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Posted By: FarSight3
Date: Thursday, 15-Jan-2015 00:22:41

In Response To: JE SUIS MOI ... (FarSight3)

A whole nation, the rest of Europe - even the world was put on steroids, put on the prescription "JE SUIS CHARLIE"! And all this because some bozos dressed in black overall balaclavas have conducted an alleged hit and run raid against a journal in Paris that - before the 7th January 2015 - had been rather unknown.

I will spare you the story as I think you know it. After all, everybody was supposed to become "CHARLIE". But what you possibly don't know are the following inconsistencies and flaws in the official prescription. So be warned of some contra-indications:

First I like you to provide with a new map after even the simpliest rule of sincere journalism - to report the known facts - seems to have been thrown overboard.

The circled numbers 1-6 represent the locations where something reportedly did happen and evidence was found. By connecting these places a dotted thin red line emerges that might have been the most logical "escape" route from the point of banality towards evil.

But even that could be questioned if we take No.3, the Place de la République. During the chase of the evildoers through Paris and in the aftermath of the shock at Charlie Hebdo a Le Monde journaillist twittered:

...Before about ten minutes, a black DS, with broken windows, crossed through the Place de la République with a bang. Followed by a van and at least 5 police cars...

"Alla hoo snackbar"?

If this observation is correct, then whose car got hit on No.4, Place du Colonel-Fabien - and by whom?

According to PARISTRIBUNE:

...At their escape, after the third shooting, the three men accused of the attack Wednesday, January 7, 2015 in the office of Charlie Hebdo in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, had a car accident at the Place du Colonel Fabien in the 19th arrondissement ....

Reportedly the driver of that VW Touran minivan was staff from the nearby Saint-Louis Hospital and she got injured. Although Paris is riddled with CCTV, where are the pics? Why were the flics behaving like the Keystone Cops during that chase? How could they lose the perpetrators at all?

"All-a who'se kockbar"?

Anyhow, there might be a possibility of omitting event No.3 and No.2 connects directly to No.4. But is it normal that experienced "reporters" from highly respected tablo... - pardon dailies - have Déjà-vues at noon, already?

However, it seems that the bad boyz got rid of the police after No.4 somehow, obviously by taking the Avenue Mathurin Moreau leading from the Col.Fabien and making a sharp lefthand turn into the Avenue Simon Bolivar and taking the next lefthand turn again into the Rue Sadi Lecointe, so "homing in" towards their alleged intermediate stop, No.4. By the final positioning of black Citroën C3 with the licence plate CW518-XV we may conclude that.

"All an' who slack-bar"?

And from now on things appear getting really weird. The Citroën C3 rolls against a pole in front of the kosher "Patistory", located at 45, Rue de Meaux No.4, inmidst kippah wearing folks.

The "kosher restaurant" even has a Beth Din approval!

It seems that for those people it was rather normal that two fierce looking Al-Quaeda-"terrorists" appear out of nowhere in full combat gear, run their damaged car against a pole, carry Kalashnikovs, granades and hijack another car by shouting...

"All an' woo kosh'ar"?

...or similar.


...A man whose grey Renault Clio was stolen at gunpoint by the suspects after the Charlie Hebdo shooting has been speaking to Europe 1. He said: The man was armed with a machine gun. I realised after that it was a Kalashnikov. I had my window open and he said to me: 'Get out of your car, we need your car.' I got out of the vehicle. At that moment a second person arrived who got into the passenger seat. He also had a gun with a kind of grenade at the end. It was undoubtedly a grenade launcher or something like that.

The man described the two men as being "very calm, very determined, very poised and very professional. Real commandos." He said: "He never raised his voice, they never ran, they never seemed agitated. They weren't sweating. Nothing at all like that. They gave the impression of being real operators. As they left they said to me: 'If the media ask you anything, tell them that it's Al-Qaida in Yemen.'

The man had his grey Clio stolen in the rue de Meaux in Paris' 19th arrondissement, near the porte de Pantin. The suspects then hijacked a grey Peugeot after abandoning the Clio, which reportedly had run out of petrol...

And this is the sanitized, British version of the events, as according to some French media they even shouted that usual...

"All-a hooo duckjar"?

And we have another 'witness' - Cedric Le Bechec, 33, an estate agent, who "happened to be at the place":

"...It all happened very calmly, with no shouting, no insults," he told the freesheet 20 Minutes. On his way out of an appointment in rue de Meaux, Le Bechec watched as two men jumped out of "a small black car" carrying a rocket launcher. "The car was stopped in the middle of the street. Two big black guys dressed in military-style gear got out.

