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Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #131 -#135 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 8-Apr-2024 13:44:48

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-131/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #131

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 8, 2024 | psychology, Spirituality |

God is us imagining

We came into this world for a purpose
And we imagine ourselves into it

When that purpose is fulfilled
We will imagine ourselves out of this world

The foundation of our existence

Is the image we have of ourselves

Our actions and experience
Are reflections of this self image

The world is a mental projection
So practice conscious visualization
And exert control over your life

The recognition of your creative power is crucial
Reality is your emotions emanating from your perspective

Do not resist your feelings
Acceptance of your emotions is the antidote to resistance

When you resist
You feed negativity into your circumstance
What you resist persists

Attention is your most powerful tool
Just redirect your focus
And you will redirect your energy

You are the architect of your own destiny!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-132/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #132

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 8, 2024 | psychology, Spirituality |

Your state of being
And sense of perception
Are constantly being broadcast as a vibrational pattern

This magnetism attracts energy fields that synchronize with it
We create reality by drawing it in

Your heart vortex connects you with your intuition
And to infinite consciousness

Once you put yourself into the box of religious scientific or cultural dogma
You disconnect yourself
And become a fragment of who you are

When you have an attitude of I have no power
You belittle yourself and draw in manifestations of a little you

These belief systems are spells cast upon the human mind
To keep us in a hypnotic trance

They make us forget who we are
And prevent us from connecting with our infinity

We then enter the reptilian brain state of reality
And step into the control system of the collective mind

Which causes us to react with fear and trepidation
Always looking out for danger

When you encounter a belief that challenges your own
You become agitated because of the vibrational difference
And cognitive dissonance sets in

Once we create prison walls in our minds
We will never express our true magnificence

Or understand what we are doing here!

From https://bennettleeross.com/mythreligion/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-133/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #133

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 8, 2024 | myth/religion |

The Egyptian Coffin Texts says

When Thy Lord appearest in the horizon of heaven
Thou lightest the two lands with turquoise

My heart rejoices
And hymns to Thee are sung

Thou art beautiful and shining in thy sun disk
Within the arms of thy mother Hathor

Hail to Thee who arises in turquoise

Horus was the fiery star
Who implanted himself within the womb of Isis

Zeus was his Greek counterpart
The bright star who alighted in front of the Mother Goddess

Zeus means bright star light
Jesus or JeZeus called himself the bright morning star
The concept of God was represented by the sign of a star

Zeus is the Latin Mars
His divine epiphany was accompanied by thunder
And the shaking of heaven and earth

Turquoise is a greenish blue
The color of divine brilliance

Purple is a color intermediate between red and blue
It is the color of kings emperors and popes

Crimson is a rich deep red inclining to purple
Scarlet is brilliant red tinged with orange
And orange is a reddish yellow

Orange represents survival
Those who made it into the golden age
Gold is yellow

A change is in the air
An alteration of energy

We are at the end of a last great chapter
The winds of change is opening up a whole new book

If you make it through you will feel empowered and interconnected

So spread your wings and soar
Into a fuller and more expressive version of you!

From https://bennettleeross.com/technology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-134/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #134

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 8, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, technology |

Higher life forms were engaged in creating life on earth
Our bodies were grown with bacteria in petri dishes

Reptilians will genetically engineer a new species
Designed to be tuned into their false reality or matrix

The matrix acts like a laser reading computer software
Bringing pre programmed information to human DNA
Which we send onto the screen of our decoded reality

The program is running in every human mind body computer

There is heating in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
Which is a clear indication that they are being driven by energy from above

Charged energy beams from so called moons
Manipulate the electric current of each polar vortex
Causing polygonal storms at the poles

The beams are producing counter polar vortex rotational patterns
And form hexagons

Hex means to cast a spell
They are connecting us to the future that they have drawn

The planetary vortices are cosmic ray accelerators
Bringing in information from other dimensions

The electron beams are creating diocotron instabilities in the axial current
Which is a flowing jet stream of charged particles

That fan out into a torus
And circulate as an electrical circuit

To prevent a great awakening
There is a more intensified input in the vortexes

And an escalated effort
To keep us in the matrix!

From https://bennettleeross.com/history/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-135/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #135

Posted by Bennett Ross | Apr 8, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, History, media, numerology |

In the Greek alphabet
Omega is the 24th and last letter

At Sequioa National Park in California
There is said to be 240 cave openings
That lead deep into inner earth

But only 1 is open to the public
And is a guided tour that does not go down very far

This is the year 2024
And it is April 8 or 4 8 which is 2 x 24

The craft called Chiron
Is being passed off as a moon that is suddenly at the north celestial node of the north pole

As a result the universal column in the middle of our world has changed its rotational direction
And has reversed its counterclockwise motion
Reversal currents change our reality

Technology is far ahead of what is being revealed to the public
There are touchable holograms
And brain wave technology

In a new age
Life will seem to have no continuity with the past
The former era will seem like a fantasy that has never existed

Three days before the radio broadcast of War of the worlds in 1938
Done by Orson Wells at the Mercury theatre in New York City

Newspapers ran stories of astronomers
Announcing that there was definitely life on Mars

Space Gordon thrillers were being shown in movie halls
And Buck Rodgers comic books were very popular

Peoples minds were being pre programmed
And conditioned into believing in the probability of a Martian invasion

During the broadcast
People ran out into the street proclaiming the end of the world
Residents of New Jersey thought the aliens were right in their neighborhood
And fled the area as fast as they could creating traffic jams

People in other areas fled up into the mountains
Thinking they were being under attack by Martians

Oumuamua is supposed to be the first interstellar object ever seen
They say it can go 95000 miles an hour
Then suddenly stop

This pre programming has been going on since 2017

So just like the spaceship at Grovers Mill New Jersey
Was the vanguard of an invading army
Oumuamua is being hinted at as a scout of an advancing fleet

If something happens stay calm and react peacefully
Feed the positive version of reality
That you want to create!

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