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Greencrow: Brazil Update -- (Text)(X-Videos)(Images)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Sunday, 7-Apr-2024 22:22:57

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2024/04/07/brazil-update/

Brazil Update

Posted on April 7, 2024 by greencrow21

The evil mastermind of the Brazilian Dictatorship of President Lula da Silva – Judge Alexandre de Moraes

BREAKING: UPDATE: April 7, 2024 = Elon Musk Calls on Lawless Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Maraes to Step Down after He Threatens to Ban X in Country – Elon Threatens to Release More Dirt on the Tyrannical Thug https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/breaking-elon-musk-calls-lawless-brazilian-supreme-court/

Good Sunday morning Sentients. I’ve been away from this blog for a week but very active on ‘X’ where I now have more than 3000 followers. Today there was kind of an alert on X about Brazil. X owner Elon Musk is in a legal war with the Brazilian court and President Lula da Silva over the Brazilian government/court wanting to censor ‘X’ in Brazil and find out the owners of some dissident X accounts. X refuses to give up the information and risks having to pull out of Brazil altogether. Here is the post that describes in detail what’s going on;

Greencrow continues: Apparently the mastermind of the evil goings on in Brazil is the Chief Justice of the Brazilian Supreme Court,

Chief Justice of Brazil Supreme Court El juez Alexandre de Moraes

As I wrote about last year in my series of posts about Brazil, this very evil person was the one who almost single-handedly caused the last fraudulent selection in Brazil to be formally accepted/ratified by the Brazilian Supreme court. There were huge demonstrations against this ratification at the time. Nothing ever came of this huge public opposition and Brazil sunk into despotism. I’ve been saving links about Brazil ever since. Here are a few below. Please review and I will have concluding comments to follow:


Canadian commentator Tom Marazzo on X a couple of weeks ago:

“We’re about to witness a complete breakdown of the country of Brazil. If they don’t overthrow this criminal [President Lula da Silva] , I’ll be shocked. I give it a week, 2 tops before they fight back.

You have to admit, this guy has a huge set… After avoiding his overthrow, now he’s pulling this crap. [forcing vaccinations on the population, see below] It’s like he purposely wants to push his people to rebel. Kind of like the Canadian guy! I hope Brazilians have as much balls as this guy. If they don’t, oh boy!” Tom Marazzo


This is a link from last year that shows what a vile dictator Brazilian President Lula da Silva is:


Lula says that parents will be forced to vaccinate their children to keep government aid flowing

Lula says that parents will be forced to vaccinate their children to keep government aid flowing

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT, progressive-globalist) said that the Bolsa Familia program would again require parents to prove the vaccination of their children to continue receiving the benefit. Bolsa Familia is a social welfare program for the poorest families in Brazil. It’s a kind of universal basic income guaranteed to tens of millions, … Continue reading

Greencrow continues: Here’s a video of the big demonstration in Brazil a month or more ago now:

Greencrow concludes: Folks, in spite of huge demonstrations for over a year, the dictatorial government of President Lula da Silva and chief henchman Judge Alexandre de Moraes still have the levers of Brazilian government power in their death grip. This shows the rest of the so-called Western “democracies” like Canada how difficult it is to get rid of a dictator once the politician, like a human cancer, has metastasized in government. We’ll see during elections next year whether we can ever get rid of JFT. Here’s what I posted about that on X just this morning:


“Meanwhile, the historic decision of the Federal Court of Canada–that JFT breached the Constitution of Canada by invoking the Emergencies Act for, what Judge Mosley determined to be “political” not security reasons has sunk beneath the political, judicial, bureaucratic and journalistic waves. JFT has successfully deep-sixed this decision–one that in a functioning democracy–would have led to his immediate resignation. I can understand why the Lie-berals don’t want to talk about the historic Mosley Decision but for the life of me I can’t understand why the Poilievre Conservatives don’t bang it like a drum, 24/7/365.”


Canadians would do well to watch what happens in Brazil very closely. Why? Because I see the failure of the Canadian opposition to force the resignation of JFT after the Federal Court Mosley decision on the Emergencies Act to be a Red Flag–that Canada has already gone the way of Brazil and is already in a dictatorship.

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