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Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #156 - #160 by Bennett Ross --(Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 25-Apr-2024 10:46:20

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-156/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #156

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 23, 2024 | psychology, Spirituality |

You live in a universe based on vibration
And you are a veritable vibration emitter

Recognize the invisible yet palpable waves that create reality
Paint the contours of a richer more vibrant existence

Claim your power
Speak life into your aspirations

Magic begins when you resonate
With the truth of your being
With the beauty of your dreams
And with the greatness of your desires

Sing a love song to your life
Choose words of abundance success and positivity that bring you closer to those outcomes

Situations people and opportunities that align with your words and intention
Emerge in unexpected ways

Such as the possibility of intimacy
Which seductively beckons the probability of passion within anothers embrace

Everything occurring in your experience is by your choice
Everything you see in this time space reality is a vibrational interpretation

Once you are in the flow of your vortex
Hope turns into belief
Belief turns into knowing
Knowing leads to the understanding that you are the creator
And that there is not anything you cannot be or do or have

Make the way you feel your highest priority
Nothing is more important than being a cooperative component
To who you are!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-157/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #157

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 23, 2024 | psychology, Spirituality |

As eternal consciousness
You came to explore and expand this world

You are part of the life force
That permeates the universe
And which animates all living beings

Harness and channel this energy with skill
Paint a future of vibrant colors

Focused intention allows cosmic currents to guide you
Through realms of magic and mystery

Create a potent energetic blueprint
That resonates with the universe

Align with universal principles of harmony and light
Treating all beings with reverence

By aligning with positive intention
You access the creative force within you

Everything you say is actually an enchantment
Capable of manifestation

The secret of the universe is understanding the subtle energy dynamics around you
Your words emit unique cymatic frequencies which interact with the ether that encompasses you

When we speak we cast vibrational spells that can summon the reality we desire
Each utterance sends out a frequency pattern that shapes the world which surrounds you

Speak as if each word or phrase is a golden brick
In the construction of your dream castle

The power of language is your magic wand
And is a transmitter of energy affecting space and time

Repeat these affirmations
I am abundant
I am wealthy
I am prosperous

Everything was a vibrational pattern first
Before they could be translated by your visionary auditory and other senses as perceptions

Control what you emit
It is the signal of what you have become

The Law of Attraction brings to you
What is in accordance to who you are

Become the main character in a gilded tale of triumph
Where the winds of destiny do not whisk you away
Or expose your heart to the tempest of loss

Stand firm in the valley of valor
Where words of love and encouragement
solid foundations!

From https://bennettleeross.com/technology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-158/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #158

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 23, 2024 | physics, technology |

Do not stand for intellectual acuity and responsibility
Just shut up and watch TV

HADES is the High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System
It has applied signal technology
And deploys cyber bio electronics

It neuro routes the body
And thermal mitigates its networking

HADES augments a virtual reality
By radiating your biofield

It shakes around your cerebral spinal fluid
And fucks with your genetics

With spectrum allocation and expansion
It seeps down into your bone marrow
Probes your veins and arteries
And switches neurons between your cells

It scans your mind and puts it in a brain imaging library
Using Geo Sense Java Script and Spell Caster

HADES channels multiple sensor nodes into the same individual

By routing dormant nano lipids and metallic organoids in fat cells
It makes people synthetic
And they become transhumanist hybrids and chimeras
Without even knowing it

Drones do not have to fly overhead
They just log on into the position of the bio sensors inside of you

They take a blueprint of your biology from the air with a plasma beam wave
And weaponize the air molecules around you generating meta materials

Drones use the telemetry of your blood flow
Creating ions and making changes in your cells at the millimeter level

Spiked proteins give a reading for the data center
Programmable electric fluoridics with a little electrical transduction
Will make you end up looking like a Grey alien

The people who work in Surveillance Reconnaissance will walk all over you with drones
Equipped with optical tracking bio photonic probes and photo acoustical imaging

That technology is accompanied with light modulated lasers
Which control the electric homeostasis of your cells

Then they store your neurons in an underground HP
And have a fun happy time!

From https://bennettleeross.com/geography/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-159/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #159

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 23, 2024 | energy, geography |

In the formidable southern reaches of the Cascade Range
Stands the commanding and majestic Mt Shasta
It is a dormant volcano that last erupted in 1781

At over 14000 feet it rises abruptly and steeply from the earth
Towering over the lush forests and verdant valleys below
That sprawl around its base

It is shrouded in mystery and magic
With tales of Lemurians wielding magical devices

Sightings also include beings with long necks garbed in tunics or white robes
Wearing necklaces and headbands with beads of gold and precious stones

It is said that the headbands are devices
That when positioned prominently over the forehead
Bestows upon the wearer an array of psychic abilities
And also gives them an influence over the thoughts and actions of others

Sometimes reports are of naked people participating in sex magic rituals
Watched over by security guards with guns

The mountain is supposed to house a vast network of underground chambers
That are adorned with intricate statues and shimmering crystals

The labyrinth of tunnels is lavishly decorated with protective shields
And plates crafted from gold and copper

They lead to an enigmatic subterranean realm cloaked in secrecy
And to a city called Telos that basks under an artificial sun

Brilliant lights on Mt Shasta is a common phenomenon
They carry forces of magnetism which manipulate the very forces of reality

Mt Shasta is a guardian of secrets and powers
Its aura blurs the boundary between our world
And realms yet to be discovered

It exists in liminal space
Its silent grandeur acts as an intermediary to otherworldly portals
Occupying a threshold that leads to altered states of consciousness

Forces of good and evil utilize the energy for their own purposes
Which emanates from a nodal point or cross section of ley lines beneath

Whether its Sasquatch or fairies
Aliens or the Illuminati
Heightened experiences or unwanted ordeals
You will find them all at Mt Shasta!

From https://bennettleeross.com/technology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-160/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #160

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 23, 2024 | physics, technology |

What is worse than Masons waving their wand
Applied signal technology with wireless tissue engineering
Operating with precision navigation and timing from satellites

Resulting in the decoupling of your morphogenetics
And the pulling apart of the golden ratio
Which disconnects you from the Earths resonance

The smart city will be powered by your biofield
Also known as your body area network

As you walk around with your smart phone and smart watch in a smart city
Surrounded by meta materials made with precise shapes and geometries to give them smart properties
You will be penetrated by bio electrical algorithms

That use quasi static communication to convert your body into an altered frequency phase state
To route your neurons
Modulating some and placing others in a neuromorphic chip set
By using millimeter wave satellite technology

Project Pandora involves quantum computing
That stores your consciousness somewhere in Orion
And uses your bodys photons which are cut out of your DNA propagation wave

The military is not here to save you
They are here to obey orders and press buttons

Your local police are just underlings for the CIA
Who want a world as synthetic as Barbie
Where everyones head is buried in a screen

They want to reduce people to prima materia
Rebuild Atlantis with them as leaders
And run around in their red shoes

They want to hack and slash your proteins
And sell them to people who have become chimeras

They want to fire up the flux capacitor in Antarctica
And flip on the Pangea earthquake machine

While they talk to the supercomputer above our heads in 4d
And use us as a frequency sound board

They just want to be a cyborg and live forever
While they play humans like a SIMS game!

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