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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Monday, 9-Dec-2024 02:11:14


Compiled Mon. 9 Dec. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

EBS Alert

A Final Countdown Has Begun

Major Announcements Will Shake the Foundation of Everything You Know

Stay Calm, Stay Vigilant, Be Ready To Listen

Communication Blackouts As Truth is Revealed

Stock Up, Stay Safe, Trust The Plan

The Dawn Of Freedom Is Near

Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness

The Power to entire World will switch off briefly to install our Star Link Satellite Internet

Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.

Fight To Save Our Constitution

Sign Your Own Petition To The Supreme Court:

Loy Brunson – Petition The Supreme Court…

Blending and Unity of Voice: Listening Louder Than You Sing

Music & the Spoken Word

Dedication: This Mon. 9 Dec. 2024 Update is dedicated to Johnny 'Bingo' Dawson, a survivor of the Canadian Residential School Death Camps. Fifteen years ago today Dawson died at the hands of the Vancouver Police Department and the United Church of Canada for trying to bring to light the Holocaust of Children at 80 United Church of Canada, Anglican, but mainly Catholic Native Residential Schools across Canada where over 500,000 children have gone missing. …By Kevin Annett

My friend Johnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson was beaten to death by three Vancouver policemen fifteen years ago this Monday, December 9. His murder was not just another random cop-killing of an Indian.

Three days before his death, Bingo had led our occupation of St. Andrew’s Wesley United Church during its December 6 Sunday service along with other survivors of its ‘residential school’ death camps. Its outraged minister, Gary Paterson – a notorious member of the child-trafficking Twelve Mile Club – physically assaulted Bingo, ripping up his placard and screaming at him, “That’s the last bullshit stunt you’ll ever pull!”.

Echoing Paterson, a police sergeant confronted us as we left St. Andrew’s church. Thrusting his fist into Bingo’s face, he yelled, “Keep it up, asshole! Troublemakers like you go missing!”

Ricky Lavallee was an eyewitness to Bingo’s murder three days later, on December 9, 2009. “There were three cops in the alley off Main Street and they had Johnny Bingo against a wall and were using their clubs on him. They kept kicking and hitting him even when he was on the ground passed out. They just left him lying there.”

Provincial Coroner Matt Brown did a quick and blatant whitewash of Bingo’s murder. Brown ruled that Bingo had died of ‘Presumed Alcohol Withdrawal’, contradicting the toxicology report that showed that there was no alcohol in Bingo’s blood: “No alcohol, prescribed medications or illicit drugs are detected”. (British Columbia Coroner Case No. 2009-00280-0149, Autopsy No. 09-2463, Provincial Toxicology Centre No. 2009-1652)

Brown also falsified the date of Bingo’s death to four days before it happened and a day before the St. Andrew’s church occupation.

The sole eyewitness to Bingo’s deadly beating, Ricky Lavallee, ended up getting beaten to death as well. But before he died, Ricky told me in a video recording that he’d been threatened by two Vancouver cops early in 2010. “They wanted to know what I knew about Johnny Bingo’s death and I told them nothin’. Then one of them said I’d better not say anything about what I saw. They also asked if I knew where you were and what other protests you were planning at the churches.”

I never saw Bingo happier than the day a throng of us seized St. James Anglican church (above picture). As the two terrified priests ran out the back door, Bingo seized the pulpit and yelled, “Now you hear my prayer! Get the hell off our land, you fucking child killers!”

The way we honor the dead is by not forgetting how they died and bringing to justice those responsible.

B.C. Coroner Matt Brown, United Church minister Gary Paterson, and others are convicted co-conspirators in the death of Johnny Bingo Dawson and others in our movement. Read the evidence at Summary Judgement of the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice, November 20, 2023 – Murder by Decree - and join our new year recommencement of the international campaign to banish and reclaim genocidal churches from our nations!

Announcements will follow at www.murderbydecree.com
under ITCCS Updates.

Note: Bingo is featured in my book Fallen: The Story of the Vancouver Four, which can be obtained at this link: Fallen: The Story of the Vancouver Four: Annett, Kevin: 9781548152680: Amazon.com: Books

JUDY NOTE: Help save the Children and the Ohio Foster Care Youths who were thought to being Mind Control tortured into a CIA international Child Sex Trafficking Ring.

On Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 famous broadcaster and Trump nominee for Press Secretary Alex Jones made a plea on Telegram to contact anyone you know in authority and ask them to put pressure on Congress to open an investigation on this horrendous Ohio Foster Care Program.

The prime example of the torture and abuse was Ohio Foster Care seventeen year-old Kaitlynn Hunter who was still missing after she was abducted (in critical condition) from the Dayton Children’s Hospital by CPS Workers on Sat. 16 Nov. 2024.

The teen had been a victim of and witness to six years of Ohio Foster Care children and youth rapes, brutal beatings, starvation and severe neglect in what was believed to be a CIA MKULTRA Mind Control program designed to prepare at risk youth for an international Sex Trafficking Ring connected to the Clintons, Epstein, Diddy, politicians, UK Royalty, Vatican and many more Global Elite.

Please consider cut and pasting the below summary in #G of this Update and sending it to your Senators and Representatives in Congress, or anyone you know of influence, demanding an immediate and independent investigation of all children and youth in the Ohio Foster Care Program.

Help Save Tortured Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!

