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Is Russia Really Our Enemy?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Saturday, 10-Feb-2024 18:51:19

I don’t know about Putin, but I’m getting really tired of ‘Russia is our enemy and Putin is out for our blood.’ Bullshit! Russia has traditionally been a friend and ally, starting out when America wasn’t even a country yet. Catherine the Great, while not getting embroiled in the Revolutionary War, did provide some supplies badly needed and ships that kept the British and anyone else determined to take advantage of our weakened position, from nipping at our heels. Again, during the Civil War, Russia once again came to our aide, making sure that other countries kept their nose out of our conflict, while we sorted out our differences. During WWII, the Soviet Union, was once again an ally. They made up the third arm of the Allies against the Axis of Germany, Italy and Japan.

So, someone tell me just how Russia figured in as our arch enemy? Even during JFK’s time in office, it is pretty well known that he and Khrushchev were unofficially conspiring to create peace. It cost Khrushchev his job. It cost Kennedy his life. The Deep State couldn’t have Kennedy and Khrushchev brokering peace? Whatever would the Neo-Cons do without their Russian bogey man?

As I’ve said in earlier posts, I’m quite sure that Putin doesn’t walk on water, unless it’s frozen. In watching Russia’s actions over the past twenty years or so, it appears to me that Putin has shown great restraint in the face of provocation. He has shown remarkable patience following the Minsk Agreement, in which America proceeded to break every treaty we ever signed with Russia. Russia has been very valuable to the Neo-Cons. How can you have a cold war without the strength of Russia? Most Americans believed the B.S. and were afraid of Khrushchev, and everyone in between him and Putin, and by association, Russia.

But, what told me this was nothing but a fairytale story was the fact that we continued to partner with Russia in going to the International Space Station. We’ve shared quite a few other interests, such as ballet, symphonies, and chess tournaments. None of that would we share with a true and feared enemy.
Are the Russian people fed the same bullshit stories that we are? And if they are, do they believe it? I hate to portray the American people as hopelessly naive-programmable. But, it appears that way. When did my distrust of the three letter agencies begin? I would have to say, after JFK was killed in Dallas, knowing Kennedy had fired Allen Dulles, when they put him on the Warren Commission I knew people in his own country killed him. Not some CIA/FBI asset. I don’t know if my ability to ‘read’ people is something I was born with it, though I believe that anyone can develop it. After talking to someone for a few minutes, or watching what they say and then do, it is very easy for me to see who can be trusted and who can’t.

I’m not even saying that Putin wouldn’t nuke the hell out of us if he thought that was in Mother Russia’s best interest. But, he hasn’t spent decades beating the war drum as so many Neo-Cons have done and are doing. When presented with a choice for peace or conflict, the majority of our fearless leaders have chosen the path of conflict. We had promised not to move military bases up to Russia’s borders, a reasonable request, given our penchant to create wars where none were necessary. Did we really need to insert ourselves in civil wars in Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, ad nauseam, for instance? We kept moving closer to Russia’s border.

When we promised not to move NATO to Russia’s border, especially to try to get Ukraine into NATO, when we promised not to put our military bases on Russia’s border, and proceeded to do all of that, What did we expect Putin to do? But, stop right there. If the Global Elite want WWIII, this makes perfect sense. And, at home, water down education, neuter our military, get youth addicted to being lazy, playing video games as a substitute for reality. Make sure as many people as possible are dependent on the government dole. Keep poking the Russian Bear, send industry out of this country. And so much more.

Putin has shown more patience than the Neo-Cons expected. So, he hasn’t nuked us back to the Stone Age just yet. But, how much more can he take before he decides to do it? I personally believe that Trump, Putin, Xi and possibly Little Rocket Man have all been in communication with each other. I think when the time is right, they will make their move, or their military will. Our pink high heeled WOKE military? Hell no. The military Trump trusted the nuclear codes to. What? He didn’t hand them over to Biden, as is usually the norm? If he did, why was Pelosi demanding that a Pentagon brass hand them off to her? To which he replied, “I don’t work for you, Madam.” I don’t claim to know what is going on in D.C. Did the Founding Fathers allow for the stealing of an election? It doesn’t appear so. That was an oversight on their part. And not the only one, in my opinion.

But, back to Russia and Mr. Putin. Has anyone actually seen Putin genuflect at the feet of the statue of Stalin? Has he eulogized Hitler or any other Nazi, like was done in Canada? Yes, he has jailed political opponents. How is that different from what the insane left is trying to do to Trump? I watched the Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin. I am still of the opinion that Putin would bomb us if he thought we were a threat to Russia. That is another reason to vote for Trump, whether you like him or not. Biden and his handlers would love nothing better than to have another war. I read somewhere that the Neanderthals had gone extinct. I think they are alive and well in the tiny Libtard Reptilian brains if they think that a world war is a good idea. As I look back over the last century, I realized that the Democrats started every war, or at least our involvement in one. The only stand out was JFK. That is why they hated him. He wasn’t following the party line. He had to go. Similarly, Trump wasn’t starting any wars either. I truly believe that voting Trump back in office is the only thing that has a hope of saving America.

Putin laid out a very convincing argument for his invasion of Ukraine. And, as a student of history, I have to believe him. When we signed the Minsk Agreement, that we had no intention of honoring, when we agreed not to put military bases in countries bordering Russia or try to surround them with NATO countries. And as stated earlier, we did both. I’ve always thought Putin was a pretty smart guy, but maybe it was Yeltsin who signed the agreement. All they had to do was look at how we honored our treaties with the Native Americans to figure out they would likely be treated the same way. It is hilarious to me that everyone lambastes Russia, or the USSR for trying to put missiles in Cuba. They conveniently forget, or never knew that that was done in retaliation for our putting missiles in Turkey, aimed at the Soviet Union. So, we had the same or similar characters bewailing the fact that Tucker would dare to interview the Russian Strongman. Talking Heads in the Media and Neo-Con politicians were talking about charging Carlson with treason or not allowing him back in the country. Did they try to do that to Barbara Walters when she interviewed Putin? Why not?

After listening to the interview and the left’s reaction to it, I’m thinking the best thing we can do, after prepping as best we can, is to share information with others, information they are unlikely to get by watching the Lame Stream Media. Otherwise, prepare to keep the normies as calm as possible, when TSHTF.

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