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Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #41 - #45 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Saturday, 17-Feb-2024 09:30:20

From https://bennettleeross.com/science/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-41/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #41

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 14, 2024 | Science, Spirituality |

There are subtle energies and spiritual connections
That weave through the fabric of our existence
Transcending the traditional boundaries of the past present and future

A complex spiritual plane exists
Where waves of possibility bend time
And flow in non linear patterns

The essence of our cosmos connects to this vast infinity

The organization and crystallization of water molecules
When exposed to various words emotions thoughts and sound
Shows a very deep connection between ourselves and the spiritual realm

Embrace the power of the present moment
And step into your role as the conscious creator of your reality

Weave together emotion intention and belief
To manifest your deepest desire

The universe awaits your command
To bring your dreams to life

Shift from being reactive
To being the architect of your fate

Design a tapestry of beauty abundance and joy
Cultivate a deep sense of gratitude and fulfillment

When we attune ourselves to the frequency of our desires
We align our internal state with the external reality we wish to create

Step boldly onto the stage of life
Be in an empowered state
Engage your opportunities and challenges with courage and conviction

The universe communicates with the language of energy
Emotion is the fuel that propels our intention into manifestation

When you speak with confidence and assurance
You infuse your words with power

Each word is a brush stroke on the canvas of our existence
Recognize the potency of language
And harness its energy!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-42/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #42

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 14, 2024 | Spirituality |

Understand the magic of the universe
And orchestrate the elevation of your frequency

Thoughts steeped in purity
Intentions crystallized in wisdom
And actions resonating in love
Raises your frequency

Replace the dissonant chords of fear and doubt
With inner peace and knowledge

If you want to communicate with high vibrational intelligence
Then send out high vibrational waves

Resonant fields will synchronize
And telepathic exchange will flow through the ether unencumbered
Regardless of distance or dimension

Script the narrative of your existence
And amplify the energy that fuels a quantum leap

Thoughts direct the flow of energy
Which influences the outcomes we experience

Tap into the limitless power of the universe
And unleash a chain of events that propel you toward your dreams

Let the cosmos weave its intricate patterns
And allow it to align your path with unforeseen opportunities and synchronicities
Appreciate the beauty of the unexpected

When we are grateful
Our hearts remain optimistic and hopeful

Make peace with your own imperfections
Self acceptance is the first step toward breaking free
From the chains of self imposed limitations

Override outdated programming
Install new patterns aligned with your aspirations

Anchor your attention on your desired state
Focus on the end result that you wish for

Create a vibrational match between your inner state
And the external circumstance you want to attract

The alignment of energies sets into motion
A series of synchronicities and serendipities that pave the way
To the realization of your deepest desires!

From https://bennettleeross.com/archeology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-43/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #43

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 14, 2024 | archeology, architecture |

Lake Titicaca is located in the beautiful Andes Mountains
Between the enigmatic countries of Peru and Bolivia

It covers an area of 21,726 square miles
And is over a 1000 feet deep
Making it the largest lake in South America

Over 25 streams and rivers contribute to its life force
And only 1 river serves as an outlet

Titicaca means Mountain of the Puma
The lake has 41 islands

In its depths is a submerged city with a temple
It has megalithic stones with some weighing 40-50 tons

There are exquisite statues that are standing upright
And huge stairs with stone lions sporting long upright horns
Which guard the entranceway to the staircase

There is a courtyard with pillars
Surrounding the temple is a 2624 foot long containing wall

Gold figurines and gold ornaments are frequently found
Lake Titicaca holds a treasure trove of ancient artifacts

95 percent of the aquatic animals are considered non native and unique to the area
In other words they are former ocean dwellers that have adapted to fresh water

There are sea crustaceans and mollusks that live in the lake
As well as sharks and sea horses

The chemical composition is very similar to the ocean

There is only one conclusion
That the entire altiplano was thrust up in very recent times

When you take into consideration Machu Pichu
It would mean the whole northern Andes was uplifted in very recent times
Only a few hundred years ago!

From https://bennettleeross.com/archeology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-44/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #44

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 14, 2024 | archeology, architecture, geography |

Lake Titicaca is at an elevation of 12507 feet
So called agricultural terraces rise above 15000 feet in the mountains above the lake
There are some terraces that go up past 18400 feet and disappear in the snow

The terraces are obviously not for agricultural purposes
But were for harmonious sound vibration effects

The entire chain of the Andes was dragged upwards
To their present location in very recent times

They were thrust up along with the terraces
And the now underwater megalithic city of Tiahuanaco

Included in the melee were steamships
The SS Coya
The SS Inca
The SS Ollanta
The Yapura and the Yavari

The official story is that beginning in 1861
These iron steamships were made in England
And were somehow taken apart and put in boxes for shipping

Then shipped around Patagonia to Peru
Then loaded on a train and finally put on mules for the excursion over the Andes
Then reassembled on the shore of Lake Titicaca

I am not going to go into detail about how ridiculous and impossible this story is
The Ollanta is said to weigh about 2200 tons
And a lot of that weight is from the cast iron

On the Isle de la Lino
The largest island of Lake Titicaca
Are many eucalyptus trees and more ruins

Also underwater there are a group of sacred labyrinths
And a main road leading to the city

What happened is that the magnetic field was somehow manipulated
An opposite charge was induced
That sent electrons surging upwards to meet it

Weight becomes inconsequential in an electric field
The Andes and other mountain ranges are of very recent origin!

From https://bennettleeross.com/archeology/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-45/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #45

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 14, 2024 | archeology, geography, geology |

The ancient megalithic stronghold of Ollantaytambo in Peru
Is built with blocks of stone up to 18 feet high

These cyclopean stones were hewn from a quarry 7 miles away
Then according to the present narrative
Were somehow carried through fast running rivers and over sky high mountains

Another Peruvian fortress is Ollantayparabo in the Urubamba Valley
It perches upon a tiny plateau northwest of Lake Titicaca
About 13,000 feet above sea level

Ollantayparabo is situated in an uninhabitable region
Of precipices chasms and gorges

It is built of red porphyry blocks
That if the prevailing story is true
Must have been carried a considerable distance
Down steep slopes
Across swift and turbulent rivers
Then up precipitous rock faces that hardly allow a foothold

The foothills of the Andes hide numerous deserted towns and abandoned terraces
They are monuments to a vanished civilization

The geological strata of the Andes show excessively disturbed conditions
And periods of extreme violence

Lava and marine deposits of sand alternate
The same molten rock invades different levels of strata
That is supposed to be millions of years apart

The topography of the Andes
The fauna of Lake Titicaca
The chemical analysis of the soil
The numerous raised beaches
The modern character of the fossils
The composition of salt beds

Indicate the plateau now 12,507 feet above sea level
Was once at sea level

And establishes that the northern altiplano
Along with the entire Andes mountain chain
Was thrust up in very recent times!

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