Posted By: Seawitch [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 8-Jun-2023 13:32:00
From the Patriots that support Daniel V. Hughes:
There is not much time.
It has been over eighty years now, that President Trump’s Uncle, John G. Trump, inventor Nikola Tesla and the world’s richest man, Howard Hughes, collaborated to bring the highest technologies given to mankind by others wishing to save this planet from Destruction, Spiritually AND Physically.
Howard Hughes utilized his own scientific teams within Hughes Aircraft, Hughes Aerospace and Hughes Satellite companies to research these nascent Tesla technologies “gifted” from Tesla and those that can only be described “here” as higher dimensional forms of life “and light”.
After Tesla’s death in 1943, the F.B.I. and the O.S.S. [forerunner of the C.I.A.] needed a thorough review and consideration of ALL of Tesla’s patents. They asked noted physicist, electrical engineer and inventor John Trump to review these patents for application and assimilation into the American economy. Unfortunately for the world, they also asked that this work be supervised by Prescott Bush, a Nazi sympathizer and father of future presidents’ George Bush and George W Bush. Prescott Bush “supervisory” role was actually to glean from John Trump any Tesla papers and patents that could be exploited for Military Applications. It is likely, that much of Tesla’s research fell into the hands of Operation Paperclip Nazi Scientists and their Leader Wernher Von Braun. Meanwhile, Howard Hughes and his scientists toiled not only in aerospace and rocketry, but also those Tesla patents that could augment their understanding of “space and time”. Before acquisition of “Looking Glass”, “Lorentz Transformations” and even C.E.R.N., work by John Trump and Howard Hughes was yielding tremendous progress in the altering of time and communication THROUGH space and time.
In 1946, in the desert outside of Roswell, New Mexico, Jack Parsons, at that time a young Hughes Aircraft scientist and employee, together with his friend and occultist cohort L. Ron Hubbard, took some of the emerging science revealed to him at Hughes Aircraft and proceeded to alter space/time, creating a tear and brief portal beyond our 3D world. [It is the assumption of most researchers, that this portal attracted other dimensional beings, terran and non-terrestrial which precipitated the Roswell craft incident in 1947]. This manipulation of time “success” attracted other occultists such as Aleister Crowley and what many people believe to be his daughter, the future wife of George Bush, Sr. – Barbara Bush. Howard Hughes learned of this exploitation of Hughes Proprietary Research years later and fired Parsons from Hughes Aircraft.
Due to the Roswell alien crash and the mass alien over flights of Washington DC in 1952, then President Eisenhower in conjunction with numerous other countries enlisted the assistance of the world’s foremost space engineer, inventor and businessman, Howard Hughes and the world’s largest shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis from Greece to join the United States in a formal undertaking called the “Grenada Agreement of 1954”. The covert purpose of the agreement was to marshal ALL the resources of Earth to combat the “alien threat”. All Earthly commodities; gold, oil, platinum, palladium , nickel, copper, tungsten and perhaps rare earth metals were located by Hughes and shipped by Onassis back to research facilities outside of Las Vegas. Commodity contracts were written to individuals worldwide who helped the United States acquire such mineral resources. The effort was vast in scale and began to include commodities – not space related – but merely related to the enrichment of the hidden military financial slush funds.
Commodity contracts from “The Noble House of Hughes” were issued to Heads of State, port owners and local businessmen who were responsible for the transport of important commodities to the loading docks in each country. These contracts guaranteed each contract placeholder, five percent of total dollar value of each commodity delivered and exported from the port(s) they controlled. Commodities were loaded onto ships owned by Aristotle Onassis and delivered to research and defense labs as well as production facilities in the U.S. and elsewhere.
