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CGI's MAXtheMAGAnificent: Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, Calls for the Destruction of Israel and the Death of Its 9.6 Million Jewish Citizens

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 21-Mar-2024 17:17:06

A post submitted by CGI member MAXtheMAGAnificent.


For the reader's reference, please visit the following site to confirm what Mike Adams said that is the basis for this article:

Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 15, 2024 – Exclusive INTEL ALERT:
Netanyahu OVERTHROW – US troops may OCCUPY GAZA in order to SAVE BIDEN

In a recent Brighteon Broadcast News segment, Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, simultaneously called the State of Israel illegitimate among all the nations of the world, called the Prime Minister of Israel a sadistic, genocidal satanist who was at least as bad as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, and called for Hezbollah in Lebanon to unleash the 100,000+ missiles that Iran has given them to destroy Israel completely, killing all of its Jewish inhabitants. By the way, Mike said on the broadcast that he has nothing against the Jewish people, its just their homeland and all the Jewish people who live within that has to be wiped off the map…just like the Palestinians say, from the river to the sea!

Mike also said that Israel was created out of a country called Palestine that was destroyed by the Jews in an event called The Nakba, which means "catastrophe" in Arabic, and refers to the supposed dispossession of Palestinians by the Jews during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Hey Mike, first of all there never was a country called Palestine and it wasn’t the Jews who called for the Arabs of the formerly British mandate to leave, it was the Arab leaders of the nations that attacked the newly born State of Israel who did this. Why? Because they wanted to create a permanent mass of refuges who they could use as pawns in what became an endless hot and cold war against Israel.

During his rant Mike classified anyone who calls himself a “Zionist” to be an evil satanist… doesn’t matter who you are or what your religion is, if you consider yourself a Zionist, you are EVIL! Let’s straighten you out there, Mike… Zionism was a movement that began in Europe in the late 19th century that sought to establish a Jewish homeland in the Levant, a geographic area that is traditionally known as the Holy Land or the Promised Land as described in Jewish liturgy. A Zionist is simply someone who is in favor of the existence of a Jewish homeland, preferably in the Levant with Jerusalem as its capital…a secular state that can serve as a refuge for the Jewish people… a people who have been persecuted more than just about any other ethnic or religious group in history primarily by Christians, Muslims, and pagans (the Nazis).

Zionists advocate for a Jewish state called Israel, just like the French advocate for a French state called France, or the Egyptian people advocate for an Egyptian state called Egypt. You may not like what the State of Israel does or who runs the place, but saying that a Zionist, a person who supports the notion of the existence of the State of Israel is evil because of this notion, is just wrong. It's like saying that because Joe Biden is the President of the USA and at the same time is an evil bastard and a true satanist, that all US patriots are evil because they support the USA even though it is led by Joe Biden. It doesn’t make any sense.

Oh, by the way, while we are talking about what is a Zionist, let’s talk about what is a “Talmudic Jew” since our friends in the alt-right media claim that Jewish Zionists are “Talmudic Jews.” Are you ready all you authorities on Judaism in the alt-right media? Ready Mike? Ready Jeffrey? Ready Alex? Ready Sean? There is no such thing as a “Talmudic Jew.” OK? The Talmud is a collection of writings that covers the full gamut of Jewish law and tradition, compiled and edited between the third and sixth centuries. Written in a mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic, it records the teachings and discussions of the great academies of the Holy Land and Babylonia. With 2,711 densely packed pages and countless commentaries, learning Talmud takes a lifetime. There are Talmudic scholars who have in fact dedicated their lives to the study of the Talmud, but there are no Jews who “believe in the Talmud” and no Jews who “don’t believe in the Talmud,” it’s just there.

The alt-right media constantly talks about the Khazarians taking up Judaism to placate their enemies, and they for some reason call these minted “jews” as Talmudic. Where in God’s name did they get this idea? Those Khazarians must have been super genius’ to run through the Talmud’s 2711 pages of Hebrew and Aramaic so quickly and interpret it to be better to follow than the Torah and thereby adopt it as their own seminal Jewish liturgy! All this stuff makes no sense if you have any actual understanding of the subject. There are no Talmudic Jews. OK guys? You got it?

I happen to like and admire Mike Adams. He is obviously an extremely bright person who has built a great business and media empire very much on the right side of everything (and I don’t mean politically, I mean right as right). However, for some reason Mike has swallowed every morsel of Palestinian propaganda that has emerged since October 7, 2023 and regurgitated religiously it with great emphasis. It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth. All sides in war manipulate the truth and the Israel-Palestine conflict is no different…both sides are culpable to some extent. So come on Mike, you can be firmly on the side of the Palestinians if that is your choice, but at least try to show some objectivity and honesty in your reporting, and you are reporting…you call your program Brighteon Broadcast NEWS after all.

Beyond this Mike, your call to Hassan Nasrallah, the Iranian backed terror chief of Hezbollah upon whom you laud deep praise, to unleash the 100,000 missiles he has sitting ready to go in Lebanon to wipe out Israel for its military action in Gaza is inherently morally contradictory. Let’s suppose for a moment that the Israeli military is carrying out a systematic genocide of Gaza civilians because it contends that these civilians support Hamas, Gaza’s governing party… that they are accessories to Hamas’ terroristic activities, and therefore deserve to be treated essentially as enemy combatants. So, the central thesis behind this viewpoint is that Israel is carrying out its attack on civilians because it believes that it is the right thing to do.

So Mike, you are advocating for the destruction of Israel and the consequent genocide of all of the Jewish civilians in Israel because a majority of those Jewish civilians may be supportive of their government…and therefore complicit in the military actions of that government in Gaza. So, in your mind the best answer to whatever is happening in Gaza is to destroy Israel and kill its population of 9.6 million Jews. Just do the math, you are calling for Hezbollah to fire 100,000 missiles at Israel. There are probably less than 10,000 military targets in Israel, so the other 90,000 missiles would have to be aimed at civilian targets including homes, schools, and hospitals…and of course the children (can’t have another generation of Israeli Jewish children survive, can we).

Let's get this straight Mike, it is obvious that you are showing yourself to be a genocidal maniac just like you are accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of being, except you are advocating a genocide many times the size of the genocide that you accuse Netanyahu of perpetrating in Gaza. Netanyahu is supposed to be killing thousands, but you want to kill millions in return. You purport to be a devout Christian…so ask yourself, would Jesus advocate for the vengeful killing of millions as you apparently desire? I thought that Jesus taught that vengeance is reserved for God to exact, not us. Get a hold of yourself Mike…I know that you are better than that.


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