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Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #21 - #25 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 5-Feb-2024 19:47:35

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-21/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #21

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 2, 2024 | Spirituality |

The very sketches of our reality
Are intrinsically linked to the direction of our energy

When you think of someone
You are channeling your energy to them

Each personal experience is a manifestation
Of where we choose to focus our attention

Everything in life has an energy signature
Which the universe responds to
And uses to draw our reality

The cosmos is like an exquisite mirror
Reflecting our consciousness

Our vibrational frequency
Is a celestial discourse of infinity

We are like a radio
And the frequency we choose determines the music

Our experiential reality
Is meticulously crafted by our perceptions and beliefs

Neutralize undesired experiences and unwanted outcomes
Energize positive and empowering thoughts

Do not be trapped in automatic patterns
Observe your thoughts and feelings without getting entangled in them

Do not get emotionally involved
In the plot of your own story

Watch your character
It becomes your destiny!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-22/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #22

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 2, 2024 | Spirituality |

Resonate with the song of eternity

Embark on a sacred ascent
And allow your spirit to soar
Into the embrace of infinity

It is possible to enter into the vast ocean of cosmic awareness
By aligning your consciousness to the reality you desire

The path is mapped out within you
And the way is marked in unconditional love

Take a deep mindful breath and envision the possibilities

We are heart centric beings
Divine affirmation is woven by the golden threads of meaning and truth

Transcend the material
The physical world we can see is just the tip of the iceberg

Open your eyes to the limitless
That hums with spiritual potential

There are dimensions farther out
Each representing a state of consciousness

Each vibrating with a unique energy signature
Of different notes in the grand symphony of existence

We live in a world of possibilities
That dances to the tune of our thoughts

Be illuminated with the radiant glow of spiritual awareness
Recognize that you influence the world through your focused attention

Realities exist simultaneously as frameworks of consciousness
That our focused intention can shift into

There are different hues in the spectrum of awareness
Which we can awaken to

We can access and transition between parallel or alternative realms
By having different energy levels

Peer into the swirling kaleidoscope
Where consciousness reigns supreme
The horizon is shimmering with countless possibilities

Take a quantum leap into manifestation
Enter into a better version of yourself
And attract your goals and wishes

We change our reality by changing our mind

Tune into the rhythm of higher realities
They can be just a thought away!

From https://bennettleeross.com/mythreligion/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-23/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #23

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 2, 2024 | astronomy, myth/religion |

Polaris is the only non moving bright object in the sky
It is not a star
It is a projector

We cannot see past the dome barrier of highly charged plasma

Like the moon
Polaris is a newcomer

The former Stella Polaris supported the sky
And upheld the firmament on the navel of heaven

The former Pole Star was also the Stella Maris
Which means Star of the Sea

He was Lord of the Wind
The Hebrew word rauch in Genesis translated as spirit means wind

The pole at the north was a violent wind
It was a stupendous churning pillar

It was a fiery axis and a whirling ray of light
That emitted intense auroral events and heaven spanning arcs

The north polar column was in former times a sustained plasma discharge
Of high intensity

It was at the summit of this visual vertical column where Saturn reigned
His kingdom in the far north was observed all over the world

Saturn became the unmoving polar sun that lived in a great and splendid abode
He resided in a land of light usually translated as horizon
On the current of plasma which ascended through the seven heavens

It was after the age of darkness that followed the fall of Atlantis
That Saturn took his place on the pole as supreme ruler

Saturn was Elohim which is usually translated as God
And the Star of the Sabbath which means resting or stationary star

The Lord God Saturn was bigger than the other planetary gods
And the radiance of the Sun God shined brighter

He was the purple star that became a blue star that became a yellow star

In the Linga Purana
Dhurva becomes the Pole Star
And was put in his place by Vishnu

Vishnu and Dhurva are both Saturn
But of different colors and intensities

The stars gradually made their appearance
From the disco ball projection of Polaris

As the fake cosmos of false astronomers took hold
The world has become blinded with the heliocentric model

The role of the Star Trek series and movies
Is to delude the public into believing in a universe of inhabited planets
Circling around suns in endless space

A public observatory is where a reflection of star shaped lights
Are shone onto the above screen or ceiling

Polaris is the projector
And the stars of the fake sky is what is being projected!

