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SORCHA 4/18: "American Leader Declares Himself “Wartime Speaker” After Russian Leader Affirms “Holy War” Order"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 18-Apr-2024 14:12:51



April 18, 2024

American Leader Declares Himself “Wartime Speaker” After Russian Leader Affirms “Holy War” Order

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting former Russian president Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev proclaiming: “Russia, like any great power, has strategic borders that lie far beyond the geographical ones”, says this official proclamation affirms the Moscow Patriarchate decree “Order Of The XXV World Russian People's Council “The Present And Future Of The Russian World”” published on 27 March 2024, wherein it made legally binding on all Russian Federation political, religious and military leaders the precepts:

From a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation is a Holy War, in which Russia and its people, defending the single spiritual space of Holy Rus', fulfill the mission of “Holding”, protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West, which has fallen into Satanism.

Russia is the creator, support and defender of the Russian world. The borders of the Russian world as a spiritual, cultural and civilizational phenomenon are significantly wider than the state borders of both the current Russian Federation and greater historical Russia.

Along with representatives of the Russian ecumene scattered throughout the world, the Russian world includes everyone for whom the Russian tradition, the shrines of Russian civilization and the great Russian culture are the highest value and meaning of life.

Russia must become a refuge state for all compatriots of the world suffering from the onslaught of Western globalism, wars and discrimination. In addition to our compatriots, our country can become a refuge for millions of foreigners who defend traditional values, are loyal to Russia and are ready for linguistic and cultural integration in our country.

In quick response to Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev officially affirming that the Russian Federation is engaged in a “Holy War” against the “fallen into SatanismWest, this report notes, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg ordered the socialist Western colonial powers to give all of their weapons to the Ukrainian Nazi Regime with the declaration: “A part of the important effort we are now making across the NATO alliance to step up our delivery of air defense systems to Ukraine...But Ukraine needs even more...That is why if allies face a choice between meeting NATO capability targets and providing more aid to Ukraine, my message is clear: send more to Ukraine”—a declaration joined by the Politico article “Putin Is Bombing Ukraine Into Darkness — And Leaving Europe Short Of Power”, wherein it warningly revealed: “Just weeks ago Ukraine was pitching itself as a powerhouse for Europe, boasting of exporting around €1 million in electricity daily to its Western neighbors...Now the financial balance has flipped, with Kyiv draining its precarious budget to import energy as it struggles to avoid blackouts and power a wartime arms industry”.

Earlier today, this report continues, the United States military industrial complex official mouthpiece Wall Street Journal released its Editorial Board article “Will America Let Ukraine Collapse?”, wherein it observed: “Speaker Mike Johnson is forging ahead to pass a bill to support Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, despite threats from his right rump to topple him...The need is urgent because Ukraine’s position is deteriorating...Ukrainian shortages in air defenses are letting the Russian military dominate the air for the first time in two years...Ukraine’s cities are at risk, and its defenses could take down only seven of 11 Russian projectiles in a recent volley at a power plant...The other four destroyed the plant”--and was an observation that followed top Republican Party leader House Speaker Mike Johnson declaring to the American peoples yesterday: “I regard myself as a wartime speaker”.

Shortly after House Speaker Mike Johnson declared himself a “wartime speaker”, this report details, he unveiled the texts of war spending bills supporting Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan—House Speaker Johnson then turned to socialist Democrats to support the war bill for Ukrainedemented and deranged Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden quickly threw his full support behind House Speaker Johnson—House Speaker Johnson then told radical leftist fake news CNN host Jake Tapper: “You’re always fair”—it was then revealed that House Speaker Johnson’s top policy adviser Dan Ziegler was a major lobbyist for American corporations supporting the war in Ukraineand in a page ripped from the former Soviet Union history books, yesterday it saw neocon Republican Party lawmaker United States Congressman Mike Gallagher postponing his planned resignation so he could support House Speaker Johnson’s war bills, then the United States Navy awarded him their highest civilian medal.

As to what House Speaker Johnson’s war bill for Ukraine is actually supporting, this report concludes, is factually documented in articles like “War And Theft: The Takeover Of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land” and “The Polish President Revealed That Foreign Companies Own Most Of Ukraine's Industrial Agriculture”—and as to what House Speaker Johnson’s war bill for Ukraine is hiding, world-renowned former top CIA analyst Larry Johnson, in his just released open letter “Is There A CIA Link To The Crocus City Center Terrorist Attack?”, revealed:

Real life is better than the movies. No doubt.