· Give a Little, Help a Lot: A Family In Desperate Need of Help:

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 The Execution of the Real Nancy Pelosi: https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2024/12/gitmo-the


· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: CLINTON: Crimes Against Children, GITMO FULL, PATEL/HEGSETH Cause PANIC, PRAY! VIDEO - amg-news.com - American Media Group

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Breaking News! FDA Corruption Exposed: How Big Pharma and FDA Collusion Fuel America’s Health Crisis! RFK Jr.’s MAHA Movement Fights Back! - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Judy Note: I am writing a book about Near Death Experiences of extreme abuse survivors. If you are an extreme abuse survivor, or know of one who has had such an experience, I would appreciate hearing from you. Write Judy Byington
at: info22faces@yahoo.com

IF YOU WERE READING THIS UPDATE ON, OR FROM OPERATION DISCLOSURE OFFICIAL'S WEBSITE, BE AWARE that the information has been redacted. For a complete UN-REDACTED VERSION, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official's Website, you can download it OR you can read an UN-REDACTED VERSION on the Rumor Mill News Website. Go to rumormillnews.com You will be in the Reading Room, then scroll down looking for Agent Seawitch's posting titles, the UN-REDACTED VERSION for "RESTORED REPUBLIC" is there.


Judy Note: No one knows the exact timing for notification of Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) to make their redemption/ exchange appointments, though because of the below information, it was suspected to be around mid next week.

· On Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 Trump returned to the White House in a big parade while people lined the streets.

· On Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Trump was in Paris France at the inauguration of Notre Dame Cathedral after it was rebuilt from a fire said caused by the Japanese White Hats. Notre Dame had been a main Satanic Site for the Global Elite Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Rites in connection to the Vatican. Trump’s appearance at the inauguration appeared to be a symbolic effort to announce the Fall of the Cabal.

· (Rumor): Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Lights out, Prepare. Midnight will be strictly remembered. Every person on Earth must see the darkness, experience the pain. It’s coming. Midnight. It’s time, Mr. President!…Mr. Pool on Telegram

· (Rumor): Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 Midnight to Wed. 18 Dec. 2024: Possible Ten Days of Darkness Global Communication Blackout, ending on Wed. 18 Dec. 2024. …Gitmo TV on Telegram Tues. 3 Dec. 2024

· On Tues. 10 Dec. 2024 at 10:30 am (CST) the Supreme Court was scheduled to make their last announcement for the year – which was suspected to be their decision on the Brunson Case that could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress.

· Next Week: The main arrests begin of Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers who were paid by George Soros to betray and sabotage the United States. It will be Biblical. …John McAfee Alive on Telegram Tues. 3 Dec. 2024

· Tues-Wed. 17-18 Dec. 2024: Global Financial Collapse. …Gitmo TV on Telegram Tues. 3 Dec. 2024

· Thurs. 26 Dec. 2024: Announcement of the Global Restoration Plan. Every citizen will receive information about the new economic and legal structures. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024

· Fri. 27 Dec. 2024: Beginning of International Tribunals to address Crimes Against Humanity. Major revelations will be broadcast worldwide. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024

· Mon. 30 Dec. 2024: Final stages of the transition to the new financial system completed. People will begin to access their revalued currencies and debt relief programs. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024

· Wed. 1 Jan. 2025: Basil 4 compliance deadline January 2025 - all banks have to prove the money they say they have is backed by gold in their vault. A new era of Freedom and Prosperity officially begins. …Mr. Pool, Julian Assange on Telegram Wed. 4 Dec. 2024

· Fri. 3 Jan. 2025: Global Unity announced as former Alliances restructure. Leaders will present plans for long term peace and cooperation across nations. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024

· Sun. 5 Jan. 2025: Release of advanced technologies previously suppressed. Free energy devices, healing technologies and environmental restoration tools will be made available to the public. …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024

· Mon. 6 Jan. 2025: The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially be activated Worldwide. This secure, transparent and decentralized system will replace the old banking structure, ensuring fairness and equality for all …Nesara/Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024

· Fri. 10 Jan. 2025: Full disclosure of Galactic Alliances and contract with extraterrestrial civilizations announced to the World. A new chapter for Humanity begins. …Nesara/ Gesara on Telegram 5 Dec. 2024


JUDY NOTE: WARNING Scammers are everywhere. It is my understanding that:

(1) If you don’t presently physically hold currency or bonds, you don’t own them. Do not give your bonds or currency to anyone else to redeem. You are the only one who can exchange and redeem them. If you have a problem in doing that, ask the person you talk to when you set your appointment to help work out the problem.

(2) Do not exchange your currency at a bank. They will not give you the higher rates, nor the Contract Rates that a Redemption Center was authorized to give you.

(3) The ZIM can only be redeemed at a Redemption Center, not at a bank.

(4) Some Redemption Centers are located in private banks, but make sure it is a Redemption Center where you do your business.

· Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 TNT Intel Summary: Bank meetings today to discuss final aspects of RV. Three Letter Agencies say "IT'S DONE." US and Canada started paying VIPs on Wed. 4 Dec, Thurs. 5 Dec, and today Fri. 6 Dec. The Iraqi Dinar being paid right now at $3.49 in-country.

· Fri. 6 Dec. 2024: "It's official folks! Iraq has passed their HCL Law.”: https://dinarevaluation.blogspot.com/2024/12/jon-dowling-its-offical-folks-iraq-has.html?spref=tw

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: Rumor was that Vietnam had revalued their Dong in-country.

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Four day Victory Celebration begins in Iraq from Sun. 8 Dec. to Wed. 12th Dec. 2024. …Britt Vibes on Telegram posted by Wolverine

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Iraq's Major Law Could Go Live Tonight #dinar #iraqidinar #centralbank #centralbanks" on YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/vOYEau7FJc0?si=7Qen7N2iCrz41Aij

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 Jon Dowling: The attack yesterday in Syria with the removal of Assad is a major event! It allows for easier removal of corruption in Iraq. We’re just awaiting the gazette to publish the approval of the HCL Gas law. They have a deadline of the tenth, so victory is coming for us shortly. XRP will be the massive abridgment for all the currencies in BRICS to reset at lighting fast speed. Make sure to watch 60 minutes tonight, as they’re doing a key expose on ripple with Brad Garlinghouse. They’re basically announcing to the world that XRPs breakout is upon us, along with everything else attached to it. Finally, the meeting President Trump had yesterday in Paris was highly significant. The bells were ringing of freedom and resetting the frequency that will help heal people going forward. When you know you know.

