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What Is The Purpose?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Sunday, 28-Apr-2024 23:41:11

Did anyone else get a card in the mail from gas company? Mid-American Energy Co.is my company They would like to hear from us. Why? We already get excellent service from them. The Independent Research firm,Tetra Tech, mentioned in the letter, is committed to sustainability and climate positive actions. Doesn’t that sound, well, so United Nations Sustainable Development goals? So Agenda 2030. And, wouldn’t you know, one of the things they wanted to know was, what appliances in your home were run on natural gas. Again, Why? What business is it of theirs what kind of appliances we have as long as we pay our bills on time? And, any time I hear the words, ‘sustainability’ and ‘climate’ in the same sentence, I am instantly suspicious.

"Your information will be ‘completely confidential." B.S. I might have fallen for that. But since Biden is going after all appliances that are gas instead of electric. I don’t think so. For $10.00. I could tell them any appliances I have that uses gas? I smell a three day old carp! That is really a pretty sneaky way of getting people to out themselves. Kind of like a gun registry. But, it is nice to know where Mid-American executives stand politically since they are willing to do the bidding of the loony tunes in D.C.

Is Sleepy Joe going to refund the cost of any gas appliances we’re eventually going to be commanded to replace with electric ones? I doubt it. It wasn’t enough that he is trying to ban combustion engines in vehicles and replace them with electric, which are too expensive to buy, too tedious to charge and don’t go very far before needing to be charged again. And, what do you do with a spent battery? Landfills won’t take them. He even wants to replace diesel engines in tractor-trailers. When you are done laughing over that, ask yourselves the motive is for all of this.

Joe and the rest of the Deep State would love to ban anything that is inexpensive and convenient to heat our homes, cook our food and use for transportation. What is the end result? You would not be able to heat your home, take a hot shower or cook a meal when the electricity goes out, would be my guess. We would be at the mercy of cretins who would love nothing better than to eliminate 90% of humanity so they can have the Earth to themselves. Barring that at least they would love to have all of us living in 15 minute cities where you would only be allowed to walk or bike to places. Remember what Klaus Schwab said. “You will own nothing and be happy.” And you will “eat ze bugs”! Think I’m kidding with these things? Go to Epoch TV and watch “No Farmers No Food”.

Of course, Biden isn’t capable of thinking these things up on his own. No doubt Barak and Michael sit around dreaming of the next ridiculous move on our liberty. As well as the day he can walk back into the White House for his coronation.

Not going to happen! This United States will break up before that happens. The Libtards are praying for that to happen. One of my oldest friends just loves Hillary and thinks it is a shame that Obama couldn’t have had another term. Gag me with a spoon. We are only still friends because she respects my right to have a different opinion. And I respect hers. I still hope one day she will wake up. But of course Obama II was supposed to win in 2016 to carry on with his plans to turn America into a sanctuary country, with her hand picked well-armed thugs overcoming all patriots. She came so close. But, don’t think Obama/Hillary have given up yet. He is still running the administration behind the scene. You don’t really think Joe is capable of thinking at this time in his life and in the mid to late stages of dementia. I just read that he is now willing to debate Trump. OMG! I don’t know how Jill can stand this. There is no way I would allow anyone to make a fool out of my husband, that is elder abuse.

Now we have super war hawk Lindsey Graham calling for the military to go to war with Iran. Is he insane? It isn’t at all difficult to pick out the war hawks in the GOP. These are the ones clamoring the hardest for war with Russia. These people have to know that Russia will come to Iran’s aid if we attack them. I’ve been amazed at Putin’s restraint over Ukraine. He knows the US is fighting a proxy war with them, using Ukraine. I don’t look for that restraint to continue if Israel attacks Iran. It will be another proxy war, and I wouldn’t give our chances of surviving it much hope. Will Israel survive? It is really difficult to understand the thinking of these Elite minions. It’s like they are on a run away train heading for a bridge that is out. Nothing, apparently can stop it or even slow it down.

As for us patriotic Americans, holding our collective breathes, we are sitting around hoping that someone will save us, A benevolent ET, Trump, Jesus, our good guys in the White Hats, which I believe is a collection of military and intelligence individuals who don’t like the way they see us falling into the giant morass of communism. What can they do? Do they have a plan? Maybe they are the SOC that clif High talks about. The Self Organizing Collective that formed after the assassination of JFK in 63. But, I look around and see only people living their lives pretty much as usual. The only really disquieting thing is our open southern border, and Biden fighting to keep it open. That is bad enough. But has it ever happened in the history of our country that a sitting president physically brought illegal immigrants into our country? Maybe, but I am unaware of it. WTH? Is that not treason? And, if not why not? Just because he’s pretending that he won in 2022. The people who are trying to strip a president of immunity while in office had better be careful. They may get more than they bargained for.

What is it going to take for people to rise up and throw off this totalitarian yoke? The Globalists are trying to limit our freedoms more every day. Not just in America, but all over the world. It is time for the military and law enforcement agencies to decide who they will stand with. There are only so many chairs at the Elites table. Don’t be taken in if you are thinking, “I’m only doing my job. These big shots won’t forget that when the war starts. They will remember my service.” Don’t you believe it. Look up Hitler’s Brown Shirts. And remember that Stalin did something similar. These cowards who take over a country with the help of their chosen fighting men, can’t trust those men not to turn against them when the scales finally fall from their eyes that they are being used. And, they and their families will not long survive the coming purge.

Wake up now, before it is too late for you to join with patriots everywhere. What will you tell your children when they ask you what you were doing while the world lost 90% of it’s population and much of it’s infrastructure? Will you be able to tell them that you helped bring this “Hunger Game Society” to a stark reality? Or will you proudly tell them that you were part of the struggle to throw off this evil. Choose soon.

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