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Greencrow: A Short list of JFT’s Past scandals over 8 years -- (Text)(Videos)(Images)(strong language)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 14-Mar-2024 20:23:31

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2024/03/14/a-short-list-of-jfts-past-scandals-over-8-years/

A Short list of JFT’s Past scandals over 8 years

Posted on March 14, 2024 by greencrow21

PLUS: JFT’s Mother of all Hate attacks on Canadians–Bill C-63 Online Harms Acts– watch the video below and weep for our nation

Good morning beloved sentients. Spring is peeking its head out of the forests on the Malahat. My spring bulbs, daffodils and tulips are now about three inches out of the ground. This coming weekend it is supposed to be sunny and 17 degrees centigrade.

Today I return to a sad but necessary topic on this blog — the descent into madness and tyranny that Canadians have been subjected to during the past 8 years of Justin Fuck Trudeau’s opprobrious government. Words have begun to fail me to describe what he’s done to the once peaceful and respected nation of Canada–so blessed with land and resources that the word “Canada” was once a synonym for Paradise in some quarters of this planet. Now it is a daily hell on earth. JFT will not go away. He cannot walk any street in any community in this country…but he and his international handlers find ways every single day to torment us…to threaten and bully us…to gaslight and fleece us out of our tax dollars. He hates Canada and is determined to destroy it completely in as short a time period as possible…all while pontificating on TV interviews that “Canada needs him to ‘finish the job'”.

His latest terror ploy is the worst of a long history of psychotic agenda items. Bill C-63 is a bill that needs to be researched closely by every Canadian. It’s the final coup de grass – club across the head by JFT. He’s going to pass legislation to ban free speech and imprison anyone who says anything he doesn’t like–potentially for life. He’s going to fine average Canadians $20,000 and upwards for blogging truth about what’s going on–as I’ve been doing since retirement in 2013. He’s going to reward anonymous tattlers $20,000 rewards for snitching on their family, neighbours–anyone who says anything they can concoct a story about “hate speech about”. This is the same JFT who, during the height of the Plandemic lockdowns was calling the unvaxxed a “fringe minority holding unacceptable views”. He wondered aloud whether we unvaxxed “should be tolerated”. He criss-crossed the country spreading hate and venom about those of us who refused to kowtow to his vaccine mandates. Yes, the “Hater of the West” has suddenly pivoted to being the “hunter of the haters”. Please read the following links below for details of this draconian POS legislation:

The cartoon below depicts a future in JFT’s dystopian Canada…

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms @JCCFCanada



"The Online Harms Act (Bill C-63) is the most aggressive assault against free speech in modern Canadian history. If passed into law, the Act will expose you, along with every other Canadian, to being prosecuted by the Canadian Human Rights Commission over anything you say that someone else might view as “hateful.” Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, most of them woke and progressive activists, will decide if your comment is “hateful” in their subjective view. The Online Harms Act will give the Canadian Human Rights Commission teeth again. You could be ordered to pay the federal government $50,000, plus up to $20,000 to a “victim” who felt offended by what you said. This $70,000 maximum does not include any legal costs you may incur to defend yourself. The complainant, however, would experience no such risk. It costs nothing to make a complaint. If the complaint is dismissed, then the person who filed it is not on the hook for anything. Before section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act was repealed, Canada’s quasi-judicial human rights commissions were notorious for trampling on Canadians’ free speech rights. Their kangaroo courts were exempt from the rules of evidence and other legal guardrails that govern real courts in Canada. The conviction rate for those accused of “hateful” speech was close to 100 percent. If the Online Harms Act becomes law, the Canadian Human Rights Commission will not even need to identify a victim of your supposedly “hateful” speech. The Commission will be able to prosecute you on the basis of an anonymous complaint so that you cannot face your accuser, ask questions of your accuser, or even know the name or identity of your accuser. In an advanced democracy under the rule of law, a citizen has the right to know who their accuser is, to face their accuser, and to question their accuser (or to have their lawyer question their accuser). The Online Harms Act would take away these basic rights from Canadians and expose every citizen to the risk of a Canadian Human Rights Commission prosecution based on anonymous complaints. In a Canadian Human Rights Commission prosecution, the person accusing you does not need to prove that they suffered any loss or damage as a result of your speech; they merely need to assert that you communicated “hate speech.” Unelected, unaccountable, woke bureaucrats will rely on their own subjective opinions to determine your guilt or innocence. The Online Harms Act would enable thousands of activists to file human rights complaints against the speech of people they disagree with. Even if many of these complaints are dismissed, good Canadians will still be forced to spend time and money defending themselves. Meanwhile, activists making the complaints will pay nothing. Your next salty YouTube comment or X post could get you hauled before the Canadian Human Rights Commission and ordered to pay tens of thousands of dollars. The Online Harms Act would also create a Digital Safety Commission with powers to police dozens of new regulations created by the federal cabinet. Without any input from Parliament, the federal cabinet will create new rules to censor social media services. These politicians will also determine the penalties for breaking those rules. The Digital Safety Commission will investigate, prosecute and punish the providers of social media services who fail to comply with new censorship measures. Stop Censorship. Stop the Online Harms Act. Sign our petition today. https://jccf.ca/petitions/ "