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 Mr. Dog Call: Trump used the exchange stabilization fund and special purpose vehicles with Mnuchin and then used the Federal Reserve money to fund GESARA for the future. That is a fact. So the white hats control the Central Banks, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank and these sovereign wealth funds. That is a fact. And NESARA and GESARA IS BRICS. The United States IS part of BRICS. Trump just can’t tell us this right now, but he is part of BRICS. That’s when he came out recently with that statement saying that anybody who wants to get rid of the dollar reserve currency is going to have these huge tariffs. That’s a psyop that he's using right now. All the fiat currency that is in existence right now, thanks to the Federal Reserve that has flooded our country and all the other international bankers who flooded all the other countries globally, it’s going to flush into the blockchain financial system. And don’t forget about the EO 13818, 13848 and 13959 which allow all of the individual assets as well as corporate assets to be seized from any person or company involved in child sex trafficking or crimes against humanity, involved in supplying China with our patents or our trade secrets, our military trading with the enemy and then on top of that election interference. All of this stuff you guys are going to find out. This is why we have to take these bankers down. The international bankers have got to be taken down so that they can no longer control any country’s printing or money supply thereof. This is all going to be done through the Quantum Financial System. This is all going to be done through liquidity tokens and stable tokens through smart contracts and everything is going to be tokenized on the new blockchain system. We’re going to have digital ID’s and I know everyone’s scared of them but they’re good because it’s going to provide transparency so that none of this corruption can ever happen again. The United States is funding GESARA. BRICS is GESARA. The United States, I guarantee, is part of GESARA. https://t.me/c/1419741858/255887

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: NESARA + GESARA = Military GESARA | The Enigma Called Military GESARA - Trust the Plan! - amg-news.com - American Media Group


Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 Brad Garlinghouse https://twitter.com/bgarlinghouse/status/18659305400560

· Crypto made its debut on @60Minutes https://www.cbsnews.com/news/crypto-spent-big-money-to-reshape-the-political-landscape-60-minutes-transcript/
tonight – there’s no doubt that these technologies will continue to become more and more mainstream - with influence and reach that will only continue to grow. A few things I do want to comment on after watching:

· I spoke with Margaret Brennan / 60Minutes for 90+ min straight. When discussing the SEC’s misguided lawsuit against Ripple, 60Minutes shockingly left out that a Federal Judge ruled that XRP is not a security…Gensler’s shill (John Reed Stark) knows better despite his comments that 60Minutes chose to air.

· Lastly, to say crypto has no utility is exactly what the naysayers said about the Internet in its earliest days - that it’s nothing more than illicit activity. How vastly they were proven wrong. Today, even JPMorgan is coming around on blockchain… (conveniently 60Minutes also failed to mention that Ripple is doing billions of dollars of KYC-ed transactions for our institutional customers - leveraging XRP to move money cross-border more efficiently than traditional payment rails.)

· Link to watch the interview that the MSM F'up as usual! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/crypto-spent-big-money-to


· Fri. 6 Dec. 2024: The Power to whole entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Star Link Satellite Internet, folks. They are all up above Australia too. Beta Version is ready to go. 7500 times as fast as we have Secret Space Programs controlled. Guardians of the Galaxy. United States Space Force who only became known in 2024. Quantum Star Link is going to control many new systems on this Planet. All the old will be gone very shortly. This is how we get New Internet, Free Energy, Med Beds, new Voting Systems, Your Quantum ISO coins. In late November they started testing. Israel was switched off for 30 mins. Then in December they tested by turning 10 Countries off at Once. Don’t think I have seen any since. Just large internet outages. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

· The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Re-inhabited Republic For These United States (rumble.com) How To Save America | Republic for USA (republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org)

Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic? https://members.republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org


· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Breaking News! Trump Declares: ‘The United States Should Stay Out of Syria. This is not our fight. Let it play out!‘ - amg-news.com - American Media Group

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Syrian army command tells officers that Assad's rule has ended, officer says X Accounts say: BREAKING: The plane reportedly carrying Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has either crashed or carried out an Emergency Landing. Majeed says: the fall of the cabal in Iraq will be easy now.



Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 Putin Warns of Global Conflict Amid High-Stakes Tensions in Syria. …Gitmo TV on Telegram

· A chilling warning from President Putin shook the global stage as he declared: “Western countries are deliberately escalating tensions, driving the world to the brink of a global conflict.” This came as President Biden admitted to Congress that 80,000 U.S. troops are stationed across Europe, reinforcing NATO amidst fears of Russian aggression.

· While Ukraine’s losses surpass 38,000 troops in its offensive against Russia, shocking lies emerged. The U.S. and South Korea fabricated claims about North Korean troops fighting in Russia, leading South Korea’s President to declare martial law. This explosive disinformation campaign was intended to justify Ukraine’s use of American long-range missiles on Russian soil. In a decisive counterstrike, Putin unleashed the unstoppable Oreshnik hypersonic missile, halting further U.S. missile provocations.

· But the game didn’t end there. The U.S. redirected its focus to Syria, mobilizing its Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) terrorist forces—infamous for their roots in Al-Qaeda. Despite being branded a terrorist organization globally, the U.S. and Turkey supply them with weapons. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned of a “complicated game” involving multiple actors, including Israel, as HTS rampages through Syrian territories, backed by calls for Israeli air support against Assad’s regime.

· The chaos deepens as NATO ally Turkey pushes its own agenda, eyeing Damascus and arming opposition forces, while the largest Israeli land grab in decades unfolds in the West Bank. Meanwhile, Iran stands firm with Syria, dismissing Western propaganda of evacuations and affirming military support.

· Amid this inferno, Russia reinforced its command in Syria, placing Colonel General Alexander Chaiko—hero of Aleppo’s liberation—in charge. Syrian and Russian forces struck back hard, eliminating over 2,500 terrorists and reclaiming lost ground. Yet the dirty media war persists, with terrorists faking control of villages to sow chaos.

