999, I felt that I finally had it under control and I resumed lecturing and giving workshops.

In November, after a trip to Florida, I became ill again. Then in January I caught the flu. It lingered for weeks. Just as I was getting over the flu, the contrails appeared. Since the contrails, there are days that I can't function. I am exhaustedbeyond description and my mind is numb and foggy.

Now you know why I haven't been writing as much as I used to.

Today was one of my good days. I count my good days as the days that my mind functions the way it used to. Most of the days I walk around in a fog. At times I even feel dizzy and disoriented, like I am going to fall down.

When the contrails on overhead, I can taste a chemical taste on my lips. I usually have colloidal silver with me and I wipe down with it. I also drink a lot of it and spray it on my face and clothes. I don't know if it does any good, but it makes me feel better.

I do not know if my exhaustion comes from the contrails or if it is related to something else. I have sent my saliva to Switzerland to be analyzed by Dr. Hulda Clark's institute over there. I will let you know the results.

I am also having blood work done. If anything shows up in either of them. I will post it so we know what kind of markers these things leave.

However, my problems may have nothing whatsoever to do with contrails. In 1990 and 1991, my husband, Gunther Russbacher was supposed to be in Federal Prison at Terminal Island in Long Beach California. The prison is next to the infamous Long Beach Naval Shipyards. These are the shipyards that the city of Long Beach was trying to sell to COSCO, the shipping company owned by the Chinese government.

The time that Gunther was at Terminal Island was during the Gulf War. When I visited him there I realized that he probably didn't spend a lot of time in the prison. Some visits I would be told not to go to the prison, but to check in at the guard shack at the Navy Base. I would then be escorted to an office where Gunther and I would have our visit.

During one of these visits, Gunther gave me three months of tablets to take. He said that he had been exposed to biologicals, and he wanted to make sure that I didn't come down with anything. The tablets he gave me were round and white, about the size of an aspirin. They had the number "3" on them. I took them for three months.

I later found out that Gunther had been in Italy and on the Air Craft carriers from which the planes that bombed Iraq had flown. He said that some of the planes came back with biologicals on them. That was how he explained his exposure. What he was describing to me back in 1991 is what we now call Gulf War Syndrome.

This is why my blood is being tested for mycoplasmas.

I have been meaning to post this for quite some time. When I saw the URL to the tic tact toe contrails, I decided that this was as good a time as any to post something... and since this is one of my good days, at least I know my writing is coherent.

I want to keep Rumor Mill News up and running, but needless to say, there are days that I don't even have the energy to get out of bed, let alone spend time reading and answering emails. I hope you understand.

My webmaster has been working for free since September. I had been hoping to figure out a way to acutally make enough money from the Rumor Mill to pay him, but at the moment, I can't think clearly enough to create a plan for the future. Not only this, but he has switched jobs and has been extrememly busy.

These are the reasons that the Rumor Mill is not being updated. At the moment, I don't know what I am going to do with it. The Forum is extremely popular and informative. Unfortunately it is getting too big and loads too slowly for some computers. It needs to be split and archived, but I don't know when that will be done, or by whom.

I will try to keep the Forum going because I feel it is serving the purpose for which it was created. It allows people to take the pieces of the puzzle that they have, and share them so others can intergrate them in their puzzles.

Each one of us knows something that will help all of us understand what we are going through. If we don't have a place to post our knowledge, it does no one any good. I created the Rumor Mill News Forum for this purpose, and I see everyday that it is doing what I created it to do.

Hopefully some kind of miracle will happen and the RMNews Forum will be able to stay where it is and continue doing the work I created it to do.

The Forum doesn't need me to continue to do its work.

I have been meaning to start a new onelist emailing list for people who have time to give a few hours a week to Rumor Mill. If I can put together a group of volunteers who can help me post the many pieces of information that are sent to me, then the Forum will become even more than it is right now.

I also have boxes of documents that need scanning and posting.

If you have time to give to Rumor Mill and want to become a volunteer, email me and I will start the RMNews Volunteer Agents E-Mail List on

Thank you for making Rumor Mill News one of the most popular new conspiracy magazines. The counter hit 100,000 over the weekend. That's not bad for five months with only word of mouth advertizing.

Unfortunately the counter only goes to 100,000... so until I get it replaced, we won't know how much more popular we are getting.

I will keep you posted.

Rayelan Publisher and Owner of Rumor Mill News Agency


This picture of a contrail is very similar to the one that was over my house about one month ago. Since that time, our area has been being sprayed at least twice a week.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

What's Wrong with This Picture?
Ghost_Writer -- Sunday, 20-Feb-2000 00:45:13
RAYELAN -- Sunday, 20-Feb-2000 04:40:01
Re: What's Wrong with This Picture?
STARDUSTER -- Tuesday, 22-Feb-2000 19:18:29

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