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The Most Censored Subjects On Earth: The Trilateral Commission, Technocracy & Transhumanism

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 29-Mar-2024 11:56:23

By Patrick Woods

While everyone else whines about being censored over trivial news stories, the most important themes are being obliterated. Why? Because the threat of exposure is too great for the evil agenda of Technocrats and Transhumanists. For over 50 years, Technocrats and the designers of the so-called “Technetronic Era” and the “New International Economic Order” have operated under the cover of anonymity. You can see the big artillery of the Trilateral Commission swoop in to destroy any person or organization who gets too close.

In 1977, Professor Antony Sutton was drummed out of the Hoover Institution at Stanford over his investigative work on the Trilateral Commission. The President of Stanford was David Packard, a member of the Trilateral Commission. When our books, Trilaterals Over Washington Vols. I and II broke through major publicity barriers in 1981, the national book chain B. Dalton Bookseller sent out a memo to all its stores around the country that “The publisher is out of business and the books were out of print” – a bald-faced lie. A director of B. Dalton’s parent company was a member of the Trilateral Commission. In both cases, the action was swift and definitive: it destroyed Sutton’s academic career, my publishing business, and our reputation. Thereafter, no book store in the country would carry our books.

Simply put, we got too close.

Other serious journalists and writers who covered other topics occasionally got a swat, but they were not a threat to the “establishment.” We were signaled out for annihilation.

Over the years, this story has been suppressed. People’s attention is drawn to every other topic under the sun but not this one! The Trilateral Commission hates publicity even though it is hiding in plain sight.

Nevertheless, Sutton and I wrote in April 1979 that the Trilateral Commission was:

a shadow world government – unelected and almost unrecognized. It will no doubt be followed in due course by another global elitist institution designed to knit together the nine “core countries” more closely, but not fully, into a single world state.

This was plainly obvious to us where they were headed, so much so that we concluded (in print) at the time,


TOTALITARIAN: there is no hint of citizens’ participation or of citizens’ sanction of the Commission or its members. All members are appointed by a small founding group.

REPRESSIVE: Trilateral objectives take precedence over human rights.

SELF-SERVING: the studies and commissions promoted by Trilateralists reflect Trilateral aims, i.e., the aims of its members,

SUBVERSIVE: the present U.S. Constitution is not acceptable to U.S. Commissioners. They have called for a revised Constitution, which will presumably assist Trilateral aims and objectives.

SECRET: implementation of Trilateral policies is protected by U.S. government security laws.

Elitism does not mean that every action taken by a Trilateral Commissioner can be foreseen or that it will be the same as an action taken by another commissioner. All we can say is that the broad direction of their actions will be consistent and moving TOWARDS A ONE WORLD STATE UNDER TRILATERAL CONTROL.

Over 50 years later, the Trilateral Commission has not deviated from its course. What we know now is that the chosen vehicle is Technocracy, which draws the world into a net of scientific dictatorship. But, Technocracy is ONLY a vehicle to accomplish their singular goal of the takeover of the global system and to twist all natural resources out the hands of nation-states, private citizens and any non-Trilateral aligned company.

Until and unless the world wakes up to this hidden threat to humanity and to the people behind it (by name!), there is no hope of escape.

In the meantime, the heavy cannons of censorship are again leveled at me and Technocracy News & Trends because I’m way to close to expose them. My message has never changed since the day I began my collaboration with Antony Sutton. There is no change needed.

For the hundreds of thousands who heard us in 1978-1982, they were warned. For those didn’t hear thereafter because we went missing-in-action, they are laboring on in ignorance as the freight train barrels down the track straight toward them.

The article below showcases some of my writing for which I am grateful. However, The Exposé (in the UK) is fighting for its life because it got too close. There “investigations are based on official data such as the Office for National Statistics, the NHS, and the UK Government, and we link back to all our sources within every article.” That’s a no-no.If you wonder what genetic manipulation has to do with the price rice in China, you are one of the “natural resources” targeted. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood


Under the guise of biodiversity, they want to genetically manipulate all living things

By Rhoda Wilson via The Exposé

Last week, a paper was published which describes that scientists have developed a new method to “create” artificial human chromosomes. The hope is that this will revolutionise gene therapy and other biotechnology applications.

We should be extremely concerned but not surprised.

The aim since the Earth Summit in 1992 has been, under the guise of biological diversity, the genetic manipulation of any or all living creatures and the creation of synthetic DNA that does not currently exist in nature.
Scientists Create Designer Chromosomes

The following was originally published by Study Finds on 25 March 2024 as the article ‘Scientists Create Designer Chromosomes In Landmark Genetic Engineering Feat’.

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine have developed a new method to create human artificial chromosomes (“HACs”) that could revolutionise gene therapy and other biotechnology applications. The study, published in Science, describes an approach that efficiently forms single-copy HACs, bypassing a common hurdle that has hindered progress in this field for decades.

Artificial chromosomes are lab-made structures designed to mimic the function of natural chromosomes, the packaged bundles of DNA found in the cells of humans and other organisms. These synthetic constructs have the potential to serve as vehicles for delivering therapeutic genes or as tools for studying chromosome biology. However, previous attempts to create HACs have been plagued by a major issue: the DNA segments used to build them often link together in unpredictable ways, forming long, tangled chains with rearranged sequences.

The Penn Medicine team, led by Dr. Ben Black, sought to overcome this challenge by completely overhauling the approach to HAC design and delivery. “The HAC we built is very attractive for eventual deployment in biotechnology applications, for instance, where large-scale genetic engineering of cells is desired,” Dr. Black explains in a media release. “A bonus is that they exist alongside natural chromosomes without having to alter the natural chromosomes in the cell.”