· The storm is here. Alliances are shifting. The truth is being twisted. Stay vigilant—what’s unfolding isn’t just about Syria or Ukraine. This is the stage for something far greater. The question is: Are you ready for what’s coming next?


· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: Syria has officially fallen, marking the end of President Assad's government.

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: In a stunning turn of events, a left-leaning high court in Romania has overturned the election results without any clear explanation. Călin Georgescu, who scored an unexpected victory, has publicly stated that the World Economic Forum controls European leaders and described Donald Trump's 2016 win as an anomaly in the matrix. He also suggested that oligarch pedophiles are running the United Nations and are connected to the disappearance of eight million children each year without any trace. A private jet from Florida landed in Romania just minutes before the Constitutional Court canceled the election.

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: BREAKING NEWS: Canada Announces Firearms Ban as Trudeau Seizes Canadians’ Guns and Forces Weapon Donations to Ukraine! VIDEO - amg-news.com - American Media Group

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: Military Intel & Covert Ops: Celebrities, The Judges/Olu Unit, Gitmo, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Naval Base Guam, White House & FISA Declassification - amg-news.com - American Media Group

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Breaking News! FDA Corruption Exposed: How Big Pharma and FDA Collusion Fuel America’s Health Crisis! RFK Jr.’s MAHA Movement Fights Back! - amg-news.com - American Media Group

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Explosive Day One: Trump and Kennedy Executive Orders Shatter the Status Quo and Redefine America’s Health, Freedom, and Government! - amg-news.com - American Media Group


· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Celebrities Who Slept With Diddy For a Deal Exposed:

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 Illinois: Six arrested for Human Trafficking:

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024 France: Child Sex Trafficking by Vatican in tunnel beneath Notre Dame Cathedral. Child Sacrifices being held there by Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Japanese White Hats destroyed the Cathedral.

· Sun. 8 Dec. 2024: Jay-Z accused in a civil lawsuit of raping a 13-year-old girl in 2000 along with Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs.

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Pedophile Pence Interrogated At Gitmo: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=249050

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: CLINTON: Crimes Against Children, GITMO FULL, PATEL/HEGSETH Cause PANIC, PRAY! VIDEO - amg-news.com - American Media Group


H. JUDY NOTE: Kaitlynn Hunter is a victim of and witness to Ohio Foster Care children and youth rape, brutal beatings, starvation and neglect in what was believed to be a CIA MKULTRA Mind Control of Children for a Sex Trafficking Ring.

Please consider cut and pasting the below and sending it to your Senators and Representatives in Congress asking for an immediate investigation of all children and youth in the Ohio Foster Care Program.

As of Mon. 9 Dec. 2024 Kaitlynn Hunter, in critical condition, remains missing, having been taken from the Dayton Children’s Hospital in the middle of the night (where she was under observation for a bleeding head concussion from a beating on Sat. 9 Nov. 2024) by Dayton Police and Ohio CPS workers who then cut her off from the ability to contact her mother or anyone else for help. UPDATE: Alert! Alert! Alert! God's Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio's Foster Children from International Trafficking - A Cry for Help! - amg-news.com - American Media Group

On 11 Feb. 2019 Kaitlynn (age 11) was abducted from her home by Ohio Guernsey County Child Protective Services (for being home schooled), an act which landed her in Ohio Foster Care Prison for the next six years. She is now seventeen years old: Child Protection or Government Tyranny? – Lobbyists for Citizens

Guernsey county CPS has had at least two Foster children die since Kaitlynn was taken in 2019. But, those deaths were only the ones which have been reported. A Whistleblower (who has a Child Trafficking office inside a group home) maintains that teen girls around 16 years old were placed in the group home where they were deliberately abused, starved and beaten, with caretakers setting up and egging on the abuse. The girls, trying to avoid further abuse, would run away. A certain male waited outside the group home to catch and rape them. Then they would either be returned to the group home, or just disappear. The ones who disappeared were believed to either be killed or placed in a Sex Trafficking Ring run by the CIA in cooperation with Ohio CPS.

It is my belief after having done extensive research on this, that Ohio Foster Care Youth Group Homes appeared to be the center of a CIA run Child Sex Trafficking Ring that mind controlled their foster care victims in a program called MK-ULTRA. The CIA MK-ULTRA Mind Control Programming was brought into the US after World War II, along with several Nazi Mind Control experts, and was the basis for formation of the CIA.

· On February 11, 2019 Kaitlynn was abducted from her home, by armed Policeman Robert Oakley & CPS Nikki Caldwell

· On March 5, 2020, Judge Padden mandated Jeannine be evaluated and charged with aggravated menacing (alleged crime for yelling at a CPS agent in violation of her 1st Amendment rights).

· Thereafter, judge Dale Reasoner ordered that Jeannine be incarcerated in a Psych Ward [Appalacia Behavioral Health] from June 11 2021, through December 6, 2021, rendering Jeannine to be incompetent to stand trial, while being FORCE MEDICATED or Strapped to a Table and Injected with unknown Psych Meds, against her will [Nuremberg code violations]; while the court(s) quickly ordered permanent custody of Kaitlynn.

· After Jeannine was released from the Psych Ward, she was "suddenly" rendered "competent to stand trial" for alleged "aggravated menacing" charges. Jeannine demanded a Trial by Jury; despite the fact that the Jury found Jeannine "not guilty," of these bogus crimes, Jeannine never got Kaitlynn back and was further "force medicated" against her will up until July 22, 2022.

· Jeannine stated, “These Unconstitutional FOREIGN AGENTS are, perhaps the most hostile/evil bad actors I have ever experienced in my life.”

During Kaitlynn’s six tortuous years in unwarranted Foster Care she has been constantly denied urgently needed medical care while suffering untreated internal injuries from beatings and physical and sexual abuse. Those untreated injuries included what appeared to be blood clots to her eyes, head and ears. For years she has had untreated irregular heartbeats and lack of sufficient oxygen at night, causing her extreme fatigue.

