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SORCHA 5/26: "“On The Very Edge” Of “A Great World Conflict” Warnings Issued"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Sunday, 26-May-2024 14:47:02



May 26, 2024

On The Very Edge” Of “A Great World Conflict” Warnings Issued

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin visited the headquarters of the Tactical Missiles Corporation, says while at the facility, he held a meeting with the CEO’s of Russia’s leading defense corporations declaring to them: “I would like to emphasize that we must always be one step ahead...We have to always be one step ahead of the adversary, and then victory will be guaranteed”—a declaration joined by Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev warning: “Americans hitting our targets means starting a world war”—and was a warning followed by President Donald Trump vowing last evening: “I am committed to restoring peace and stability and to stopping Joe Biden’s march to World War Three”.

In preparation for the horrors of global war soon to come, this report notes, newly appointed Defense Minister Andrei Belousov received a Holy consecration from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia at the Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forcesa Holy event followed by the news: “Ukrainian forces carried out multiple drone and artillery strikes on the Russian city of Belgorod and several villages near the border overnight, claiming the lives of four civilians and injuring many others including children”—news that was then followed by a representative of the Ukrainian underground resistance forces fighting back against the Nazis revealing: “Moscow started to conduct precision strikes on Ukrainian military targets and the power grid in response to a string of terror attacks on Russian land...Moscow also struck a military airfield that is currently being prepared for Western F-16 fighter jets”.

Earlier today, this report continues, Ukraine Nazi Regime puppet leader President Vladimir Zelensky released a propaganda video showing him standing in the bombed out ruins of the Factor Druk printing house in Kharkiv, that before being obliterated by a Russian missile strike printed the Nazi white master race book “Ukraine Is Not Russia”, which is known as “the Ukrainian Mein Kampf” because its racist ideology mirrors that of Nazi German leader Adolph Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf”—Nazi leader Zelensky used his propaganda video to promote the so-called upcoming next month Swiss peace summit on the Ukraine conflict, about which Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova most factually observed: “Kiev’s claims that Moscow is trying to derail the Swiss-hosted Ukraine peace summit scheduled for next month are ridiculous, because the much-hyped event is a hoax in the first place ”—a factual observation joined with the news: “President Joe Biden will skip the peace summit promoted by Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky in Switzerland next month...Biden has chosen to attend a fundraising event in Los Angeles with George Clooney and Julia Roberts instead”.

While Ukraine Nazi Regime puppet leader Zelensky was making his propaganda video in the bombed out ruins of the printing house home of “the Ukrainian Mein Kampf”, this report details, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was meeting with avowed Nazi white master race Azov Battalion commanders, to whom he proclaimed: “Why on earth shouldn’t the Ukrainians be able to attack Russian troops on their territory?”—a proclamation joined by British Parliament Member Andrew Bridgen stating that current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak dissolved the government because he doesn’t want to be a war leader, and revealed: “Rishi wants out...We are actually at war with Russia now...They just haven’t told you...I met with Andrey Kelen, the Russian ambassador in London a couple of months ago...And he said that we know that your people are firing those Stormshadow missiles at us out of Ukraine because you couldn’t train the Ukrainians to do it...We know you’re doing it....And I mean, everyone knows that there are lots of US, UK, French troops in Ukraine...They’re determined to get us into a war with Russia...And thank God, we’ve got someone in Putin who at least has got some brains”.

Last week, this report notes, socialist Western colonial military forces in control of Ukraine Nazi Regime missiles targeted an advanced Voronezh Radar Station in the city of Armavir-Russia far from the front lines, which went into operation in 2013, and whose system can detect incoming cruise and ballistic missiles at a range of 6,000km and can track up to 500 targets—an actually insane targeting of a Russian early warning station designed to detect the firing of nuclear weapons that caused Russian Senator Dmitry Rogozin to alarmingly warn: “The United States should be seen as directly responsible for a Ukrainian strike on a key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella...Thus, we stand not on the precipice, but on the very edge...If such enemy actions are not stopped, an irreversible collapse of the strategic security of nuclear powers will begin”.

As to why the socialist Western colonial powers have insanely begun targeting Russia’s nuclear war early warning radar stations, this report concludes, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic just warningly revealed about his conversations with socialist European Union and NATO member leader Hungarian President Victor Orban: “Orban said that in Brussels preparations are underway for Europe’s entry into the war...He said Hungary should strengthen its defensive capabilities...I've talked about this with Victor twice...Of course, he has intelligence from NATO, which I don't have...According to my estimates, everything will be much more complicated and worse, and it may happen that we have a greater tragedy than in the Second World War...I wish I was wrong...I am afraid that we are approaching a great world conflict”.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

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May 26, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.


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