They pulled a man, around 60, out of the car behind, a grey Renault Clio. They climbed in and said, 'You can tell the media we’re from al-Qaida in Yemen.' I was five or 10 metres away. The guy said, 'Wait, let me have my dog!' They let him get his dog out of the car before they drove off. The police arrived five minutes later..."

How polite of 'muslim' errorists for we know how much they admire dogs, don't they?

And we have another 'bystander' who happened to be at the right place at the right moment! We only know him under "Jérémy". From the LEPARISIEN:

... The witness reports of the change of car by the terrorists: "Jeremy, a witness present in the bakery of 145 rue de Meaux, saw the intermediate stop of the black C3 roling along the Sadi Lecointe. The vehicle crashed into a stud in front of the store. "They robbed the car, a white Clio, parked just behind, shouting 'Allah is with us'. They were hooded [Ed.: The Clio driver, 60 stated that they were without!] and came out with Kalashnikov says Jeremy. They then fled via the Rue de Meaux, towards the Porte de Pantin ". According to him, there was no shot fired at the Rue de Meaux...

"All ar' hoo duck-gna'l"!

Does the term Sayanim say anything to you? - Anyhow, from here on it's getting even more confused - what might have been the real purpose of that relay station for changing the horses.

On their way to the Porte de Pantin, No.6 it seems that they have hurt a pedestrian, but as I said, the smokescreen thickened after No.5.

"Alla hoo snackbar"?

The best comes at the end, and so we travel back a little from No.1 to No.2 in chronology:

After abandoning the office of Charlie Hebdo No.1 and chasing the police car back through the narrow(!) Allèe Verte in the direction of Blvd.Richard-Lenoire the black Citroën C3 should have turned right, if at least some consistency should remain in the official conspiracy theory. They should have continued at least till the Rue du Chemin-Vert - although this is a (narrow) one way street with an autobus station that may block the escape to the left hopelessly. Anyhow, they must have reached the eastern side of the Blvd.Richard-Lenoire somehow, if they didn't use multiple cars with the same licence plates and similar looking guys inside, for confusing the police even more.

But there's a Video that shows the black Citroën C3 turning to the left at the end of Allèe Verte, after the reversing police car has crashed into a parked car there!

Besides, that video (SKYNEWS, posted by GUGUK TUBE) demonstrates that the fierce commando took their time after having killed half of Charlie Hebdo's crew. They seem to have waited for the right moment before they played to abandon the crime scene. Did they had to wait for the police car to appear? They put their Kalashnikovs onto the roof of their car, then ammo clips, then they exchange their stuff among each other, run back and forth ... like some stoogies - unbelievable!

But we have a video from the other side of No.2 Blvd.Richard-Lenoire, in front of building No.62 where the show of executing a police officer was filmed. So it must have been real!

First I was wondering how it came that this blockbuster did appear out of nowhere, for free - without having been sold to the best bidder. Two days ago that strange inconsistency was "solved" by the sudden medial appearance of a guy named Jordi Mir who stated that he "didn't think it over" when he uploaded that movie of the killing of Ahmed Merabet on Facebook. Case solved! Do you really think?

Tell me another! Who do you think I are? Loonatic in the attic, nobody home? If Mrs.Mir has enough cojones to picture himself with Mark Zuckerberg then there must have be another reason why he was selected to be that one, or?

Now, how's about that one:

One resident of the building in front of which the sharade of the mock-execution was filmed is Prof. Jean Pisani-Ferry, once THE major economic counselor to various French governments, first director of the influencal European Breugel Think Tank, adviser at the CFR and member of the BOD af a big Turkish bank. He serves currently as the French government Commissioner General for Policy Planning...

Could this have been a kind of personal warning shot, a passing of a sign by our contemporary vilians like one S.P.E.C.T.R.E. - á la Ian Fleming?

B.t.w. - there is even a (similar to the neighborhood at Charlie Hebdo) film company located in that very building, named "MAD & CAT" ...

But who am I to tell those "charleezled" PR-shills holding prefabricated opinions high up in the thin air that their campaign is simply overbamboozled and fallin' apart?

War on 'error, Part 7: "Complicatedly Bamboozled"

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Articles In This Thread

FarSight3 -- Saturday, 10-Jan-2015 16:54:39
Très Bien Dit *NM*
RobertS -- Saturday, 10-Jan-2015 17:52:14
Unfortunately this will raise the resentments against Jews - as Pike said....
FarSight3 -- Saturday, 10-Jan-2015 18:37:52
FarSight3 -- Thursday, 15-Jan-2015 00:22:41
FarSight3 -- Thursday, 15-Jan-2015 02:55:37

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