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SORCHA: "German Intelligence Officer Seeking Asylum In Russia Reveals Western Plot To Remove Children From Christian Parents"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:25



March 18, 2018

German Intelligence Officer Seeking Asylum In Russia Reveals Western Plot To Remove Children From Christian Parents

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In a confirmation of the Greek writer Raúl Ilargi Meijer having just warned “we are not 'on the cusp of a new and scary age', we are smack in the middle of it”, a new Ministry of the Interior (MoI) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a former German Bundeswehr officer named Markus Bergfeld has applied for asylum in Russia after his accidently having received access to confidential data revealing a monstrous Western plot to begin taking children away from their Christian parents—and whose effort to do so is being aided by top scientists in America who have just released a new study claiming that believers in the Christian faith are brain damaged. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Former German Bundeswehr intelligence officer Markus Bergfeld applies for asylum at Russian embassy in Latvia on 18 March 2018

According to this report, former German Bundeswehr military intelligence officer Markus Bergfeld, in 2011, says he accidentally retrieved a highly classified European Union document detailing a vile and satanic Western plot to begin taking children away from their Christian parents by “no later than 2020”—and that caused both him and his wife Sonja to flee Germany when that nations feared Jugendamt (undemocratic system of the German child protection service) began kidnapping their children.

Once the German Jugendamt had control of Markus and Sonja Bergfeld’s five children, this report continues, these children were brutalized and had forced into them powerful psychotropic drugs [English]—with their youngest daughter being repeatedly raped while in custody [English]—and their oldest son eventually dying in Spain last month [English] from the forced drug regime the Jugendamt had imposed on him.

Not being understood by the Western masses about the German Jugendamt, this report explains, is that its historical roots lie at the very heart of militaristic Prussian culture—with Prussia being the first country in the world to require state certification of teachers and mandate by law compulsory elementary education—with the German Nazi government expanding it across their entire nation and adding criminal penalties for anyone disobeying.

With the Germany Nazi’s being able to create an educational and Jugendamt system solely designed to “brainwash into hatred” young children, this report notes, Russia reacted in horror when, in 2010, the European Human Rights Court affirmed the German nation’s Nazi-era ban on homeschooling—and in whose ruling, also, shockingly declared that parents do not have an “exclusive” right to lead their children’s education—thus making this ruling effective law throughout the European Union—and causing Sweden to outlaw home schooling too.

Knowing the grave dangers of the European Human Rights Court reinstituting Nazi-era education laws throughout the European Union, this report says, on 29 December 2012, Article 44, Paragraph 1 of the “Federal Law On Education in the Russian Federation was enacted mandating that parents (or guardians) of children have the primary right to educate and raise their children—with home education often being referred to as “family education”.

While millions of Russian Christian peoples were celebrating their right to educate their children in how they, not the state, decide, this report continues, the Christian peoples of Germany began fleeing their nation—such as Sabrina Albrecht who fled to Malta to protect her two young children, but whom the German Jugendamt quickly kidnapped from Malta to return them back to Germany—and the devoutly Christian Romeike family who fled from Germany to the United States—and whom the Obama-Clinton regime tried to force back to Germany before an American public out roar stopped them from doing so.

German Christian Uwe Romeike, top left, and his wife Hannelore, second from right, teaching their children at their new American home in Morristown, Tennessee

With the European Union now having the sole control over children’s lives and education, not the parents, this report further explains, German intelligence officer Markus Bergfeld revealed that the plot to take even more Western Christian children away from their devoutly religious parents is taking form with Canada’s terrifying new Bill 89 law passed last year that says the Canadian government can now legally remove children from families that refuse to accept their child’s chosen “gender identity”—as a parent’s failure to recognize and support a child’s gender self-identification is a form of child abuse, and a child in these circumstances should be removed from the situation and placed into protection—and whose effects of have now infiltrated the into United States, as evidenced by a State of Ohio judge who, just weeks ago, ordered a child removed from this Christian parents who refused to give him powerful hormones to change him into a girl.

The final step of this monstrous plot by the West to destroy Christian families forever, as revealed by German intelligence officer Markus Bergfeld, this report concludes, is by Western scientists creating scientific reports to be used by Jugendamt, and other such Western child snatching agencies, before courts to “proveChristian parents are mentally ill—with one such report having just been released by scientists from Northwestern University that says:

The findings suggest that religious fundamentalists have less cognitive flexibility, in addition, the study states that damage to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly promotes religious fundamentalism.

In other words, science is now attempting to say that those who believe the Bible have brain damage.

March 18, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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