Kaitlynn was also denied prescribed nutrition while trying to recover from a bout with starvation. For over a year Kaitlynn and a fellow foster care inmate claimed they were deliberately starved by their foster mother. Kaitlynn lost 60 pounds, while her fellow roommate, who was nursing a baby, lost over 100 pounds.

During her now six year stay in Ohio Foster Care she has been to over 14 schools, residential group homes, juvenile detention and schools in mental wards. Her various placements resulted from her running away from her abusive situation.

Additionally during the past six years Kaitlynn has not only been denied schooling, but clothing, food and personal necessities. She has run away from foster homes several times to get away from the abuse, attempted suicide on several occasions, has twice been denied her right to file court papers on her abuse and continually begs to be returned to her mother, whom now she is not allowed to even contact. Why?

Kaitlynn was originally placed in state custody because she was being home schooled, yet she has not been in regular schooling since. Why?

She was placed at the Dimensional Phases Group Home 45 Oxford Avenue Dayton, OH 45402, where she received a beating around Sat. 9 Nov. 2024. She was taken to the Dayton Children’s Hospital, but did not receive treatment for her severe wounds. Instead, she was threatened by CPS Staff (who egged on her abuse) that she was going to be placed in Juvenile Detention. Her mother Jeannine Larrick’s request for an emergency CAT scan was denied. (see pictures in this link UPDATE: Alert! Alert! Alert! God's Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio's Foster Children from International Trafficking - A Cry for Help! - amg-news.com - American Media Group)

Finally seven days later on Fri. 15 Nov. she was taken for a CAT Scan at the Dayton Children's Hospital, but only because I, Judy Byington, had headlined her in my daily Updates and several of my readers were badgering everyone from the Ohio governor to group home owners to get her to the hospital for emergency care for head wounds which were still bleeding.

On Sat. morning 16 Nov. 2024 around 1 am CPS workers came to the Childrens Hospital in Dayton Ohio and removed Kaitlynn. She was supposed to stay in the hospital overnight for observation of a head concussion on request of her mother Jeannine Larrick. CPS took away Kaitlynn’s phone, but the mother has word that she told a friend they were planning on moving her out of state to perhaps Indianapolis. Kaitlynn was in a critical health condition where she needed to be in a hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Alleged Child Trafficker Ohio CPS Abducts Critically Ill Teen From Hospital | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News

During their abduction CPS Workers took away Kaitlynn’s phone and threatened her to not use it, even though a prior CPS worker had said she could use her phone in case of emergency such as she was had when they abducted her from the hospital and took away her phone. Why?

Ohio Child Protective Services have not allowed the mother and daughter reasonable and regular contact for the past six years Kaitlynn has been in unwarranted foster care while suffering physically, emotionally and psychologically. That alone could be considered emotional abuse of a child – especially one who has no reason to be in foster care.

Kaitlynn has yet to receive medical treatment for serious injuries from a beating including a bleeding head concussion received close to a month ago – which her caretakers not only encouraged the perpetrator to do, but egged on the beating.

Kaitlynn even didn’t receive a CAT scan for the injury until six days after, and that was only likely because readers of my daily updates put pressure on CPS to do it through phone calls and emails to authorities. Why?

However, results of that CAT scan and Kaitlynn’s present whereabouts were now being kept secret by Ohio CPS. Why?

During her abduction from the hospital Kaitlynn heard CPS workers say they were going to take her to Indiana.

Ms. Larrick has not heard from her daughter since and fears for her life. Alleged Child Trafficker Ohio CPS Abducts Critically Ill Teen From Hospital | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News

Numerous requests for investigation to Ohio political, law and legal authorities from Senator Vance, the Ohio governor and Ohio Attorney General on down to various agencies and police departments have gone unanswered.

As of Tues. 3 Dec. 2024 there has not been an investigation opened on Kaitlynn to my knowledge.

The mother Jeannine Larrick wrote a letter to David Yost Ohio Attorney General asking for an investigation. Ms. Larrick has a letter dated Sept. 6 2023 from Mr. Yost stating that his office wouldn’t intervene (in the abuse Kaitlynn said she was experiencing in Foster Care), essentially stating they represented and would therefore defend CPS, and that Ms. Larrick would need to get a lawyer to represent her charges. Signed by Logan Fry, Constituent Liason

Help Save Tortured Kaitlynn and Let Her Go Home!!! GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!

(signed) Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist, Journalist, Author of a book on CIA Mind Control “Twenty Two Faces.”

I. SUN. 8 DEC. 2024: UNSTOPPABLE!! Trump’s Military Alliance Prepares Global Med Bed Rollout for 2025 – Crushing the Deep State! …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

· The suppression of Med Bed technology is one of history's darkest betrayals, orchestrated by elites and Big Pharma to keep humanity enslaved in sickness. But Donald J. Trump and his military alliance are fighting back with a global Med Bed rollout planned for 2025. This isn’t just about medical freedom—it’s about humanity’s liberation.

· Trump’s Secret War for Med Beds: During his presidency, Trump signed classified orders to recover suppressed black-budget technologies like Med Beds. The U.S. Space Force, established in 2019, became key in securing these technologies, some rumored to originate from extraterrestrial sources. These advancements, hidden in places like Antarctica and Cheyenne Mountain, were used exclusively by elites to prolong their lives while the public suffered.

· The Plan for 2025: The alliance aims to make Med Beds publicly available by 2025 as part of NESARA/GESARA—a global reset initiative to redistribute wealth and dismantle elite control. Redemption Centers will distribute the technology, overseen by military operatives to block sabotage. Treatments will range from curing chronic illnesses to reversing aging, prioritizing the vulnerable, veterans, and vaccine-injured.

· Big Pharma’s Desperate Resistance: The elites are panicking. Leaked plans reveal Big Pharma’s push to discredit Med Beds through fake studies and media smears. Globalist figures like Klaus Schwab are allegedly organizing cyberattacks and infiltrations to delay the rollout. Despite this, Trump’s alliance has deployed advanced countermeasures to ensure success.

