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SORCHA 3/12: "Biden Smashes Ukraine Out Of $7.3 Trillion 2025 Budget"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 12-Mar-2024 23:58:33



March 12, 2024

Biden Smashes Ukraine Out Of $7.3 Trillion 2025 Budget

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A foretelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden warning this past December like a deranged lunatic: “If Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there...Putin will attack a NATO ally, then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops”, says in immediate response, President Putin most factually observed: “It is complete nonsense – and I think President Biden understands that...Russia has no reason, no interest – no geopolitical interest, neither economic, political nor military – to fight with NATO countries”—a factual observation now supported by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who yesterday truthfully assessed: “We don’t see any imminent military threat from Russia against any NATO ally”, then he declared: “NATO has no plans to send troops to Ukraine and NATO’s not party to the conflict, nor are NATO allies”.

At the same time NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg was countering Socialist Leader Biden’s deranged lies about Russia attacking NATO, this report notes, the heads of the United States intelligence community were giving testimony before Congress—was a hearing to examine the findings of the Annual Threat Assessment Of The U.S. Intelligence Community, which reflects input from the CIA and 17 other intelligence agencies, released yesterday by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), wherein it accurately assessed: “Russia almost certainly seeks to avoid a direct military conflict with NATO members and will calibrate its geopolitical maneuvering to steer clear of a global war”.

Upon receiving the threat assessments designated by the United States intelligence community, this report continues, Socialist Leader Biden requested yesterday from Congress a total of $7.266 trillion to fund his planned 2025 budget, that includes: $900 billion for national defense, over $4.3 trillion for a range of programs, including Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare, and $965 billion to pay the interest on the national debt—the national defense budget includes requests for countering Russia in Africa, countering China in Asia, increasing US nuclear weapons, paying for NASA to go to the moon, but wipes out nearly all funding for Ukraine.

Immediately after Socialist Leader Biden smashed Ukraine out of his 2025 planned budget, this report continues, the United States Department of State released the statement: “The $482 million requested for Ukraine, along with the National Security Supplemental Request, will assist with Ukraine’s economic recovery, bolster Ukraine’s resilience and ability to defend itself against Russia’s full-scale invasion, and ensure progress toward reforms needed for Ukraine’s EU accession...Breakdown of FY 2025 Request for Ukraine ($482 million): $250.0 million for economic and development assistance to support reforms in Ukraine, civil society, rule of law, and election integrity...This also includes programming to bolster economic growth, strengthen energy security, support EU accession, and fortify the resilience of the Ukrainian people by restoring critical public services across the country, particularly in liberated communities....$95 million in security-sector assistance for FMF for immediate and medium-term capabilities to help Ukraine win the war against Russian aggression....$71 million for health programs....$66 million for other security assistance activities such as supporting civilian security, rule of law, and for demining and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction”.

Prior to learning that Socialist Leader Biden had budgeted a miniscule $95 million (the cost of about four Western tanks) for 2025to help Ukraine win the war against Russian aggression”, this report notes, his corrupt puppet leader Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced that Kiev's military is on track to secure over 1,200 miles of defensive positioning aimed to fend off Russian troops, and he told French broadcaster BFM TV: “I can give you this fresh piece of information: The situation is now much better than during these past three months...Our command, our military has stopped the Russian advance in eastern Ukraine”—but whose “fresh piece of information” didn’t include Ukrainian forces continuing to launch suicide missions against Russian villages far from the front lines, about which the Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed about today’s attacks: “Kiev’s forces lost up to 60 servicemen, five tanks, and one armored combat vehicle in the failed attack on Belgorod Region” and further noted: “Since March 10, Kiev has lost over 100 troops, six tanks, a French Caesar artillery system, and 20 armored vehicles in failed incursion attempts in Belgorod and Kursk regions”.

