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Iran Missile Attack on Israeli Military & Strategic Targets, Full Compilation 16 m video, + My Comments
My comments:
95% of the missiles got through the Iron Dome defense system. Iran did not target cities or high rise buildings, but instead targeted Israel's gas wells off the coast, military bases and electric plants, etc.
Israel censors all the news on targets hit, so we have no idea on the exact damage that was done. It is only when private citizens sneak out photos or videos they take of the damage that we know of the bombing results.
It should be noted that both sides are doing the very opposite of what Christ taught, and that is to love your enemies, turn the other cheek and not take part in revenge.
In the real world that may not always be possible, when an enemy is carrying out a program of genocidal attacks, which means we are born with the built in nature to defend ourselves and our families from harm.
But in many cases people, individually or a group, can avoid confrontations by withdrawing from an area. This is what the Pilgrims did when they sailed from England to America. This principle of avoiding conflicts and avoiding wars works most of the time.
But all bets are off when a group of people are literally enslaved, misused, raped, tortured, their land stolen and they're attacked daily by tyrant rulers. Also, if they have no where to escape to, to avoid threats to their lives, resistance, in some cases is the only thing left to them.
Personally I would like to see the Palestinians migrate to a safe land given to them by Russia in SE Asia, But I'm not sure that is feasible in all cases.
Egypt and Jordan have been refusing any mass migrations of the Palestinians into their land. On the Northwest is the ocean that blocks their escape. And, Israel is not allowing a mass migration of people to Syria or Lebanon. Also, the so-called two-state solution would never be accepted by the Israelis, which means the only thing left is for Israel to keep killing off what they call sub-human animals, so the declared "superior" race, claimed to be blessed by the Babylonian Talmud god, can claim the land. This is really messed up.
And to make matters worse, the Israeli leaders have a well-known agenda to enlarge their borders to create a "greater Israel" by stealing massive amounts of their neighboring country's lands. They already stole the Golan Heights that belonged to Syria. And now they're chanting in the streets that Lebanon belongs to them.
This is an obvious, consistent pattern of stealing land by force that is reminiscent of the likes of Genghis Kahn and other feudal rulers in history. At the very least our government should not be financing and providing weapons to such barbarism and cruel tyranny over other human beings. Instead, we should be defending the innocent. This principle is so basic that it shouldn't need to be mentioned - but the masses today are so deceived by the wealthy elite globalists' lies, that telling the truth is outlawed and considered a revolutionary act. George Eaton
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