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Greencrow: UPDATED: Coutts4 Hearing -- (Text)(Twitter Links)(Video)(Image)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Saturday, 24-Feb-2024 13:45:23

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2024/02/23/coutts4-update/

UPDATED: Coutts4 Hearing

Posted on February 23, 2024 by greencrow21

Emergencies Act Invocation led to this infamous police horse trampling–which now appears to have been completely ultra viries [outside the law]

Folks, I don’t like to break into my stream of blog posts with a “News Flash” but this will be an exception. I cannot ignore when the hairs stand up on the back of my neck like they did late last night when I read this:

Greencrow continues: there has been shockingly little information escaping from that tiny courtroom in Alberta due to a harsh publication ban. But listen very closely to what the “human rights advocate” says about the evidence from the Justice Rouleau POEC Commission not jiving with evidence being presented in court in defense of the two men who remain in jail [following the release of the other two Coutts4 men a few weeks ago].

Apparently, if I am understanding what the man is saying, the timeline between when then RSMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki told the Liberal cabinet there were weapons found–and when they actually WERE found–is different. In other words, there were no weapons found yet to base the invocation of the Emergencies Act on AT THE MOMENT when JFT DECIDED TO invoke the act.

If this evidence is going where I think it’s going, then it means that JFT had corrupted members of the RCMP plant weapons so they could then arrest innocent men [invoke the Emergencies Act] and keep the men in prison without trial for over two years! Here’s a link to my earlier post on the Coutts 4:

Here is the link to my most recent blog post so you can pick up the thread.

UPDATE: February 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm from another sentient, who also understands the enormous implications of this story:

Trish WoodTrish Wood@WoodReporting

@elonmusk bail me out. COUTTS 4 evidence could bring down the government and badly further wound the CBC. A questions primer for citizen journalists. Did the government with help from RCMP fake a crisis at the Coutts blockade to invoke the Emergencies Act? Keeping innocent men in jail on bogus charges for political reasons? What does a detailed timeline reveal about what they knew the 13th and 14th? What evidence did they actually have? The plea deals suggest they had nothing.

@marco_huigenbos and

@BezirganMocha are working this angle. As are

@RayMcGinnis7 and


How does the timeline square with under oath testimony from Brenda Lucki and cabinet from the #POEC? Is there now a possibility of revealing perjured testimony? What was said in the phone call between Biden and Trudeau on February 11? “A phone call between President Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took place the following day, on Feb. 11, where Trudeau conveyed to the commander-in-chief that Ottawa had a plan to end the blockades.” New York Post https://nypost.com/2022/11/24/us-officials-pressured-canada-to-stop-freedom-convoy-new-testimony-reveals/

What is the plan that Trudeau was alluding to in that call and did it involve framing Coutts protestors as conspiring and violent? Did Trudeau receive advice from American law enforcement and pols to stage a kind of January 6th smear – allowing the holding of innocent accused until the acute political moment was over? Are there transcripts and email descriptions of phone calls?

@hollyanndoan Why did Liberal pols invoke the insurrection smear early on and what information did they have to frame it that way — given the POEC found no such thing. Were they instructed to do so by the PMO? How much contact was there between the Crown law Office and Ottawa. Why did the CBC, including its top investigators only report negative information about Coutts and the Freedom Convoy – reporting that favoured the anti-democratic response by the Liberal government? Justice Rouleau’s report must now be declared fallacious and removed from the official record – given its reliance on Coutts to justify the EA.

Why didn’t CBC, which excels at wrongful prosecution stories investigate the Coutts 4 charges and lengthy remand/jail time? The senior editor must answer these questions. This is perhaps the biggest scandal facing our country and if it is not on the political and journalistic agenda we have failed as a democracy. Legacy media was complicit in this tragedy and refuses to redeem itself. If CBC won’t investigate the government…..and admit its own mistakes it should be shuttered.

@PierrePoilievre put this on your agenda.

@theJagmeetSingh do you support this still?






@tuckercarlson #freedomconvoy#coutts4


Marco Van Huigenbos @marco_huigenbos

…was the man interviewed in the video above, who said the following today on X.

“How far will the Coutts prosecutors go to bury the truth??? Well folks, we got an answer today!! In closing comments early today, my “friend,” Prosecutor Steven Johnston advised the court that due to numerous breaches of the publication ban, a criminal investigation has been launched. This comes after a similar threat of prosecution made earlier this week. Me thinks that the prosecution isn’t going the way the crown would like it to go…. My friend knows the biggest threat to his little plan is the public becoming aware of what happens in that courtroom. There is a real and active attempt to bury these grotesque proceedings by this special prosecution team. Threats and intimidation have become the order of the day. But this shouldn’t be surprising as the signs of scandal are starting to be seen.”


Greencrow comments: It’s amusing to watch the perpetrators attempting to weave their tissue of lies in the “disinfecting sunlight of the courtroom”. Not as easy to do without the assistance of all their paid off mainstream media filters. Could this be the final nail in JFT’s political coffin?

Go back in my previous posts on the Coutts4 and see where I say that the scenario is eerily similar to the “January 6th” crisis in the US where innocent protesters were smeared by government/media and have been incarcerated for lengthy amounts of time without trial. Did the CIA handlers of that jackass demented Biden conspire with the CSIS handlers of our Justin Fuck Trudeau to do this crime against both our democracies? Stay tuned for further developments.

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