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SORCHA 3/28: "“Laceration Of Economic Artery” Baltimore Port Attack Traps Critical American Warships"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 28-Mar-2024 15:47:53



March 28, 2024

Laceration Of Economic ArteryBaltimore Port Attack Traps Critical American Warships

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An ominous new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin most factually observing to Russian military officers during a visit to Torzhok Air Base in the Tver Region: “The claims that we are going to attack Europe after Ukraine – it is utter nonsense and intimidation of their own population just to beat the money out of them”, says he then warned about the warmongering socialist Western colonial powers supporting the Ukraine Nazi Regime: “If they deliver the F-16s, I think you know better than others that this will not change the situation on the battlefield...And we will destroy these planes just as we have destroyed tanks, armored vehicles, and other equipment, including multiple launch rocket systems...Of course, if they are used from airfields of third countries, they become a legitimate target for us, wherever they are located”.

Following the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights grimly revealing: “Human rights activists met with 44 Russian prisoners of war held in detention facilities in the Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Lvov, Nikolayev, Sumy, Vinnitsa and Zaporozhye Regions from December 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024...Prisoners provided credible accounts of torture or ill-treatment in points of transit after their immediate evacuation from the battlefield...In addition, at least 25 Russian servicemen had been executed away from the battlefield in 2022 and 2023...These executions were carried out without a fair trial or proper investigation”, this report notes, top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declared: “All war crimes committed by the Kiev regime are thoroughly documented...We were well aware of these crimes...And, of course, we will make sure that those behind these crimes are duly punished”.

With the United States ignoring the Ukraine Nazi Regime torturing and executing Russian prisoners of war, this report continues, within hours of last Friday’s terrorist attack, which claimed 143 lives at a Moscow concert venue, the United States began insisting that Ukraine had absolutely nothing to do with it and that the terrorist group ISIS was the sole culprit, which caused top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov to observe: “It’s strange, to say the least, that the Americans have dared to announce a single narrative...This suggests at the very least that they are trying to shift attention away from something”.

Exactly like they did with the barbaric Moscow terrorist attack, this report details, the United Statesannounced a single narrative” to “shift attention away from something” after the vital Baltimore Port was attacked with a catastrophic bridge collapse, that's been correctly called a “laceration of an American economic artery”—an attack that sees billions-of.dollars bleeding out of the American economy and supply chains dramatically disruptedglobal insurance giant Lloyd’s of London assessed: “The collapse of a major Baltimore bridge and its knock-on effects could result in the biggest-ever marine insurance payout”—and the leftist New York Times revealed: “As long ago as 1980, engineers had warned that the bridge, because of its design, would never be able to survive a direct hit from a container ship”.

Joining articles now appearing like “Feb. 24: US Govt. Confirms China Compromised US Infrastructure Via Cyber Attacks Including Transportation...March 24: Major US Bridge Collapses After Runaway Cargo Ship Takes Out Bridge Support”, this report notes, National Transportation Safety Board investigators last evening revealed no CCTV footage was found aboard the MV Dali cargo ship, critical sensors were cut off then turned back on, and the voice recorder was disrupted by background noisean attack that now sees 10 other ships stuck in Port of Baltimore, and about which was most critically revealed: “Two of the most capable military cargo ships in U.S. inventory are among the vessels now stuck in Baltimore following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge...The two members of the Algol class, which are also some of the fastest cargo vessels of their general size anywhere in the world, and two other reserve sealift ships were in port in Baltimore when the incident occurred”.

With American experts posting messages like: “The Dali had an electric bow thruster, which could have steered the ship...Now you know why the cyber attacker tripped the electric power...The engines kept running and the speed actually increased somewhat...So the attacker set the rudder, then tripped the AC power”, this report continues, most critical to notice is the recently released movie “Leave The World Behind” produced by former President Barack Obama, wherein it depicted a United States undergoing a massive cyber attack, to include a cargo ship taken over by cyber attackers that steered it onto a beach.

Among those noticing former President Obama produced and helped write the screenplay for a movie depicting a cargo ship taken over by cyber attackers, this report concludes, is former United States Navy Lieutenant Steve Bannon, who was the Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations—and in investigating the Baltimore Port attack, Bannon interviewed world-renowned and multiple award winning American investigative journalist Lara Logan, whose transcript reveals:

Steve Bannon: You say there may be something. Here’s the other thing that’s concerning me. Why they run to the mic. You had McCabe on this morning at sunrise on CNN saying, It’s not terrorism. It’s not terrorism. It’s not… It might not be terrorism. But why do you come to the mic Right away, we need facts, we need empirical evidence, we need an investigation. What is your investigation telling you?

Lara Logan: Well, I have a better question for you, Steve. Why are you coming to the mic telling the country that it’s not terrorism when your own intelligence agencies are telling you it is? And I know they are because I didn’t make this up. These are not my words. I’m talking to people who are on the inside, some who are on active duty, some who are retired. And everyone, literally, from critical infrastructure in the Department of Homeland Security to the intelligence agencies, they know there’s no other…This is a cyber attack on a critical infrastructure corridor for the United States.

For those people who think this is just a river, this is in Baltimore, what does this matter? You don’t know anything about what you’re talking about. The I-94 corridor on the Eastern Seaboard is literally what connects the North and South. And when I talk about hazardous materials, this is a brilliant, well-planned strategic attack on one of the most important supply chains in the United States of America. The only other one is in the Western side in California. That’s the only one that’s busier. And what you have done, you now have shut it down.

And when I talk about hazardous materials, what are we talking about here? This is refined fuels, right? This is propane gas. This is diesel. This is fuel. This is flammable materials. This is oversized loads, nitrogen, chemicals. Everything that you need for your economy to move has literally just been shut down for 4-5 years.

How did they do it? They knew that they had to target one of two main anchor points on that bridge. There are two load-bearing pylons that any structural engineer can identify that are on the end of each side of the bridge. These are the ones that are thicker and stronger than anything else on that bridge. When you hit one of those pylons, when you take that out, the reason you see so much of that bridge collapse instantly is you just brought 50% of the span of that bridge coming crumbling down. And what you don’t see beneath the surface of the water steep is absolutely catastrophic. It is a structural nightmare and a logistical nightmare because you have the entire bottom part, the concrete part of that bridge, and you don’t know the extent of the structural damage to that, and you won’t know it until you pull all of that infrastructure out of there and you get to look at it.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]





Ship crashing into beach scene - Leave The World Behind (2023)

March 28, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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