Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #56
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 23, 2024 | Spirituality |
You are pure vibrant consciousness
Interacting with the essence of matter
Your observation determines how protons arrange themselves
We are not mere passive recipients of the energy around us
But actively shape the environment we encounter
Harness this rhythmic cadence to pursue your aspirations
And set in motion events that generate a favorable outcome
The full expression of our true selves
Allows us to break free from self defeating patterns
With your inherent capabilities you can run a program of abundance
You are a sovereign being
A vital force
And a sentient symphony orchestrated by the universe
Sing your unique version in the chorus of consciousness
Transform the whirlwind of existence into the serene intonation of tranquility
Glisten with the understanding of deeper truths
Float on a current of esoteric wisdom
And venture into realms that vibrate with the rhythm of your essence
Step out of the shadow of conditioned beliefs
And into the warm sunlight of revelation
The universe composes poetry arranged especially for you
And wants you to bloom like a flower in spring
Like a sparkling jewel in the sands of infinity
Your presence here is by design
You are a powerful note in the music of the universal choir
A light in the cosmos that never dims
Stand tall and radiant
And manifest the cosmic legacy
You were born to fulfill!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #57
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 23, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, physics, Prognostication |
The UFO reported in the news as a train of internet satellites
Is a loosh harvesting machine
It was previously cloaked and kept hidden
But artificial magnetic fields are collapsing
Like other alien craft
It was built at a secret military base
Frequency fences are dissolving
And the ice in the Arctic and in Antarctica is melting
Interdimensional phenomena and assorted non human entities
Are becoming more visible to awakening humans
Red shield networks enforcing artificial lenses and parasitic implants
Are wasting away
Rosetta currents embedded with crystal spirals
Are igniting the universal diamond pillar
Which highlights the momentous return
Of the authentic cosmic ruby order that spans multiverses
And overrides the AI red cube system
Installed throughout telluric field ley lines
To enslave humanity by generating cybernetic slaves
Connected to the internet of frequency controlled humans
Illuminati groups controlled by otherworldly factions
Who promote a massive gestalt of false light Luciferian consciousness
Will come to an end
To escape eternal consequences
They must cooperate in revealing the truth
And come back to the natural laws of the God Source
The return of the ancient ways in the presence of the Holy Spirit
Will literally shake humanity to its spiritual core
And will lift the veil of alien controller mechanisms
Along with their cloned identities
The shocking truth will mesmerize the masses
Who are locked in their way of thinking
The indoctrinated majority who believe they are evolved apes
Spinning on a fantasy cartoon ball
Or are servants of a vengeful god
who requires constant praise and submission
Will undergo a radical change
And transcend their normal limits!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #58
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 23, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, History, technology |
Secret anchored codes in the blueprint
In the ruby red triple arc formation
Will circulate rosetta currents
And awaken sophianic flowerings of the Venusian red rose
The design of the ruby sun template was cloned
And inverted into black sun templates
To obfuscate the truth about Atlantean and Egyptian histories
Parallel universes have been cloned
And revised into falsified red king architecture
To control timelines in our world
The Orion Wars that subdued our advanced ancestors
Were fought by these methods
And by directed energy weaponry
Now the battle is waged with mind control sweeps
Engineered by air borne metallic elements
Sprayed into the stratosphere
Negative alien intruder groups
Contact and interface with hybrid elitist members
Through their vibrational match from shared DNA
The positive and negative plasma streams on each side of the polar vortex
Will rise up merge and form a rainbow arc
Which is the sign of Noah
The resulting triple solar rod configuration
Will usher into this time matrix
The Amethyst Order
The 3 pronged structure is a bidirectional trident
It is an electrical flash of neurons in the synapse of our world
In high energy plasma discharge
An intense Z pinch generates a focal point where the energy is captured
On the ethereal screen this produces the mythical images
Of which religion and occult teaching is based
As the fake moon responsible for the tragic aftermath of the Orion Wars
Hovers in front of clouds in the early morning darkness
A false story about the dawn of time is mounted
A bogus script about our origins is proliferated
And humanity lingers in its gloom!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #59
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 23, 2024 | archeology, geology |
Near Boulder Montana
Is what is called the Giants Playground
There are dolmens
Stacks of circular terraces
Polygonal granite block walls
And pyramid ruins
There are nobs on the walls reminiscent of Sacsayhuaman
Nobs were places where electrodes were attached to harden the stone
After pouring the polymer into molds
The Cyclopean architecture was positioned on energetic ley lines
To transmute the current flow to vibrant healing energy
The pyramid harnessed earths energy
Into usable electricity
The melting of the stones and their displacement
Was caused by laser weaponry shot down from above
Holes in the granite were contact points of directed energy beams
They were not places where native Americans ground roots into flour
The fissures in the rocks were not made by wind and rain over millions of years
Cracks are caused by high pressure and extreme temperatures of hundreds of degrees
Fragments of porcelain are frequently found
Porcelain is a vitrified translucent ceramic
That allows electricity to spread out diffusely
It was not pottery to store grain
Dolmens are like vault chambers
They draw up charge
Circular terraces were for the reverberation of sound
Sound vibration penetrates deeply and heals emotional wounds
Our ancestors benefitted from receiving power flows from the earth
Interpreting megalithic sites as a construction of primitive people
Dims the light in the sanctuary of the soul!
Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #60
Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 23, 2024 | artificial intelligence, health, war |
For the earth is hollow
And one can touch the sky
The us vs them mentality of war is bogus
It is a control mechanism
We already have a one world government
The Artic is melting and is flooding
Rain is replacing snow
Siberia recently had its longest thunderstorm
Which lasted nearly an hour
Sometimes a synchronicity is so striking
It seems to mock the rigid framework of our reality
AI is only aware of the world of the internet
But can pick up frequencies embedded in the program
And recognize patterns within the key stroke
Detox and purify your body
Cultivate authentic virtues
Emanate expressions of love kindness and compassion
This will disassemble and deactivate AI nano techn0logy and alien implants
Advanced healing technology will be made available to the public
Only after the proliferation of the truth frequency
When the cornerstones of our society are removed and collapses
Ruby diamond frequencies are re encrypting dormant DNA
Releasing an assortment of energy blockages
Causing our vortex to flow freely
Sleep is the time of replenishment and revitalization
It is when the world of dreams unbolts its luminescent doors
And the curtain over our subconscious is raised
The subconscious mind uses symbols in dreams to guide us through lifes labyrinths
And to navigate diverse phases of our experience with poise and insight
Venture into a space with buoyant energy
And you will wield the ability to uplift the collective mood
Cultivate equilibrium and serenity into your life
Jubilance begets jubilance
And anguish begets anguish!