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Greencrow: The Barry and Honey Sherman Murders -- (Text)(Images)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Friday, 2-Feb-2024 15:54:13

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2024/01/30/the-barry-and-honey-sherman-murders/

The Barry and Honey Sherman Murders

Posted on January 30, 2024 by greencrow21

The one big clue that never gets investigated pops up on the Internet yet again

Barry and Honey Sherman were Toronto area social elite. He was the CEO of the Pharmaceutical Company Apotex [manufactured and sold Hydroxychloroquine] and also an official Lobbyist on Parliament hill.

Good Tuesday morning fellow sentient truthseekers. Today I am going to be posting about a nasty story that simply won’t go away from the Internet social media including X where I go to daily and where as of today I have 2,670 followers. This is the unsolved murder case of Barry Sherman and his wife Honey dating back to December 13, 2017.

This case seems to have gone cold, especially in the government owned Mainstream Media here in Canada but every six months or so pops up on the alternative media. A few nights ago, as an example, X poster Ian Prittie posted the following:

“The Shermans did many fundraisers with the Liberals including at their home. There are many photos of this, including one with Rob Oliphant, the guy I ran against in 2019. I believe these murders were solved a long time ago, and Ottawa is preventing the truth from coming out. There is something about this that the feds are desperate the public not find out.”

Liberal candidate Rob Oliphant standing between Barry Sherman and Justin Trudeau in August of 2015 at a now infamous fundraiser Barry and Honey held for Trudeau at the mansion they were later murdered at in 2017.

Greencrow continues: As I say, I saw the comment on X the other night and it peaked my interest to the point where I read the lengthy thread of comments beneath it. These comments contained further links of interest that I also read. I have included two in this post which I have copied below.

Most of the information in the thread was stuff I’ve known for at least five years. This particular substack has been out for a couple of years and I’ve read it. But there was a nugget of new information in last night’s thread which turned out to be a stunning blockbuster. I will try to sum up this information in two bullets:

  1. Barry in addition to being the CEO of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Canada also had a license to lobby on Parliament Hill. This is a valuable tool to say the least and one that the holder would want to protect by not being stained by corruption

  2. Barry and Honey had a huge fundraiser for Justin Trudeau and the Liberal candidate in their riding in August of 2015. This fundraiser subsequently became the subject of an investigation by the Ethics Commissioner and was still under investigation the night that Barry and Honey were murdered. The day after the murders, Trudeau fired the Ethics Commissioner and appointed a new one. That new Ethics Commissioner subsequently dropped the investigation into the Sherman fundraiser on the grounds that the Shermans were deceased.

If that doesn’t raise the small hairs on the back of an average truthseeker’s neck I don’t know what will. Yes, as the headline on X read:

“Barry Sherman’s death cuts short the lobbying probe against him

Here’s the first link that was included in the thread started by Ian Prittie, It’s from MacLeans Magazine

The democracy watchdog group that complained about Sherman’s activities promises to challenge the decision in court”


Yes, the group that filed the original complaint with the Ethics Commissioner about the goings on at the August 2015 fundraiser for Trudeau wanted to continue the challenge that was cancelled in 2017 after the deaths of Barry and Honey…but somehow that challenge never happened. We will never find out what ethics rules were potentially violated by the August 2015 fundraiser. Did the party goers contribute to Trudeau personally or to The Trudeau Foundation? We know either of those possibilities would have been a violation of the Elections Act. We also know that if Trudeau was found guilty of an ethics violation, he would never have been allowed to run in the subsequent election that was held that Fall and which awarded him the office of Prime Minister of Canada. 

Indeed, the stakes were very high in the Ethics Commissioner Probe that was abruptly cancelled after the untimely and brutal deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman.

But there was something else. Barry held a license to be a Lobbyist on Parliament Hill. The Ethics probe put that license at risk. Barry was also fighting the Ethics Probe and his lawyers acting for Apotex had requested a series of documents for their defense. These computer documents included lists of invitees to the August, 2015 fundraiser and perhaps the amount of money raised, etc., etc. The RCMP also wanted these crucial evidentiary documents and had already interviewed Barry about them.

Below is the link to the second article about the murders. It contains even more shocking evidence and asserts that the murders were politically motivated.


Greencrow concludes: The above link submits the theory that the murders were carried out to steal computer evidence and devices linked to the August, 2015 fundraiser. Whoever gained entrance to the home that night did it without force. Were they police saying to Honey Sherman [who was home alone] that they “just wanted to ask her a few questions”?

Folks, if there was this much evidence about Joe Average Blow being connected to a double murder do you not think there would have been a trial by now? Now that Justin Trudeau has been CONVICTED by the Federal Court of Canada of misusing for his own personal political benefit the highest law in the land [The Emergencies Act] what else has he done for the sake of his political grasp on power? Stay Tuned.

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