Greencrow continues: Justin Trudeau has devoted the past 8 years to creating scandal after scandal in Canada…each one of which, in normal times, would have lead to his swift downfall, resignation and disappearance from public life. Here’s a partial list compiled by X contributor Stevland Ambrose:

by X contributor Stevland Ambrose @stevlandambrose


"What have I forgotten?
In no particular order.....
Unconstitutional and unjustifiable use of the Emergencies Act, celebrating a Nazi in Parliment, illegal Chinese police stations in major cities, $160000 vacations, $7300 a night hotel rooms, offering MAID to disabled, elderly and veterans, spy balloon, Drag Queen TV, hostages, tax payer funded Anti-Semitic liberal bloggers, Russian turbines, Coutts Four political prisoners, threatening to use Military force on unarmed civilians, internet censorship, no clean water on many reserves despite 8 years of promises, 8% inflation, 30+burned Churches with 0 arrests, carbon tax, food shortages, hospital ICU bed shortages, WE bros scandal, SNC Lavalin, sanctimonious (AND idiotic) “peoplekind” mansplination, 3 ethics convictions, a non disclosure agreement with the last school he worked for, 2 disgraced Governor Generals, Vance, McDonald, JWR, Philpott, Celina, Norman, Veterans, blaming the US for Iran shooting down jets, bowing to the Iranian leader (who is responsible for mass murdering Canadian citizens), rail blockades, pipelines, failed UN seats, nannies, vacations, cardboard cut outs, embarrassing chronic dress up episodes, face painting, elbowgate, Creston, sandbagging, NAFTA, Chinese Army on Canadian soil, Chinese agents in our virology lab, Chinese agents in our space agency, used jets, no navy ships
sharing meals with Atwal, Boyle, Khadr, Wei Wei, voting for Mclinitick, Khans island, 600 million in media payoffs, 6 million unemployed, 638 million to the 15 yr olds, tanker bans, “waterbox thingy”, unnecessary gun bans, two private jets hypocrisy, tracking 33 million cell phone, student grant abortion, failed fed payroll, enacting laws by decree, suspending the elected HOC mid pandemic, using the pandemic to sew division in a shameless attempt to win a majority government, unforgivable “Do we tolerate these people?’ question, redacted documents, internment camps, Roxam Rd, Charter violations from coast to coast, possibly 13 liberal HOC seats gained by China’s interference, 16 tons of PPE to China, taking a knee for BLM, 400 billion blown in one year, no budget for 2 years, 1.6 trillion in debt, Paul Bernardo moved to minimum security, family ski buddy from Trudeau foundation appointed as rapporteur and the long-demanded public inquiry into Chinese meddling designed to fail."