To test their idea, the scientists turned to a tried-and-true workhorse of molecular biology: yeast. They used a technique called transformation-associated recombination(“TAR”) cloning to assemble a whopping 750 kilobase DNA construct in yeast cells. For context, that’s about 25 times larger than the constructs used in previous HAC studies. The construct contained DNA from both human and bacterial sources, as well as sequences to help seed the formation of the centromere.

The next challenge was to deliver this hefty payload into human cells. The team accomplished this by fusing the engineered yeast cells with a human cell line, a process that had been optimised in previous studies. Remarkably, this fusion approach proved to be much more efficient than the traditional method of directly transferring naked DNA into cells.

The results were stunning. Not only did the engineered HACs form successfully, but they did so with much higher efficiency compared to standard methods. Furthermore, these designer chromosomes were able to replicate and segregate properly during cell division, a key requirement for their long-term stability and functionality.

“Instead of trying to inhibit multimerisation, for example, we just bypassed the problem by increasing the size of the input DNA construct so that it naturally tended to remain in predictable single-copy form,” explained Dr. Black.

But the researchers didn’t stop there. They also devised a clever way to visualise the HACs in their native, uncompacted state. By gently lysing the cells and using a special centrifugation technique, they were able to isolate the HACs away from the rest of the cellular DNA. This allowed them to confirm that the HACs maintained their single-copy status and circular topology, without any unwanted rearrangements or additions.

The implications of this breakthrough are far-reaching. HACs have the potential to serve as safer, more effective platforms for gene therapy compared to current virus-based delivery systems, which can trigger immune reactions and involve the risk of harmful viral DNA insertion into the host genome. Artificial chromosomes also offer the advantage of being able to carry much larger genetic payloads, potentially allowing for the expression of entire gene networks or complex protein machines.

Beyond medical applications, the researchers believe their approach could also be valuable for agricultural biotechnology, such as engineering pest-resistant or high-yield crops.

While there is still work to be done to refine these artificial chromosomes and develop suitable delivery methods for therapeutic use, this study represents a significant leap forward in our ability to engineer designer genomes. By providing a more efficient and controlled way to construct HACs, the researchers have opened up exciting new avenues for advancing synthetic biology and expanding the toolkit for genetic manipulation.


Scientists Close To Controlling All Genetic Material On Earth

Sharing the article from Study Finds above, Patrick Wood, editor of Technocracy News & Trends, wrote:

I have already detailed the plan to take over all genetic material on Earth that was hatched at the UNCED conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. “Designer Chromosomes” means a synthetically engineered free-for-all using material from different species. This is a huge breakthrough for the ‘Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism’. Evil, indeed.

If you don’t listen to this video, then you are hiding your head in the sand.

Scientists Close To Controlling All Genetic Material On Earth, Technocracy News & Trends, 22 March 2024

In 2021, Wood published a “necessarily long and detailed” article describing the real driving force behind Agenda 21 and the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (“UNCED)” held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The conference is also referred to as the Earth Summit, ECO-92 and Rio-92. It was at this conference that Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of Principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted.

As Professor Dolores Cahill explained, Agenda 21 is the UN’s Agenda for the 21st century. It’s an agenda for the entire century and covers the period up to 2099. Emanating out of Agenda 21 are detailed plans for each decade: Agenda 2030, Agenda 2040, Agenda 2050 and so on. We are currently witnessing the rollout of Agenda 2030.

The UN’s Commission on Sustainable Development was created in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of UNCED and to monitor and report on the implementation of the agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels.

In his article, Wood confessed that to make it as brief as possible he purposefully left out other important areas that tie into this story, including the transhuman dream of creating Humanity 2.0 via genetic engineering, how it ties into the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and what “living in harmony with nature” actually means. He said he would explore these topics in separate articles.

His article titled ’Global Blueprint Exposed: The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth’ covers:

The major concern at the 1992 Convention on Biodiversity was “protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging biotechnology industries.”

The United Nations defined Biodiversity as “genetic resources”, which meant that genetic material was to be owned, exploited, and controlled through genetic engineering performed by the Biotech industry.

The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework calls for digital genetic sequencing of all species, including humans, to be stored as a global common asset and made available for licensing by the biotechnology industry.

It intends to “bring about a transformation in society’s relationship with biodiversity and to ensure that, by 2050, the shared vision of living in harmony with nature is fulfilled.”

In concluding his article, he wrote: “Mapping of the human genome took most of the 1990s. Mapping the human brain, which started in 2010, is virtually complete. Now, mapping all DNA on earth, including human DNA, is the next big technocrat/transhuman dream. The outcome will be genetic manipulation of any or all living creatures and the creation of synthetic DNA that does not currently exist in nature.”

You can read the full article HERE.

A year later Wood gave a lecture about “the genetic takeover of pretty much everything” at the American Freedom Alliance conference. This is the video he was referring to in the quote above.

During his lecture, he spoke about transhumanism, the enhancement of the human condition using the convergence of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information and communications technology, and cognotechnology (“NBIC”). These scientific disciplines used to be in separate departments at universities. But starting in the late 1990s or early 2000s, these different departments began merging and collaborating.

“This has become a worldwide phenomenon and it happened in academia before anybody paid any attention to it, no one knew, really, what was going on,” Wood said. Every university in America now has an NBIC department which is largely funded by taxpayers’ money.

“When they talk about convergence, they’re talking about taking all four of these together and applying this new science – this NBIC science – to the condition of man, to advance the condition of man,” he explained. He is referring in particular to our physical bodies.

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