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Greencrow: UPDATED: Greencrow’s Thoughts on Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin -- (Text)(Videos)(Images)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Saturday, 10-Feb-2024 17:54:15

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2024/02/09/greencrows-thoughts-on-the-tucker-carlson-interview-with-vladimir-putin/

UPDATED: Greencrow’s Thoughts on Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin

Posted on February 9, 2024 by greencrow21


Ukraine conflict, fallout of NATO expansion, relations with US: Key takeaways from Putin’s interview with Tucker Carlson

The Russian leader spoke on a variety of burning topics in the much-anticipated interview, focusing on the Ukraine conflict

Good Friday morning dear sentients. I had to sleep in this morning, so intellectually exhausted was I after watching the 2+ hours of the Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin yesterday. It was a true intellectual roller-coaster…with long spates of history mixed in with current geopolitics and ascerbic commentary on the “Philistines” in power in the West [as Putin called the political, media and corporate classes]. There will be a lot of commentary and fall out in the coming days. No doubt the Satanic globalists will launch a perfidious counter-attack…and perhaps even a few False Flags to take the focus off the impact of the Putin interview.

In the meantime, I have assembled below some of my comments last night made “hot off the press” on X…along with a longer comment I put on my blogging colleague Northerntruthseeker’s blog. NTS being far younger, was not so exhausted after also watching/listening to the interview and managed to do a blog post which I highly recommend to my readers. So, without further ado, here are my comments from last night:


“Another brilliant Putin Tour de force. Complete with a folder of footnotes for Tucker from the Russian Archives!”

“I was mentally exhausted after having watched it for over 2 hours. Brilliant stroke for Putin to relate Russian history for over 1000 years. Puts US “Empire” into bleak perspective…he later talks about how the Roman empire lasted “only” 500 years–the US will last even less.”

“You can sum up Putin’s interview with the saying “Blame it on the CIA.”

“This is the intellectual level any communication with Biden takes…queries about his basic functioning. Contrast that with the electrifying intellectual depth of Vladimir Putin…skirting centuries of Russian history right up to it’s application in today’s geopolitics.”

“Never forget that Putin rose to be head of the KGB [Russian Spy Agency] before moving into politics. Nobody speaks more carefully than he does. Every single syllable is important.”

“I predicted this several times on X–that Putin would bring up the Cdn HOC giving a real NAZI soldier a standing “O”. And I was right! Canadians just don’t understand what a serious diplomatic/geopolitical disaster that was!”

“With Chrystia Freeland as Deputy PM with her Nazi ancestry…it’s not rocket science to determine who really ‘masterminded’ the Nazi in the HOC infamy.”

“I predicted Putin would bring this Canadian day of infamy up during his Tucker Carlson interview and I was right! The Cdn House of Commons needed to be smudged after this event.”

“The interview suitably ended on a somber note. Putin related a war story from Russia/Ukraine “civil war”. He said Russians had Ukrainian soldiers surrounded/called for them to ‘surrender and live’. Voices heard speaking in perfect Russian told Russians not to give up!”

Here is Notherntruthseeker’s excellent analysis of the interview:

The Tucker Carlson – Vladimir Putin Interview: My Take On That Most Important Discussion

Here is the comment I added to NTS’s post:

“I too watched the entire interview and was mentally exhausted at the end. It was very dense with information. Putin again lived up to his reputation of being the greatest leader in the past 100 years at least. I loved the way he gave Tucker a set of “footnotes” from the Russian archives to his history of the past 1000 years of Russian history and how the Ukraine/Kiev was actually the foundation of Russia. I loved the way Putin described the war as a “civil war” between Russians and that eventually when it is all over they will again be reunited because they share the same “soul”.”

Putin put the several hundred years of US existence into perspective by describing not only the 1000 year history of Russia but the 500 year existence of the Roman Empire and how that came to an end. He said that Indonesia is now emerging as a major economy and may overtake the US. He did put an emphasis on finances and how the US has put all it’s eggs in one basket so to speak with the petrodollar.

And of course who could forget Putin’s attack on the Canadian House of Commons for inviting the Nazi and giving him a standing ovation. I predicted on X that Putin would bring that up during the interview and he did. It reminded me of how I suggested that the House of Commons be smudged by First Nations to rid it of the disgusting imagery and stench of the infamous Hunka episode.

I’m looking forward to reading the fallout tomorrow during Question Period when the Putin slam on the Liberal government of JFT will no doubt be brought up. I predicted on X tonight that JFT will find a way to BLAME PUTIN FOR INVITING HUNKA TO THE HOC! Wait for it!”


Greencrow concludes: I have a different take on the Nazis than Northerntruthseeker. I see Germany having been in the throes of a Mass Formation Psychosis during WWII. The Nazis were and still are psychotics. Who caused the Mass formation Psychosis? Well, let me just say…”the usual suspects” and leave it at that. 

Tucker Carlson certainly left a lot of issues on the table undiscussed. What about the connection between the Ukraine War and what’s going on in Gaza? I did a post about this connection not too long ago and link that post HERE.

I thought Carlson wasted time advocating for the young American journalist who was caught “red-handed” [according to Putin] spying in Russia. That could have been done behind the scenes. But, given the pressure of time constraints and everything else at play Carlson did as well as he could. Certainly Putin rose to the task and presented his case for peace in Ukraine brilliantly. Whether that will move the “Philistines” in the West away from their relentless “Carthage must be destroyed” stance against Russia remains to be seen.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Tucker decompressing from the Putin interview…very interesting…

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"UPDATED: Greencrow’s Thoughts on Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin"

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