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We prohibit sex workers but condone mutilation of children for sex changes

Posted By: Being_In_Awe
Date: Saturday, 13-Jul-2024 16:45:51

One of our greatest failures in modern society is obviously the massive increase in encouraging young people to question their sexuality and even go to the extreme of sex change operations and hormone treatments to change the natural sexual nature of the person.

Another parallel flaw seems to me to be at the other extreme, which is prohibiting or frowning upon sex workers.

What if we find the middle ground? What about “hug” workers? I’m dead serious.

What about “I love you” support groups for people who are just plain not lucky enough to be born and raised in a way that’s conducive to having sexual partners of the opposite sex attracted to them?

Sexual success. Ever been a long time without food or water or air or sleep? Your body craves those things and forces you to have them or makes you experience so much pain you can hardly bear it.

The same goes for success in sexual pairing. Succeed and it feels amazing. Fail and it’s extremely painful.

This isn’t a “thought” or a mental gymnastic. It’s as built into our very being as food, water, and sleep.

We can do so much better at empathizing with the very many among us who aren’t so lucky in love.

Ooh. I just inadvertently substituted the word “sex” with the word “love.” What the hell just happened?

It’s obvious. In our culture we very often regard the meanings of sex and of love as being the same thing.

Sure, we can quibble about “if it’s just sex it isn’t love” and “there are many forms of love that have nothing to do with sex” but we all know that a “love song” is about “sex” and “being in love” is about sex. And in those contexts there’s nothing in the world negative about “sex” (as long as we don’t use that word too much; we freely talk about changing sex and mutilating sex parts but not about sharing sex).

Romance. Intimacy. Togetherness. Partners. All of those say the same thing but may be less in your face.

Why do we not help young people in a more mature way? Offer support groups and training for how to be more successful with the opposite sex. Help with match-making services for young people? And I mean “young” people who are just coming into puberty! Doesn’t have to lead to “sexual intercourse” yet but we can do soooo much to help with their drives, their social peer-group pressures, their forming their sense of self and identity.

Their feeling safe and “loved.” Maybe free or government-supported or community-supported “sensual massage” and “hugs” and “looking each other in the eye and saying I have these desires and fears the same as you” would do wonders for our young people. And why not facilitate healthy sex at legal age?

Compared to…

Encouraging young people to question and for heaven's sake change their gender in order to deal with the pain of not fitting in or being spurned by that one potential lover that means the universe to them?

At least if they change their sexual orientation and maybe even gender they won’t be alone. They will have plenty of others in the same category also desperately seeking love – uh, I mean sex and hugs, warmth and intimacy.

Are we nuts? What is wrong with us as a society?

Yes, I support people who really are attracted to the same sex, er, uh, same gender. I don’t know what the right terminology is by now. Nobody does!

But we know male and female is how nature created most of the animal kingdom, of which we’re a part. That’s why we have, uh, male and female. Just look around you at all of nature. All of life on the planet.

As if I have to make the case that heterosexuality is what nature gave us and is nature itself. Isn’t it obvious? To me, the male-female dynamic in all its forms and expressions is the most awe-inspiring aspect of life itself, of all of creation. It is how the cosmic engineers behind it all perpetuate creation!

Instead of hormonally messing with children’s bodies to change their sexuality, let’s get all the damn hormones and other sources of hormonal imbalance out of their food supply and environment.

Instead of encouraging sex or gender change let’s encourage and support hugs, caresses, and intimacy with the opposite sex in a healthy, open, thoughtful way with adults guiding things in a mature manner.

Instead of allowing people who make money on hormonal and surgical modifications of sexuality/gender in young people to influence and encourage young people to question their sexuality/gender, let’s put money into bringing in trained experts to help young people navigate their place in the flow of life.

Maybe even introduce “Heterosexual Honor Month.” Honoring the majority; honoring the miracle of life!


I’m advocating for these changes and am working to help to bring about these kinds of changes.

I run a nonprofit called Champions for Humanity that hopes to facilitate these kinds of things while also contributing in various other ways to the well-being and healthy evolution of individuals, humanity, and the planet. For now, its primary work is charitably distributing a highly advanced ionic silver complex.

I also run a company called Evolved Influence, working to bring large donors into serving humanity in various ways.

And I run a company that makes by far the most advanced ionic silver complex in existence. Venture capitalists and investment bankers have said it can lead to a company worth over half a billion dollars.

I’ve turned down all of those potential investors. I think we’re facing the most existential challenge in human history. It’s whether we allow the pursuit of money, even for those who are already insanely rich, to be not just okay and condoned but the only factor deciding who has the most power and influence.

That’s the main problem of humankind. We only invented electricity a few days ago in the span of human history. Now we have computers, nukes, and AI and it’s all in the hands of the most obsessed with endless money with zero regard for life itself. It’s all about messing with things, not honoring life.


Think about that. What is life, actually?

It’s nature. It’s our body. It’s that magical desire, competitiveness, attraction, intimacy, vulnerability, and protectiveness, between male and female. It’s what makes a seed turn into a flowing plant and what created and is you!

We’ve gone off the deep end and need to learn to increasingly honor life over our messing with things.

Be in awe… of life!



I'm working to help bring about change for the better.

I advocate honoring life itself and being in awe of the marvel of life.

I teach and coach about ways to improve health from a holistic perspective, improve quality of life, facilitate personal growth, help society itself to grow, and perhaps all get along a little better.

I also run a company that makes a highly advanced ionic silver complex, marketed as Silver 100, which PhD chemistry professors have called "ingenious and unprecedented," "hundreds of times more efficient," and "light-years ahead." The track record is off the charts. You'll see it discussed in posts and ads on RMN. (Rayelan, owner of RMN, wrote a powerful endorsement encouraging readers to check out the product and even consider financial participation.)

While professional potential investors have predicted this ionic silver can lead to a half-billion-dollar company, I’ve refused to get involved with them. I’ll only work with people who care that we’re helping people more than they care about profits.

In addition, I'm working to change things on a larger scale. I believe our number one issue as a species is the still barbaric level of socioeconomic cultural development that’s allowing the most predatory and ruthless, and those with the most entrenched interests, to have the most influence and power. To me, that’s the core issue behind why all those other major issues persist. I’m working to genuinely accelerate the evolution of using wealth and investing in ways that consider the impact on humankind and the planet.


To learn more about me and my work, perhaps help support my work, and contact me, CLICK HERE.
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-- Jay Newman

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