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Everybody can help my friend Jay help many people by widely spreading his highly advanced ionic silver complex formula.

Posted By: mroxygen
Date: Sunday, 5-May-2024 23:09:47

Everybody can help my friend Jay help many people by widely spreading his highly advanced ionic silver complex formula.

Jay Newman is a friend of mine also working for the good of the whole. He is an experienced warrior for health freedom in the proper way, and is making a very big difference in the world.

Due to his proper track record, I support him, his product, his current work, and his demonstrated values and vision wholeheartedly to date.

And I’m now writing to all my readers and inviting you to join us in helping Jay now.

You can take a look at this fundraising presentation he put together (link below). The presentation he produced is for tax-deductible donations for the nonprofit he manages.

If you wish to explore further, you can also see a bit about the opportunity to invest in the for-profit he also runs and see if it’s a suitable fit for both of you.

As I communicated in a previous article I wrote supporting his work, Jay formerly had the same attorney and accountant as Steven Jobs of Apple. He intuitively left that world in order to make a genuinely better and more meaningful difference for humanity by advancing holistic health.

After ten years and a million dollars in development, Jay introduced a highly advanced ionic silver product that PhD chemistry professors at major universities have called “light years ahead” and “hundreds of times more efficient” than anything else.

One leader in holistic health called this ionic silver “as much of an advancement in the medical field as the printing press and microchip were in their fields” and another claimed “a staggering 80% success with all the incurables in my practice for the full range of infectious conditions when nothing mainstream or alternative was working.”

A world-famous finance leader said that this advanced ionic silver complex could “make history changing the world of antibiotics from both a financial point of view and a humanitarian point of view.”

More than half a million bottles of this ionic silver have been sold to date. The performance track record is off the charts. The primary source of capital has been customers who have invested after seeing it do wonders for them and their loved ones.

They care about helping millions of others with this remarkable formulation every bit as much as they care about making a profit.

Venture capitalists and investment bankers have been predicting Jay’s company could end up being worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and have offered to invest millions of dollars themselves. But Jay isn’t interested in working with investors who care about the dollars more than the people they get to help save from disease.

Jay has been putting an ecosystem in place for raising capital from wealthy individuals with the right values and is now very well poised to open the floodgates for doing exactly that. He is at the very final stage of putting things in place. It’s now at the tipping point and ready to go into high gear as soon as one more boost of funding comes in to kick it off.

He put together the presentation at the link below for raising tax-deductible donations to the nonprofit he manages that charitably distributes the ionic silver complex in Africa and elsewhere. By reviewing the presentation, you’ll learn about your opportunity to make a real difference with a charitable donation that can exponentially cascade into doing real good in this world.

You’ll discover and learn about this remarkable ionic silver product that may help substantially reduce infectious disease on our planet.

Get to know Jay, a committed and capable individual who is working to make a significant difference by distributing this ionic silver formulation to millions of people.

Jay is also accelerating the evolution of using wealth and investing for the good of the whole in a way that considers the consequences to humankind more than, and above, the usual “just making a profit” mentality that society has previously been indoctrinated with and held back by to date.

Check out his presentation at this link, and then contact Jay to talk with him directly about participating by helping him in funding his efforts:


(That long URL is not for tracking code or anything like that. It’s an embedded password since that page is password-protected. If you need the password to get back in, it’s give4hs1.)

Thanks in advance for helping us all in this huge and worthwhile project!

Elder Ed McCabe, MrOxygen, Breath of God Ministry

BOGM Homepage

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