Embarrassing Canada by singing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ in public the night before Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, historically low polling numbers but insists on clinging to power, no proportional representation, an unholy alliance with the NDP

Took House Speaker to court to block release of unredacted records about fired Chinese spies who probably stole virus samples from Winnipeg Level lab

Inexplicable travel advisory for Canadians visiting the United States

Asked Canadians to “sacrifice Easter family time” during COVID lockdowns and then proceeded to travel with his entourage to Quebec

PMO successfully solicited RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki to release details of the murder weapons used in the ‘2020 Nova Scotia mass murder’ to bolster the Liberal Party’s gun law initiative (despite the insistence of RCMP commanders that releasing this information might jeopardize the investigation)

Over $13 billion in subsidies to Volkswagen for a battery that may (or may not) be marketable, defies 4 court orders to release documents about the Winnipeg lab, foreign donations to Trudeau Foundation spike after Trudeau runs for PM, $50K from CCP for a Pierre Trudeau statue after the proposed Mao statue deemed too controversial, CEO and entire Trudeau Foundation Board of Directors resign after CPP-connected $200K ‘gift’ scandal, cash-for-access meeting with Chinese businessmen scandal, gave $50 million in taxpayer’s money in a self-aggrandizing tweet to Trevor Noah, adorable disabled Mohawk grandma peacenik trampled by police horse during violent suppression the Freedom Convoy protest (which had been declared perfectly legal by the Ontario Supreme Court), $100 million in annual subsidies to an increasingly obsequious news media (over and above $1 billion for CBC), Liberal Party refuses to condemn China’s 1 million Uyghur slaves

Tampons in all men’s federal washrooms, killer of 9 year old Tori Stafford allowed to go to healing lodge to serve the rest of her sentence, catch and release for dangerous, food bank line ups, compromised BofC. David Johnson the Rapporteur

Misadventure with India losing 80% of Indian students. 2 disastrous India trips 1st one cavorted in costumes and consorted with Indian criminals while 2nd one was a cocaine blur.


Greencrow continues: Why has JFT been allowed to run roughshod over Canadian laws and mores? Well, the primary reason is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] is completely corrupted at the top and JFT has it in his backpocket. He can commit the most egregious crimes [like spuriously and illegally invoking the Emergencies Act, the most severe law of the land] on his own cowardly whim–to punish Freedom Convoy demonstrators who legally challenged his tyranny in February, 2022. \

Below are some RCMP commissioners recently testifying before a Parliamentary Committee about why Justin Trudeau can get away with corruption and possibly even murder:

“Hate” –JFT’s stock-in-trade

…has long been a major tool in his manipulation of Canadian governance…He even ordered the creation of an “Anti-Hate Network” that actually fomented hate in Canada…here’s a parody posted by prominent Canadian dissident Jeremy MacKenzie, who spent time in jail in 2022 due to one of JFT’s hate purges. Here MacKenzie posts a parody of it:

Why do Liberal backbenchers and the NDP prop up the most hated man in Canada? Here is the reason why:

https://greencrowasthecrowflies.files.wordpress.com/2024/03/image-10.png?w=150 150w, https://greencrowasthecrowflies.files.wordpress.com/2024/03/image-10.png?w=300 300w" sizes="(max-width: 680px) 100vw, 680px" />

Greencrow continues: Here’s an even more concise list of JFT’s scandals over the past 8 years:

Click on the link below to see an homage to one of JFT’s most disgusting scandals…his sick obsession with trans-sexual drag queens:

Greencrow concludes: Yes, my fellow Canadians…these are hard times we’re enduring under Justin Fuck Trudeau. The hardest in my 77 year lifetime. I cannot remember a time previously where one person was able to drag an entire nation down into the sewer of his own mental illness for so long, so relentlessly and so pervasively. Canadians have responded with a unified emotion that goes beyond HATE. Linguistics experts will have to come up with a new word to describe how Canadians feel about this sick monster who keeps flouncing, prancing and wildly gesticulating before our TV cameras. In the meantime, someone posted the song below on X this morning. It does come pretty close to how Canadians feel about the monster in our midst.

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