· Unveiling the Atrocities: Leaked documents show Med Beds have been secretly used to extend the lives of elite figures for decades while ordinary people were denied access. Worse, unethical experiments, often involving children, were conducted to refine the technology. Trump’s alliance plans to expose these horrors and hold perpetrators accountable.

· Why 2025?: The timing aligns with the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and NESARA/GESARA, which will break elite financial control and ensure Med Beds remain free and accessible. This guarantees that technology meant to heal won’t become another tool of oppression.

· The Final Countdown: This battle isn’t just about Med Beds—it’s about dismantling the systems that have enslaved humanity. The truth is coming, and by 2025, the world will witness a revolution. Med Beds are real, and Trump’s alliance is delivering them. The elite are out of time. Prepare for healing. Prepare for freedom. The future is here.


· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: BREAKING: Gates Virologist Admits Elite Designing Deadly New Viruses to Cripple Trump Presidency! Watch The People’s Voice Video - amg-news.com - American Media Group

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Baby Killer?: Australian Health Minister Mark Butler announced the launch of the "world's most comprehensive vaccination program" for Australian babies. https://t.me/hiddeninplainsight1

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024: Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer, has blown the whistle in a powerful testimony, claiming that the COVID mRNA shots, which he describes as "masquerading as vaccines," were intentionally designed to harm recipients.

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Peter Hotez: “We have some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st as he names nearly a dozen viruses. All that’s going to come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump Administration.” Sounds like Peter Hotez is admitting that there is another pandemic planned for Trump’s second term.


· 1 Nov. 2023 CIA Mind Control Part 1: CIA Torturing, Sexually Abusing, Killing Children in Mind-control Programs?

· 3 Nov. 2023 CIA Mind Control Part 2: CIA Torture of Thousands of Children in Mind Control Experiments, Part Two

· 10 Nov. 2023 CIA Mind Control Part 3: CIA Torturing, Killing Children in Mind Control Experiments, Part Three

· 13 Nov. 2023 CIA Mind Control Part 4: CIA Tortuous Mind Control Experiments on Children – Part 4

· 15 Nov. 2023 CIA Mind Control Part 5: CIA Sexual Abuse & Torture of Children Used to Blackmail Congress – Part Five

· 28 Nov. 2023 CIA Mind Control Part 6: Congress Is Funding The CIA’s Torture of Children

L. FRI. 6 DEC. 2024: OBAMA NAMED AS FIRST WORLD LEADER TO BE PROSECUTED in Diddy Pedophile Investigation …White Hats on Telegram

· Barry Soetoro, better known by his CIA name Barack Obama, is facing a storm like never before. The man who once boasted of serving a "third term" through puppet president Joe Biden is now sweating bullets as a political scandal of epic proportions threatens to unravel his legacy - and land him behind bars for years to come.

· The Democrats threw all norms aside in their relentless lawfare campaign against Donald Trump, desperately trying to imprison him and prevent his return to the White House. But in their haste, they broke a critical rule: the longstanding tradition of not prosecuting former presidents. Now, that door has been swung wide open, and Obama is about to feel the full force of the consequences.

· Worse still for him? It’s all on film. The feds have it all, and with the Democrats losing control of the reins in D.C., Obama’s sordid past is finally catching up with him.

· We were waiting for few years.. now it's happening, the Deep State is falling down join bellow for more:



M. SAT. 7 DEC. 2024: OBMAMA'S POLICIES aligned with the Bilderberg Group’s push for centralized control, digital currencies, and social credit systems, stripping nations of sovereignty.

· The Secret Shadow Fund: A shadow fund tied to Obama has funneled billions into radical organizations worldwide. Established in 2015, it operates through offshore accounts and supports riots, migrant crises, and election interference. Recent leaks expose its role in violent uprisings across Europe, all designed to erode borders and increase dependency on globalist systems.

· The Reckoning Has Begun: Whistleblowers are coming forward, exposing Obama-era operations like Project Specter, which targeted conservatives through fabricated investigations. His Democracy Forum speech wasn’t strength—it was panic. The people are waking up, and the elite’s control is slipping.

· The reckoning is here. Obama’s lies, manipulations, and treason are being exposed. The fight for truth and justice has begun, and the people are rising.

N. SUN. 8 DEC. 2024: RECORD BANKRUPTCY IN USA …Patriot 101 on Telegram

1– Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy.

2– Zara closed 1,200 stores.

3– La Chapelle withdrew 4391 stores.

4– Chanel is discontinued.

5– Hermes is discontinued.

6– Patek Philippe discontinued production.

7– Rolex discontinued production.

8– The world's luxury industry has crumpled.

9– Nike has a total of $23 billion US dollars preparing for the second stage of layoffs.

10– Gold's gym filed for bankruptcy.

11– The founder of AirBnb said that because of pandemic, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 weeks.

12– Even Starbucks also announced to permanently close their 400 stores.

13– WeWork isn't in a great spot either.

14– Nissan Motor Co. may close down in USA.

15– Biggest Car Rental company (Hertz) filed for bankruptcy - they also own Thrifty and Dollar.

16– Biggest Trucking company (Comcar) filed for bankruptcy - they have 4000 trucks.

17– Oldest retail company (JC Penny) filed for bankruptcy - to be acquired by Amazon for pennies.

18– Biggest investor in the world (Warren Buffet) lost $50B in the last 2 months.

19– Biggest investment company in the world (BlackRock) is signaling disaster in the world economy - they manage over $7 Trillion.

20– Biggest mall in America (Mall of America) stopped paying mortgage payments.

21– Most reputable airline in the world (Emirates) laying off 30% of its employees.

22– US Treasury printing trillions to try to keep the economy on life support.

23– Estimated no. of retail stores closing in 2020 - 12,000 to 15,000.

