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What's Wrong with This Picture?

Posted By: Ghost_Writer
Date: Sunday, 20-Feb-2000 00:45:13

CONTRAIL TIC-TAC-TOE click below first

What’s Wrong with This Picture?

Contrails or Chem-Trails? You Decide…

By Web Today Analyst Todd Beezley

The Stratosphere, February 19, 2000 (WT)—In crowded emergency rooms, on Internet message boards and even at dinner tables around the world, the topic of conversation is increasingly turning to the skies above planet Earth.

Fueled by reports of rampaging respiratory illness, in some cases lingering for months, and mysterious "flu-like symptoms" that have sent hospital admissions soaring, a number of researchers and writers have been trying to find the root cause(s). Increasingly, attempts are being made to link increased morbidity rates with the discovery of outlawed chemicals and toxic biological agents being dispersed in the wake of jet contrails.

One such concerned writer is William Thomas, author of a book on the environmental impact of the Kuwaiti oil well fires at the close of the Gulf War. Thomas has appeared on numerous radio talk shows discussing the contrail or "chem-Trail" controversy. His website is filled with photos of the "chemical" trails, which he claims can be readily distinguished from "normal" contrails. Thomas says a normal contrail will be dispersed in the atmosphere in less than a minute but the abnormal variety are white, puffy and slowly disperse into wispy bands of high cirrus clouds.

Planes laying down the cloud carpets are often seen flying in tandem, occasionally in groups of three or more. Witnesses claim to have seen the "spray" planes making U-turns in the sky to come back for pass after pass, creating tic-tac-toe grids, asterisks, circles and other unusual patterns. After prolonged sessions, the freshly sprayed cirrus clouds often come together to form a thick cloud cover, which can hang over a region for hours at a time. This writer has personally observed such weather modification over his home in Roanoke, Virginia several times in the last few months. At one point, I saw a plane leaving no contrail, suddenly begin emitting a broad white swath of contrail spray as if the pilot had flipped the "on" switch.

Not that these reports are limited to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Pictures of suspicious "chem-trails" have been posted by observers at Internet websites from Boston, Massachusetts to Orange County, California and most places in-between. The issue is international in scope with "chem-trail" reports coming in from such locales as England, Holland, Australia, Italy, Canada, New Zealand and Mexico

Just how serious are Thomas’ allegations?

Thomas writes, "So far, our best samples have come from deliberate and/or inadvertent dumps of gelatinous material from low-flying multi-engine aircraft. Cobweb-like material from higher-altitude spraying has also been analyzed in university government-licensed labs - and some pathogens identified."

And what are those pathogens?

Again quoting Thomas, "Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens, Streptomyces, enterobacterace, Serratia Marscsens, human white blood cells, a restricter enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA, Enterobacter Cloacae - and other bacilli and toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis, as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress."

Thomas reports a Florida lab researcher analyzing chem-trail samples collected by his team became quite ill after analyzing the substances.

Why such materials would be found in contrail samples is just one of the puzzle pieces that has the Internet abuzz. Also, found in the sample was ethylene dibromide (EDB), a pesticide and known carcinogen that was banned by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1983. However, EDB is routinely found in JP-8, the jet fuel formulation that replaced the more highly flammable JP-4 in 1991. The U.S. Department of Defense claims making the move to the more stable JP-8 has actually saved lives.

Curiously enough, it was also in 1991 that a report called Chemical Hazards of the Workplace reported the dangers of repeated low-level exposures to EDB including, "general weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, chest pains, coughing and shortness of breath, upper respiratory tract irritation" and many more. So, one wonders why it would still be in use.*

This writer has been in chat rooms with people from Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, California and Virginia all of them complaining of symptoms which reappear and intensify after heavy "spray days." Indeed, my wife, Sherry, and I have suffered from the same upper respiratory ailments since mid-September, which led to my diagnosis with pneumonia and five cracked ribs from coughing.

Are chem-trails the cause? Can we be sure? Empirically, no. Simply because no one in a position of authority is willing to admit that anything unusual is going on. When questioned about the high incidence of contrail activity in portions of the country not normally given to intense air activity, FAA officials are quick to write off complaints, saying the contrails are the result of normal commercial air traffic.

A variety of motivations for the chem-trail bombardments have been put forth. Some suspect the government is attempting a "mass inoculation" to protect the population against a potential terrorist attack with anthrax or other biological weapons of mass destruction. Others believe the trails are being laid down to conduct secret weather modification experiments through the HAARP project (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program). A number of Internet observers believe the trails are part of a plan to provide a Star Wars type missile shield over the U.S. (not considering that the chem-trail phenomenon has been reported internationally). Still others suggest our military is tracking the dispersal of "non-lethal" biological agents to see how they spread within a civilian population.

Those with less charitable hearts point to the demand of some elitists and hyper-environmentalists to reduce the size of the world population by 90 percent in the next 20 years. Media magnate Ted Turner has called for earth to house a stable population of a mere 500 million in the near future…and he is not alone.

Could the contrails/chem-trails be an early step in a diabolical plan to harvest the earth? While it’s too early to say for sure, the BBC reports nearly 8 thousand, mostly elderly, people in Britain perished with respiratory ailments including pneumonia during a three-week period ending the second week in January. Bodies had to be stored in semi-trailer trucks, brought in to be used as makeshift morgues. The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, January 2000 edition reports the deaths occurred, "after lingering contrails and cobweb-light fallout were reported over London and Birmingham, England."

This is a story that the editors of Web Today will be closely following. As definitive proof becomes available either of mindless conspiracy or government complicity, we will, of course, be sharing it with our readers.

In closing, I would suggest the following actions for those who believe the claims may have substance.

Those suffering from illnesses they believe are chem-trail related report it’s best to stay indoors on heavy "spray days." In addition to standard anti-biotic and medical treatment, many visitors to the chem-trails bulletin boards report some relief through the use of such herbal and vitamin supplements as Echinacea with golden seal, cayenne pepper, uva ursi, hyssop, garlic, mullein, vitamin C, vitamin E, colloidal silver and ozone therapies. I am not personally recommending any of the above, only reporting what they have used. Attempt to interest local media in the problem. Contact legislators. Never underestimate the power of prayer. Below are a number of links to contrail/chem-trail websites, where you can see the trails for yourself. They’ll make identification easier on days when you suspect spraying may be going on in your area.

* (Editor's Note: Thanks to "Shield Up", the Yahoo Chem-Trails USA Website and readers at the Free Republic website for catching a factual error initially reported in this article regarding the history of the chemical composition of JP-8 and its component ethylene dibromide. We believe the article, as written now represents reliable data.)

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Articles In This Thread

What's Wrong with This Picture?
Ghost_Writer -- Sunday, 20-Feb-2000 00:45:13
RAYELAN -- Sunday, 20-Feb-2000 04:40:01
Re: What's Wrong with This Picture?
STARDUSTER -- Tuesday, 22-Feb-2000 19:18:29

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