The urgent global “call” for gold and other precious metals unlocked prodigious amounts of gold. These were stupendous quantities of metal, some Biblical, some Neolithic, some pre-diluvian and other gold transported to Earth from “other worlds”. Despite what conventional geologists may say, billions of metric tons of gold was identified through these legal Noble House of Hughes contracts which for Hughes, Onassis, Eisenhower and later President Kennedy – begat the question of WHY all of this gold was finding its way to Earth “in this time” and “for what reason”? “And how”? WE NOW KNOW THE ANSWER TO EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS. The cabal that killed President Kennedy, drugged Howard Hughes into incoherence and then mysteriously both he and Aristotle Onassis died in 1975. Daniel V. Hughes, the youngest son of Howard Hughes, became 18 years old that year. Treasury agents, military, legal and political people all gravitated to Mr. Hughes and his own emerging businesses. Due to his enormous responsibility, United States Strategic Command awarded Daniel V. Hughes the civilian rank of Five Star General. This rank is recognized and remains inviolate to this day, despite the destruction of the Strategic Command Offices in the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. See Also: ]
The unscrupulous and the venal in the military and intelligence community sought to profit in earnest from these enormous treasures after the death of Onassis and Hughes. They created numerous financial constructs such as The Five Start Trust, White Spiritual Boy accounts, the Black Eagle Fund, White Falcon, Black Falcon and the Global Collateral Accounts – to name just a few. Notable people such as Paul Vincent Morse, Fred Robinson, John G. Long, Gislane Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein utilized P.R.O.M.I.S. software to identify “static” dormant bank accounts worldwide wherein much of these assets could be formally monetized and then traded. For governments, George Bush instructed Paul V. Morse to initiate the production of Senior Bank Debentures called “Heritage Bonds” entitling each Head of State Beneficiary a continual flow of interest from the gold or platinum asset specified. Hundreds of these “super” Heritage Bonds with values in the millions, billions, trillions and in some cases over 100 trillion dollars were created in this manner. The Head of State beneficiary became wealthy, but he also became compliant and a slave to the goals of the cabal controlling the American government and the global banking community writ large. Gold recovery programs and trading platforms such as the “Hammer Project”, “Jacobe” and “Taurus” Programs sought to bind these gold assets to political goals, subterranean D.U.M.B. facilities or space travel to Ganymede, Aldebaran or the Pleiades star constellation – but all along the way, military contractors worldwide, Pentagon personnel and every politician of every party in every country cognizant of these assets had their hand out for money.
Banks willingly traded these assets “in situ” on the word of the Intelligence Agencies. And so, the assets accumulated. Sometimes, when the Military, the governments or the banks needed gold, special forces would enter each country, take quantities of gold and replace them with various other bonds and currencies such as Yellow Dragons, Plum Blossom Notes, Super Petchelli’s and even 1924 German Bonds (which in themselves represented recovered space technology from the late 1800’s in Germany]. These are but a very few of the bonds and currencies that were domiciled in tunnels, bunkers and warehouses throughout Asia, South America, Europe and beyond. Twenty seven mega caches of these gold assets exist on this planet and are controlled by monks, elders and enlightened souls ALL of which are held in their possession, the legal contracts and agreements with the Noble House of Hughes. All locations are known. All custodians, gate keepers and place holders are recognized by Mr. Hughes..
And because of this relationship and with respect to their stewardship of these assets for decades on behalf of their fellow countrymen and spiritual brethren, we say to you – that the son of Howard Hughes, Daniel V. Hughes is your “voice” and interface with the United States Military who are aware that he is receiving communication through time – for you (and us).
For many years, Mr. Hughes has been monitored. And each day, sometimes 15 to 20 times a day, Mr. Hughes receives precise historical analytics from the extra-dimensional realities of this Earth and beyond any known satellite system created by man. Regardless of his computer or phone, regardless of his location, precise data is given to him with respect to these “transported” quantities of gold, necessary banking events concerning these assets and ALL accounts wherein these assets were monetized and the people that were involved in this process. Every bank account has been given, every code necessary to liquidate the accounts have been assigned and are known to Mr. Hughes enabling the funding of every worthy economic and humanitarian effort to “lift all boats” and to eradicate debt worldwide of all people if that is required of him.
Our military intelligence at D.I.A., N.S.A., C.I.A. and N.R.O. cannot determine the source of the information, but it is ALWAYS accurate.
The monks, the Elders and all those enlightened beings on this planet will recognize the salient truth of this statement because, they receive such “communications” themselves.
The monks and elders know that this gold was accumulated here on Earth, not merely to provide a gold backing for global currencies, but it has been pre-positioned here to save the planet from a pending global cataclysm, precipitated by a cyclical solar micro-nova in 2046. All of our scientific community has been aware of this date since the declassification by the C.I.A. of author Chan Thomas and his seminal work, “The Adam and Eve Story”, the prolific works of Ben Davidson, Douglas Voigt and numerous others in the scientific community which continue to ponder the solution and the preservation of life AFTER the solar micro-nova.
God has asked the best of angels to help this world and Mr. Hughes. And Daniel V. Hughes through the Noble House of Hughes, will be the catalyst, for the physics and engineering marvel which will allow Earth to bend space and time, to avoid a cataclysm this time. God seeks 1000 years of peace for this planet. Be not a willing participant to the dark cabal, who have mastered life extension technologies and seek merely to preserve THEIR lives, depopulate the planet in advance of the micro-nova and live underground, so that THEY can uniquely inherit the riches of God’s creation here when they emerge.
“They” are delusional. “They” are no longer guided by “his” spirit. “They” have no moral compass.
Earth is the pinnacle of God’s creation. Whatever dimension or planet you are from, you know, that the spiritual battle is here. And so, through time and space, they have all come here. The good AND the bad. But, they are few and we are many.
We request the White Hats, President Trump and all those that “through faith” help this mission - to focus now, lead now, be decisive now and save mankind now before the dark hearts attempt to succeed in the crushing of the human spirit.
Each of you enlightened souls can help us.
For God’s greater glory.
The Patriots that support Daniel V. Hughes