24– The following are big retailers that have announced closing: J. Crew, Gap, Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, Forever 21, Sears, Walgreens, GameStop, Pier 1 Imports, Nordstrom, Papyrus, Chico's, Destination Maternity, Modell's, A.C. Moore, Macy's, Bose, Art Van Furniture, Olympia Sports, K Mart, Specialty Cafe & Bakery and many many more, while unemployment claims reached an all-time high of 38+ million - unemployment is over 25% (out of 160 million of work force, close to 40 million are jobless). With no income, consumer demand is falling drastically and the economy will go into a free fall. This is just USA.


The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m. Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.

The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, 3,100 still displaced over a year later.

Every day since the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day and support to their now 3,100 still-displaced fellow victims. The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has cut funding for those victims.

Donations were still needed, but the AKUA Foundation Website has been compromised and cannot accept monies until things are straightened out.

P. TIM BALLARD has worked undercover in the US and multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. In this effort, he has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued countless children from sex slavery. Today in Sept 2024 Tim continues to dismantle child trafficking rings and save children in South America. With his own organization embedded in governments all over the world, he is literally saving the World's Children. Just as a film about Ballard’s work, “Sound of Freedom,” was released, Tim suddenly became embroiled in a number of law suits. Powerful entities within the government appeared to be working to discredit and take him down, perhaps to silence his anti-trafficking work. Tim is a true hero and his wife and nine children continually support and pray for him. If you would like to support Ballard’s unjust persecution, contribute here: Ballard Family Defense Fund on GiveSendGo Here


Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS. Despite the ruling in Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living. He was arrested almost a year ago and has been sitting in jail without the ability to file an appeal because he won’t be sentenced until 20 Dec. 2024.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Dear Faithful Friends and Family,

Did you have a great Thanksgiving with friends and family? I sure hope so. You don't know just how blessed you are until it's suddenly taken away. Being in jail, I'm learning just how blessed I have been most of my life, and am now blessed, even while I’m in jail. Please enjoy those you love while you have them. You never know when that could be taken from you.

Having the scriptures is such a blessing. Did you know that 1/3 of the New Testament was written from prison? Those passages are now super meaningful to me, as I suffer in prison.

Thanksgiving morning I was reading “412 days: Persecuted for Christ” by Torben Sondergaard (by-the-way, today is my 461st day) about a Danish man whose story I can relate to. He wrote, “God's purpose alone is what has brought you to where you are. Embrace that truth and settle it in your heart. You don't have to live anxiously…you don't have to fight or lift a finger to get yourself out. In fact, you can't -- only God can. To try to get yourself out before God's purpose is fulfilled, would actually be working against Him, and it wouldn't work anyhow. Save yourself the heartache. Just trust him. He will get you out. Remember, this is only for a season. Rejoice. He did promise you!” Reading this paragraph gave me great joy and courage on a lonely Thanksgiving morning. I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful wife in Barbara, seven wonderful kids, 11 beautiful grandchildren, and friends and family like you. Your kind prayers for us means everything. Thank you!

On November 14th we filed a writ of habeas corpus, which is a high priority legal order to liberate those who may be in prison without sufficient cause, and to deliver them from unlawful custody. The court had three days to respond. They did not. They're allowed up to 20 days, if they ask in advance. They did not. It's to say that December 5, their 20 days are up. I believe there will be a hearing by then that may approve to kick me out of this jail permanently.

On November 26th we also filed a reply to the state court that requests that all charges be dropped in that case for fraud that was committed upon the court. We remain hopeful that the judge will see the proof we provided and drop all charges and exonerate us, or at the very least, give us a new trial where we will expose the fraud there again.

December 23rd is the day that is scheduled for sentencing. I hope that I can be home for Christmas when the courts finally embrace the fact that the Supreme Court has already given us the victory with the new Moore v United States decision that MIRACULOUSLY came just two days after our verdict. We've been proven innocent. The truth shall set us free, if that's what the Lord wants for us by Christmas.

May God bless you and your families, Ken (and Barbara)

P.S. Gratitude is an attitude…Psalms 119:77,85-86; D&C 78:19 “He who is thankful in all things will be made glorious” and be blessed an hundredfold.

· Ken really appreciates receiving encouraging messages in postcards. White, pre-stamped postcards with your name and complete return address hand-written is the only thing accepted at the jail. Paul Cromar #567164 Davis County Jail P.O. Box 130 Farmington, UT 84025-0130 Donations for commissary and other needs can be made at: https://www.miraclesingodwetrust.com/contact/ Venmo to: @Talmage-Cromar OR mail to: The Cromar’s PO Box 942 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 (you will receive a gift for your contribution)


In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom's very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children to share with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.


Jenny Hill and I spent 20 years writing her biography, “22 Faces” to expose our own CIA’s horrendous Mind Control Programming based in torture, rape and child sacrifice that was so rampant in our Global Society. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4

“22 Faces” explains how childhood torture separates a young developing brain’s thinking patterns into multiple personalities that then allowed perpetrators to control their victims throughout their lives.

When the first edition of “22 Faces” was released the biography was immediately brutally attacked by the very pedophiles who, in their worship of Satan, regularly raped, tortured and killed children in exchange for their own sick definition of power and glory.

Through these Satanist’s negative comments and one star reviews of “22 Faces” on Amazon, the pedophiles were effective in plunging book ratings.

“22 Faces” was now re-published and it wouldn’t be a surprise to find those same perpetrators organizing another attack on the book – all designed to cover up their own crimes and make people believe that the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children does not exist among us – in our own neighborhoods – right next door.

It would be most appreciated if you could go into Amazon and give the biography a review and rating, plus ask your friends and family to do likewise.

The more we can expose those Satan worshipping perpetrators who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse on our children, the more innocents can be saved from what Jenny and so many others had to endure.