Today’s surprise comes out of Moscow, with an announcement from the State organization charged with investigating major crimes that the Ukrainian company Burisma was involved with financing terrorists:

Russia’s top investigative body announced Tuesday that it has launched a criminal probe into senior officials in the United States and NATO member countries who are suspected of “financing terrorism.”

Russia’s Investigative Committee, which probes major crimes, said it has “established” that money from commercial organizations had been used to “eliminate prominent political and public figures” inside and outside Russia in recent years, as well as to “inflict economic damage” against the country. . . .

The top law enforcement body named the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings as one of the implicated organizations. U.S. President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden served as a member of Burisma’s board of directors between 2014 and 2019.

So, what’s the big deal. We already knew about Hunter. What does that have to do with the CIA? Does the name Cofer Black ring a bell?

International Energy Group Burisma has expanded its Board of Directors to include an expert in the field of security and strategic development. Joseph Cofer Black, a former Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center and Ambassador at Large for counter-terrorism recently joined the Board as an independent director at Burisma Group. Ambassador Black resigned from public service in 2005 after a 30 year career and is considered a leading expert and significant figure on U.S. and international security issues.

How about that. A career CIA officer, with no experience in the oil and gas industry beyond pumping gas for his own vehicles, gets a sweet spot on a board alongside Hunter Biden.

Before joining the board of Burisma, Mr. Black snagged a spot on the board of a Latvian Bank:

The extraordinary meeting of the shareholders of joint-stock company Baltic International Bank (‘the Bank’) was held on 11 October 2016 where decisions on changes in the composition of the Bank’s Supervisory Board were adopted.

Joseph Cofer Black has been invited to join the existing members of the Bank’s Supervisory Board– Valērijs Belokoņs, Vlada Belokoņa, Andris Ozoliņš and Dr. Hans – Friedrich Von Ploetz – as of November 1, 2016.

Cofer Black’s ostensible qualification for serving on the Bank’s board was his background in counter terrorism. In an interview with DELFI, a business magazine, Cofer claimed expertise in terrorist financing:

What does counterterrorism have in common with banking? How much time do you have? Actually [they are] shockingly similar. I spent the last 12 years of my time [at the CIA] in counterterrorism, but before that I worked in other fields [of intelligence]. An important thing in counterterrorism is what we now call financial counterterrorism. At the beginning of my career, there was little if any combating of terrorism in the financial area. It was my responsibility, but I wasn’t very eager to get into it, because it’s timeconsuming, labor-intensive and expensive. In that time you are trying to outsmart and stop terrorists before they kill people.

Turns out, Cofer was of no help to the Latvian bank on this issue. In 2018 the bank was fined:

Latvia’s financial regulator, the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FKTK) said December 6 it was imposing a 1.5 million euro fine on Baltic International Bank (BIB) “for deficiencies in the Bank’s internal control system.”. . .

“In 2018 the FKTK carried out an on-site inspection of the Bank, as well as a targeted inspection, during which the FCMC identified that the Bank’s internal control system does not fully comply to the regulatory requirements governing the prevention of money laundering and terrorism and proliferation financing (hereinafter – AML/CTPF),” the FKTK said.

“The Bank had not established an adequate internal control system to meet its risks in the field of prevention of money laundering and terrorism and proliferation financing, which would ensure effective compliance with the regulatory requirements,” it added, explaining that “in several cases” the bank had not taken sufficient measures to make certain that a beneficial owner indicated was the beneficial owner; had not obtained documentation and had not taken necessary measures to make certain of the origin of financial means in its customer accounts and had not documented conclusions; had not ensured appropriate and high-quality enhanced customer due diligence; had not duly decided on termination of business relationships with customers and, in a particularly damning comment “had not paid sufficient and special attention to untypical large, complex, inter-related transactions with no apparent economic purpose or clear legal purpose.”

Going back to the charges leveled by Russia’s Investigative Committee, if Cofer Black was on the Burisma Board during the time that Burisma funds were being transferred to groups with ties to terrorists, then it is quite understandable that Russia will be inclined to believe the CIA is implicated, at least indirectly, in terrorist attacks in Russia.

Too bad that Latvian bank did not hire me and my partner instead of Cofer. We actually wrote and implemented compliance programs for banks and investment firms that kept them out of this kind of trouble.

I can’t wait to see the evidence.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



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April 18, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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