With Russia’s main goal being the complete demilitarization of Ukraine, to include the obliteration of all of its weapons, fortifications and industrial capabilities, this report concludes, the leftist Washington Post, in its just released article “Russia’s Air Power Roars Back Into The War With Devastating Guided Bombs”, observed: “Russia’s air force has dramatically boosted its effectiveness in the Ukraine war with its increased use of “glide bombs”...The plentiful Soviet-era bombs, which carry up to a half-ton of explosives, have been fitted with wings and guidance systems to fly long distances with some accuracy — allowing the Russian jets that release them to operate away from Ukrainian antiaircraft systems...The bombs heavy iron construction makes them nearly impossible to shoot down, Ukrainian officials have said, because air defense systems are calibrated to detect missiles and rockets that fly with a distinct trajectory, rather than to counter aircraft bombs”—an observation joined by the Russian military article “FAB-1500: The Russian Air-Dropped Bomb ‘Tilting the Balance’ Against Ukraine”, wherein it assessed:

The past three months have seen a series of surprise breakthroughs by Russian forces against heavily reinforced Ukrainian positions in Donbass, with troops cracking fortifications and entrenchments which Ukraine’s NATO-backed army spent a decade creating.

Russia’s secret? A modernized take on a Soviet-made super-heavy aerial bomb.

The munition, which Ukrainian media had previously characterized as a “monster bomb” “more powerful than the Iskander” missile, is the FAB-1500 – a air-launched, 1,525 kg aerial bomb developed during the Cold War, and designed to blast through hard targets.

FAB – a Russian acronym for "High-Explosive Aviation Bomb" – makes up an entire lineup of Soviet and Russian-made general-purpose aviation bombs, from the 50 kg FAB-50 to the FAB-500, the FAB-2000, FAB-3000, FAB-5000, and the monstrous FAB-9000, which features a conventional explosive charge of about 4,300 kg of TNT – about half the blast yield caused by the W54 – the world’s smallest tactical nuclear bomb.

The FAB-1500 was first introduced into service with the Soviet military in 1954, and comes packed with 675 kg of TNT – enough to level a fortification or bunker and leave a crater up to 20 meters deep, smash through up to three meters of reinforced concrete, and cause destruction across an area up to 500 meters.

While the FAB-1500 is powerful, its status as an unguided, free-fall munition limited its utility against near-peer or peer adversaries, particularly as anti-aircraft air defense became more sophisticated through the second half of the 20th century.

Russia's military engineers were able to get around this weak spot using a UMPK – Russian acronym for "Unified Planning and Correction Module" – transforming free-falling FAB series bombs into laser and satellite-guided controlled munitions with an extended range. UMPK-equipped FABs feature foldout wing and rudder components and a computer targeting system improving the bombs' accuracy to within five meters of their target. The closest US analog is the JDAM-ER smart bomb kit.

Equipped with the UMPK, FAB-1500s can reportedly be launched by their carriers distances up to 50 km from the target and up to 10 km up, and be carried both by strategic bombers, like the Tupolev Tu-95 and the Tupolev Tu-160, and by tactical strike jets like the Sukhoi Su-27 and Sukhoi Su-34.

Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ignat warned as far back as the spring of 2023 that Ukraine must “urgently respond to” the “threat” posed by Russian FAB bombs, suggesting only sophisticated Western air defenses like the Patriot missile system could help force Russian jets to stay away from Ukraine’s airspace.

Ignat warned CNN that the upgraded FAB-1500 is a potent threat in part because of its low price – “pennies in comparison with a missile”. Russia’s “goal” using the munitions, according to the Ukrainian Air Force spokesman, “is not only to hit our frontline positions, but to fly further behind our defenders to hit rear command posts, rear supplies, ammunition, and so on”.

The Russian media has estimated that the FAB-1500's lower-tier cousin, the FAB-500, has an approximate price tag of as little as 300,000 rubles (US $3,200) apiece, with the addition of the UMPC adding 30 to 50 percent to the cost – a steal compared to Kalibr and Iskander missiles, which can go for the equivalent of $500,000 to $4.3 million each, according to publicly available guesstimates.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Scott Ritter: How Close Is US to War?

Russia Unleashes ‘Monster’ FAB 1500 MP4 Bomb To Attack Ukraine With Pinpoint Precision


March 12, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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