From https://bennettleeross.com/mythreligion/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-24/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #24

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 2, 2024 | Aliens and ET's, astronomy, myth/religion |

In Genesis 32:24
Jacob wrestles all night with an angel

Jacob prevails and his name gets change to Israel
Meaning God is with us

All Old Testament personalities are stories of the gods brought down to earth
And becoming the heroes of legend myth and religion

The Assembly of God in the former era
Was the wandering stars rotating around the northern stream of highly charged electrical current

They are not to be confused with the current circumambulatory lights called stars
That return to their precise position year after year

As witnessed in the legends of Native Americans
Right over head there is a circle of stars
This is the Council of Chiefs

The Fountain of the Deep is the auroral pole in the north that has a continuous flow of plasma
It is the conductive medium in which the former Assembly of God revolved around
And the current position where the starry lights of heaven encircle

Smaller orbs of focused energy were labeled angels or demons
Their plasma emanations were wings

Venus had many friends and lovers
Athena had the winged Nike
Which is exhibited in the Parthenon in Nashville Tennessee
The Nashville Parthenon is a Tartarian building hundreds of years old

Mars received 2 companions Phobos and Deimos
They are not asteroids but craft

Extra terrestrial means land beyond ours
They are beings from farther out on our seemingly endless flat earth plane who invaded our realm

Oddities such as pulsars planetary nebulae and toroid shaped stars are not natural
But scream out of an occupation

The appearance of more and more moons who were said to be hiding
Is another example

The desire of Phaethon desire was to establish his throne atop Gods Mountain of Assembly
Above the celestial Kingdom of Helios
But was instead cast down to the lower heavens

This is the exact same scenario of Lucifer
Who wanted to usurp the Throne of El

Astronomy and religion is the masking of what is and what was!

From https://bennettleeross.com/health/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-25/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #25

Posted by Bennett Ross | Feb 2, 2024 | health |

There are an ever increasing amount of toxins
That are being put in our food and water
Sprayed on roads
And dispersed in the air

Synthetic chemicals do not belong in our bodies
The system here is obviously anti health

Putting food in a microwave oven
Will make it carcinogenic

We are taught to spray toxic chemicals to combat an invisible virus
And to use other forms of poison to kill pretty flowers that have a high nutritional value

The more we go along with the lies
The more nails we hammer in our coffin
Which secures our fate

Loving yourself is the first step towards good health
Put in your body fresh local organic fruits and vegetables
Or do the best you can

Our physical health is inextricably tied to our emotional and spiritual health
Our well being is a multifaceted pursuit

95 percent of all processed foods have GMOs
GMOs have no nutritional value
And come packed with poisons

The term natural flavor in the ingredients of a product
Means a synthetic flavor enhancer or artificial sweetener

Processed sugars and processed oils are bad
They are infused with additives and heated to a high degree
Which changes the chemical composition of the whole product

We are taught we need to eat animals for protein
Proteins are made by the body from amino acids
We get amino acids from plants

Amino acids are compounds made up mostly of the elements
Carbon hydrogen nitrogen and oxygen
Which are reassembled into molecules
Such as proteins fats and carbohydrates

All species have their own unique protein
Even members of the same species have different protein

It is silly to think we should take in foreign protein
Which is very hard to break down
And much of it ends up being undigested harmful free radicals

A hamburger is a mixture of muscle tendons and blood
Along with chopped up intestines
Hair skin excrement and urine

By consuming animals
Your body becomes acidic and a breeding ground for unwanted bacteria

The milk moustache one gets from drinking cows milk
Is pus made up of somatic cells fighting off bacteria

The saturated fats and cholesterol in flesh restricts our blood flow
Smothers organs and clogs arteries

Eggs are the menstruation period of hens
Why would you want to eat that

The best sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 are plants such as hemp
Hemp is a superfood

We turn a beautiful animal into an unhealthy sandwich
Because we do not question the narrative!

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