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An AI Powered Control Grid Is Being Constructed Around Us . . . First It Will Be Designed To End Independent Journalism & Free Speech On The Internet

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Tuesday, 19-Mar-2024 15:38:33

Banks are colluding with governments and Big Tech to censor and silence all dissent . . . people will be controlled by withholding access to their money

[Actually it's "currency" (a medium of exchange) he's talking about, not "money" (a store of value in addition to being a currency). Only gold and silver are historically recognized as money. People need to learn the difference between the two before it's too late . . . SC]

By Leo Hohmann - March 19, 2024

We’ve heard some disturbing reports out of Canada and the U.S. recently that shouldn’t be viewed in a vacuum. A trend is developing.

Last Friday, March 15, Rebel News reporter David Menzies was arrested while trying to interview attendees at a Pro-Hamas rally in Toronto.

According to Rebel News, the arrest came just days after the announcement of David’s lawsuit against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police “for a pattern of intimidation and exclusion following shocking displays of police brutality against David.”

Rebel News reports that what transpired was a blatant disregard for civil liberties.

David was in full compliance with the law, Rebel News reported, noting that he presented his identification upon request. All of this was captured on camera.

Yet, he was arrested and detained for exercising his right to document a public event.

In the U.S., we have also seen reporters hauled off to jail recently for simply covering events that the government didn’t want covered. Just two weeks ago the FBI arrested Steve Baker, a reporter for Blaze Media, for his coverage of the J6 event. Last year, the FBI arrested journalist Owen Shroyer of Infowars and he was convicted and sentenced to 60 days in prison for his coverage of J6 (he did not even enter the Capitol that day). NBC News, a key part of the state-run media in America, dutifully reported upon Shroyer’s conviction that he was not a journalist but a “conspiracy theorist.”

For more than five years now, journalists and citizen journalists alike have seen Big Tech censor and bury their work behind unfavorable algorithms. Some have even been banned or suspended from social media platforms.

But now the globalists are taking their war against the truth to a new level. They are going for the kill shots by having journalists and citizen truthtellers actually arrested and removed from society altogether.

Globalist politicians and judges are colluding with big corporations throughout the formerly free Western world to remove certain bedrock rights and God-given freedoms and replace them with government-issued privileges. They will tell you that you still have a right to free speech and freedom of the press, until you do what journalists have always done in the past and challenge the government narrative. If you do this, you lose your status and free-speech protections as a journalist and the government rebrands you as a conspiracy theorist, making you vulnerable to arrest.

In short, real journalists, people who question the facts and narratives provided by those in positions of power and authority, are being banned.

This movement against real journalism is coming down from the United Nations and World Economic Forum (WEF), both of which have made the elimination of what they call “disinformation” a top priority for 2024 and beyond.

WEF founder and director Klaus Schwab brags about how he has “penetrated the cabinets” of Canada’s Justin Trudeau, France’s Emmanuel Macron and many other governments, with WEF Young Global Leaders. The WEF trains these young leaders to change the world through all-encompassing digital surveillance technology and public-private partnerships (a perfect breeding ground for fascism).

So don’t expect the pummeling of citizens’ basic rights and freedoms to end anytime soon. Trudeau is very much a puppet, just like Joe Biden here in America, Olaf Scholz in Germany, Macron in France, Sunak in the U.K., and you can see how their policies mirror each other on climate change hysteria, gun control, cracking down on free speech, the obsession with vaccines, ever-expanding abortion rights, and the whole LGBTQ agenda.

And journalists are not the only ones targeted for silencing. Banks are teaming up with governments to make sure everyone falls into line with the globalist agenda.

Slay News reports that, in a major push to seize control of the public’s financial freedom, Canada is about to weaponize its banking system by linking citizens’ bank accounts to a tyrannical social credit scoring system. But they’re not calling it social credit scoring. They’re calling it an “open banking framework.”

Proponents say it’s a way for banks to innocently and easily share information and access customers’ financial data.

Slay reports:

“The truth of the matter is that this is an opportunity to merge social standings with banking to provide governments and unelected bureaucrats with complete control over our finances.”

The organization Open Banking Excellence, a partner of the World Bank that originated in the UK, claims it will host all of a bank’s relevant data needs in one place.

The organization, which has reached 40 countries, aims to “create exceptional platforms and content that promotes knowledge sharing, new thinking and partnerships within the industry – catalyzing the adoption of Open Finance and Data for better financial inclusion worldwide.”

Helen Child, founder of Open Banking Excellence, said: . . .



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