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There Is No Peaceful Solution For America

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Monday, 18-Mar-2024 15:24:05

By Justin Smith for TheBurningPlatform.com - March 17, 2024

It’s hard to have faith in any one person to make the necessary changes to save America, after he or she takes the Oval Office. It’s getting even harder to have faith in the American people, who seem to only have sense enough to open their mouths to eat or beg the government for some more “free stuff”, as we see them choose so badly in one election cycle after another.

The other side of the coin remains a fascist economic system that holds an inordinate amount of influence and power over our Congress and essentially protects the wealthy corporatists today [remember “Too Big to Fail”] rather than serve all Americans and their interests in the greatest level of freedom and liberty that ensures a high degree of prosperity.

As noted by Albert Schweitzer, doctor, explorer and a man who wanted to save the world…

“Civilization can only revive when there shall come into being a number of individuals a new tone of mind independent of the one prevalent among the crowd and in opposition to it. A new public opinion must be created privately and unobtrusively. The existing one is maintained by the press, by propaganda, by organization, and by financial influences which are at its disposal. The unnatural way of spreading ideas must be opposed by the natural one which goes from man to man and relies on the truth of thoughts and the hearer’s receptiveness of new truth.”

His words inspired the following piece, as I considered what America has been in the past — the Shining City on the Hill — and where She was headed — a Gulag-styled Police State — being driven by the most despicable, dishonorable, immoral and corrupt, traitorous criminals in American history. She can do better. She must do better, if … “IF” … the most weighted word in the English lexicon.

If only a frog had wings, he wouldn’t bump his ass every time he hopped.

What we are witnessing today is the rape of America.

The following appeared in The Federal Observer [September 2023], but given the recent article by Ms. Emerald Robinson, ‘Welcome to 2024: The Last Year of America?’, and similar articles that have recently appeared, it seems more pertinent than ever, and I thought many may find it an interesting and worthwhile read.

~ Justin O Smith


The old must be made new again, and Americans must be led back to the best ideas of the founding of our nation and far and away from the perversions and subversive notions of Marxist-Maoist communism, which have successfully infiltrated the populace and the highest offices in the land in their slow one-hundred year slog that has recently leapt into a 139 mile per hour race towards the end of our republic. This nation can’t and won’t survive with its population split between two antithetical ideologies, one — namely Marxism — that should have never been allowed to grow its wings and grow strong enough to restructure and weaponize our institutions in order to dismantle our republic; and, without the luxury of time on our side, this can only eventually be resolved in an armed conflict between those lovers of committees, communism and dictators and free men and women, who reject all who would be their masters.

There’s nothing wrong in using violence against tyrants, who have refused to follow the laws of the land, in order that we may remain free. After all, America was founded in violence and She will be saved by violence and Her hard men willing to make the hard choice.

Yes folks … You can vote, Vote, VOTE and VOTE HARDER, and there will be virtually no changes made in who holds the real power in this country. It certainly won’t be “We the People”, not after sixty years of flooding the country with so many people from regions that embrace socialism and communism and many more years of public education indoctrination and propaganda, that has convinced a growing majority of America’s youthful voters to do the same. And it doesn’t help that the Republican party opposition to the Democratic Party Communists has increasingly seemed to embrace the notion that the only way they can beat these Marxist-Maoist communists is to become more like them with a twist or two here and there.

Kurt Schlichter, an attorney, author and retired Colonel [U.S. Army], wrote an article [Stop Dooming/9-07-23] not too long ago, suggesting that too many conservatives spend too much time “dooming” and dwelling on all the bad coming down the pike, as he suggested that no defeat is permanent. Well, it can be damned near permanent when the enemy controls the system inside and out and has rigged and changed it in such a manner as to enable it to tighten its grip on power and consolidate that power across the land, at the federal and state level. But sure. Never say never and never quit working and hoping against hope that we can turn back this growing tide of lunatic anti-American, anti-freedom and liberty sentiment that has infected a large segment of our society, like a deadly disease that will eventually kill us all if it’s not stopped dead in its tracks.

But just where is the hope to be found within today’s society and the system as it now stands? That’s the question I put to Schlichter and those like him, who fail to grasp just how far down America has slid towards the dark abyss of a tyranny that would rather destroy everything in its path before relinquishing its power.

Look at Biden’s current Far Left policies if you doubt the Democratic Party isn’t intent on totally destroying traditional America, our heritage and the republic, solely to maintain power over all it sees, all in its path.

It’s the bastardized system itself which has . . .




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