When I first started my research and patriotic newsletter 32 years ago, I was very suspicious of the Russians – even after their revolution from communism to a democracy. I remember distinctly when I called a meeting after the Weaver siege in North Idaho, that one of the men from a neighboring county was wearing a red wrist watch, with the huge symbol of the hammer and sickle and the red logo. I asked him what it meant to him and he explained that he got it after the fall of the Soviet Union. And, he was wearing like a trophy, not to celebrate communism, but the fall of communism.
I was still skeptical of the fall of communism, and in fact, had a strong belief, that it was a trick to make the west go to sleep about considering Russia an enemy, and to make the world believe that communism was dead. In this way I felt, that this grand scheme would place the communists who were pretending to be a democracy, in a position to attack us by stealth in the future.
But after another decade went by, I only saw good fruits coming from Russia in their actions, beliefs and stands. This is not to say that the Russian type democracy is perfect, but I had to admire their stand for family values, moral and religious values, and the defense of countries against ISIS terrorists.
At the same time, I monitored what the wealthy elite globalists were saying about Russia. I read their insider think-tank papers, their opinions on Russia and could see the news media’s they control, create a massive amount of anti-Russian propaganda. In turn I also saw the globalists’ puppet politicians start to vilify and demonize Russia and make huge moves in NATO to eventually go to war against Russia. These were all contrived and manufactured moves, without any valid justification. The question was, why was this being done - and who benefits?
With more research it was obvious that the globalists’, who control a failing global system which is about to collapse, saw the Russian territory as the best financial hope for the future. Russia after all, is the largest nation on earth. It has the largest amount of natural resources on the planet including oil, gas, minerals, gold, silver, and rare metals that are critical in in-tech development.
It also has a relatively small population compared to land mass, which means the Asian continent is ideal for colonization and globalist expansion. To the average western citizen, these things may not seem important. But to the globalists that see their financial and economic growth coming to an end, they see the Russian nation as a way to expand for the future.
The best way to look at the wealthy elite syndicate, is to see them as a large group of families that all have children. The parents all have mansions with a pool, servants and the resources to have steak and caviar at every meal. Their children that are now coming of age want the same things. So, they make demands for a mansion, pools, servants and plenty of money to meet their filthy rich needs. Now multiply that generational greed about ten times worldwide, and you now have a huge number of wealthy elite that demand the same things their parents had.
But the problem is, the profits they generated through normal expansion of territory and economies has now come to an end. Even the fabrication of wars for profits in the military industrial complex has reached a limit. The obvious answer to this dilemma, is to demonize Russia, create unrest, foment protests, import terrorism and prepare the world to go to war with Russia – so they can steal the Russian territory.
This is why nothing good is said about Russia in the US Congress. This is why the mainstream media has nothing good to say about Russia. This is why the US government and NATO are financing and supporting Ukraine to have a war with Russia.
The truth is, the US government – all three branches, which is controlled by the globalists, don’t want peace with Russia. On the contrary, they want a full-fledged war. This animosity runs deep in leadership circles. This is not a passing phase or a political anomaly. It is blatantly obvious that the orders to take Russia down at all costs, has come from the very top of the global conspirators’ pyramid system of power. And, consider this: When have they ever lost? Answer: Never.
What is even worse, that I feel that both sides of the issue have not come to terms with, is the fact that this “order to take down Russia” is not limited to slow social change, but includes the inevitable use of nuclear weapons. This fact seems to have not been on the Russian’s radar. It was unthinkable. It was insane and unimaginable to them. They weren’t attacking the west, and haven’t invaded Europe or other land masses. They had no need to expand their territory. So why was the west hell bent on demonizing Russia? Why was the US and Europe spending $ hundreds of billions on helping Ukraine fight against Russia? None of it made sense to the Russian leadership.
But after two years of war, and seeing the vilification continue and expand against them, the Russian leadership finally realized that: “They are out to destroy us!”.
One must realize that the order to target Russia for destruction and takeover did not come as a whim, or a passing thought that could be changed if things aren’t going well. On the contrary, the orders are absolute, they never lose, they don’t intend on losing - they can’t lose, even if the entire world breaks out in a World War Three scenario with a total exchange of nuclear missiles – they still win. Why? Because they have already war-gamed this out. They know they can survive a nuclear holocaust in their underground bunkers. Only the little people will be burned to a crisp - and by the way, the billions that will die only fulfill their fetish-driven depopulation agenda anyway. It’s a win, win for them.
The globalists simply don’t care if a nuclear war breaks out. They have no fear of it. None. They actually want it. And this fact alone must sink into the minds of the Russians, and on the minds of the US military that is doing the globalists’ bidding. The world is their pearl, and one way or the other their minions will do what they want and they will continue their rule behind the scenes.
This brings us to the obvious conclusion: War is imminent, and it will come to our soil. It is documented that tens of thousands of foreign agents, terrorists and saboteurs are now inside the US homeland. Some may lash out as lone wolves to burn businesses, warehouses, homes and city towers. Others may be waiting for a special notice of attack to be given to activate their terrorist acts all at once. The stage has been set, and it’s not a matter of IF the attack will take place, it is only a matter WHEN.
We are being controlled by false propaganda. Our political system has been hi-jacked. We obey the government now in place as good citizens, and they will make new laws for us to obey. Both parties are controlled at the top. It doesn’t matter which presidential candidate wins, they will both do what the globalists demand.
What is the answer? The best thing we can do is develop options to survive after a collapse of any kind. We have to be able to defend ourselves in the country. Raise and grow our own food, and survive one day at a time after the collapse takes place. Once we have evacuated the major population centers, we can then be in a better position to survive long term - or if things return to normal again, we can then join in the effort to rebuild.
In the long run, evil will self-destruct, so our job is to be out of the way when things go down. The truth is, there are no clear-cut answers, and no one knows exactly what is going to happen in the future. But we must recognize the truth when we hear it and also recognize the falsehoods that the leaders are using to deceive us. George Eaton