If you would like more information or order “22 Faces” please visit our website:
HOME | Judy Byington (judy-byington.com)


Watch out for: Anyone advertising they will reimburse you for the TRB Trump Products, or set you up on a Quantum Account asking for money to do it. (They use fake accounts and AI to make you think you are dealing with Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc.) Also watch out for the HSBC Quantum Token/Bitcoin Scam, the TRB Trump Products Scam, the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam, the Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and any other website that asks that you give them your personal identification to register for a QFS Account and/or receive a pay out on TRB products.

DO NOT exchange currency or Zim Bonds anywhere but at a licensed Redemption Center where you will get the highest rates possible.

Upon implementation of the Global Currency Reset the Cabal will be losing their money supply and they are hot and heavy to SCAM anyone in any way they can.

The HSBC Quantum Scam: They claim they've successfully applied "quantum technology" to buy and sell tokenized physical gold. The trick is when you buy the tokens or Bitcoin they keep the gold and have complete control over your bank account.

Report your Scam experience to:

Victims of the TRB Scam, Ezra A. Cohen-Watnick Impersonator Fake QFS Accounts Scam and/or the Dave XRPLion Impersonator Scam are urged to type up their experiences including products bought and monies paid out, plus your contact information. Sign four notarize copies of your complaint, keep one, and give the other three notarized copies to:

1. Present a notarized copy of your TRB complaint to your local law enforcement and ask they open an investigation. Write down your complaint number and include it in your information sent to Alan Garten and the US Inspector General of the Air Force.

2. Alan Garten, General Counsel to the Trump Organization so they can refer such on to their FBI, Secret Service and New York PD investigations. The Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue, 26th Fl. New York NY 10022-2519 United States.

3. Inspector General of the Air Force's Office, so our Spec Ops people can pay a call on such criminals. Email: saf.ighotline@us.af.mil

Victims of International Crime: Trial International is a non-governmental organization fighting impunity for international crimes and supporting victims in their quest for justice. Who We Are - TRIAL International Contact TRIAL International Email: info@trialinternational.org General Questions: https://trialinternational.org/contact-us
Phone: Call +41 22 321 61 10 Postal Address: Rue de Lyon 95, 1203, Geneva, Switzerland.
Online Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on their website to address specific queries directly at TRIAL International Contact Form. https://trialinternational.org/contact-us Social Media: Connect with them on social platforms like
Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Trust The Plan. We’re Talking God’s Plan. It’s Time. Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness.. - amg-news.com - American Media Group

· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 7, 2024 – The US Military News


· Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: 10 Days of Communication Darkness, The Power to World Will Switch Off Briefly to Install Our Star Link Satellite Internet. Special Intel Report 12/7/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 8, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report:Trust The Plan. We’re Talking God’s Plan. It’s Time. Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness.. - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 7, 2024 – The US Military News

Sat. 7 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: 10 Days of Communication Darkness, The Power to World Will Switch Off Briefly to Install Our Star Link Satellite Internet. Special Intel Report 12/7/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 7, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official (NEED TO KNOW) RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR: UPDATE AS OF SATURDAY 7 DECEMBER 2024 (THE UN-REDACTED VERSION)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 7, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: God Is Not Through With This World He Created – That Satan Was Trying To Rule. Trust The Plan. We’re Talking God’s Plan. . . - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of December 6, 2024 – The US Military News

Fri. 6 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness. Shutdowns Will Occur, But Only in Certain Areas. Banks Will Close. Special Intel Report 12/6/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 6, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


Thurs. 5 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: US & Russia At War, S Korea in Martial Law, French Gov. Dissolved & No One Knew It. Trust The Plan. Stay United. . . - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Thurs. 5 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 5, 2024 – The US Military News

Thurs. 5 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: US & Russia At War, S Korea in Martial Law, French Gov. Dissolved & No One Knew It! Prepare For Victory! Special Intel Report 12/5/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 5, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


Wed. 4 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: The Global Military Alliance of over 100 countries were in the process of making Mass Arrests of Deep State Child-Sacrificing Pedophile, Satan Worshipping Bankers... - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Wed. 4 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of December 4, 2024 – The US Military News

Wed. 4 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Global Military Alliance of Countries in the Process of Mass Arrests of Deep State Child-Sacrificing Pedophile, Satan Worshipping Bankers, Politicians & CEOs. Special Intel Report 12/4/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 4, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


Tues. 3 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: God's Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio's Foster Children from International Trafficking - A Cry for Help... - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Tues. 3 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of December 3, 2024 – The US Military News

Tues. 3 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: God's Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio's Foster Children From International Trafficking - A Cry for Help! Special Intel Report 12/3/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 3, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Mon. 2 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITREP 12/2/24 “BYEDIN PARDONS HUNTER, 17 CITY CIVIL UNREST, NUKE SCARE EVENT”

Mon. 2 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Multiple Allegations Made of Ohio Foster Care Youth Being Raped, Tortured and Disappeared into a Child Sex Trafficking Ring... - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Mon. 2 Dec. 2024 UPDATE: Alert! Alert! Alert! God's Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio's Foster Children from International Trafficking - A Cry for Help! - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Mon. 2 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Situation Update - Secret Military Ops Target Elites, GITMO Tribunals Begin!!! | Blogging/Citizen Journalism | Before It's News

Mon. 2 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of December 2, 2024 – The US Military News

Mon. 2 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Why? Where Was The Outcry To Save The Children? Where Were The White Hats? Join The Fight To Save Our Constitution! Special Intel Report 12/2/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Restored Republic via a GCR: UPDATE as of December 2, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITREP 12/1/24. “KASH PATEL FBI, FEMA CRIMES, CHINA WARNS US, SYRIAN COUP”

Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report:Pray For the North Carolina Children. Living in Cold Tents While FEMA & N Carolina Governor Refuses Them Help. . . - amg-news.com - American Media Group

Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 Situation Update (video): https://theusmilitarynews.com/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-december-1-2024/

Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Pray For the North Carolina Children. Living in Cold Tents While FEMA & North Carolina Governor Refuses Them Help. Special Intel Report 12/1/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of December 1, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official


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