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Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #16 - #20 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Friday, 2-Feb-2024 12:18:41

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-16/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #16

Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 30, 2024 | Spirituality |

You are a venerated vessel
Navigating the uncharted universe
Both within and without

You are a sojourner of astral currents
That flow beyond the perceptible confines of physical reality

You are a revered traveler

Of the thoroughfare between pure boundless ether and the worlds of matter

Your life is an odyssey guided by whispers of cosmic insight
An astral journey where you echo the sagacity and sophistication of interdimensional intellect

The unpredictable tides of your existence
Are inscribed in the sacred geometry of your being

Your mind understands on a cosmic scale
And your heart feels beyond the limits of earthly existence

Your emotions are expansive and profound
And your transcendent wisdom is finely tuned and precious

You are a chalice of heightened empathy
With the capacity to connect on a deep soul level

As you embrace your magical potential
You chime with the universal melody of awakening

You resonate with the full activation of your enigmatic codes
And with the potent frequencies of distant lineages

Your thoughts are complex and luminous
And your every gesture is imbued with cosmic grace

As you bring forth your inner alchemy
To those fortunate enough to cross your path

Your heart is felt as a revitalized presence
And people are transformed by your energy

They are serenaded by the symphony of your soul
That sings of wholeness and unity!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-17/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #17

Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 30, 2024 | Spirituality |

You are a spark of the divine
A spirit of fire bound in a primordial promenade
That predates the dawn of time

Your aura is adorned with the potent life force within you
And rings with the ancient song of kinship
With all the kindred souls of the wild animals

You are one with earths deeper rhythms
And you dance to the undulating currents of creation

You have an extraordinary resonance with the earths crystalline wonders
And you are drawn by a magnetic pull

To the emanations of energies from deep hidden caverns
Which anchor the potent frequences of the universe into your very existence

With your eternal light you herald in an era of prosperity
You reflect the celebratory sparkle of pirate
While harboring the protective shield of obsidian

When a discordant hum of misaligned energies arise
You gently coax them back into their celestial choreography
Setting them aglow with vibrance and balance

You intuitively orchestrate the energies around you
Your spiritual presence leaves others feeling centered

You delve into abysses that bristle with arcane secrets
And you unleash the manifold mysteries shrouded within the infinite cosmos

You grasp the abstract and shape it into form and function
Each of your ideas cascades through reality as if by magic

You radiate inspiration
As you conjure solutions and create from the ether of potential

An ethereal chorus of pure energy
Activates the dormant strands of DNA deep within you

With your crystalline genetics you tap into your underlying narrative
And channel the communication patterns of benevolent celestial beings

You facilitate a recalibration of consciousness
Your celestial heritage compels you toward your greater purpose

You now carry a Cosmic Manifesto written in the essence of your being
And you possess within you the profound energies of an advanced soul

You are enlightened with the language of light
Sacred tonal and geometric patterns reflect the genius of your integrity

Your heart and mind are in concert
And your very presence raises the vibrations of your surroundings!

From https://bennettleeross.com/history/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-18/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #18

Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 30, 2024 | architecture, energy, History |

Cathedrals were originally built by and for giants
Huge steps doors and archways led to gigantic halls with enormous pillars and high ceilings

Gothic spirals and steeples adorned the roof tops
Conducting the electricity that swirled above

Domes serving as capacitors
Storing energy until it was released into the environs

Frequencies were tuned by huge organ pipes
Fine tuning the resonant energy of the individuals inside
Health was restored and lifespans were lengthened

A charged atmosphere created electrical amplification
Electricity was everywhere

Knights wore metal and chain mail to protect themselves
Spiked helmets were to diffuse high energy currents

Cathedrals were built on ley lines
To tap into the Vril or inner earth energy

The deceased were put underneath the cathedrals in catacombs
In hope that the dead would be raised in that location
Because plasma brings cellular regeneration

The majority of giants left
The ones who stayed interbred with normal humans
And diminished in size

Because of the electrified atmosphere
Auras could be seen
One could tell if a person had good intentions or not

This fact precipitated the witch hunts which started in the late 1400s and early 1500s
Because the elite did not like their intentions being known
Animals such as unicorns who could easily sense evil were done away with

If a person drowned then they were a witch
If they surfaced they were a witch and needed to be killed
Bobbing for apples was another test to see if one was a witch

The drowning and burning of so called witches
Gave way to the Inquisition of the 1600s and 1700s
Where all sorts of torture was utilized

If a person is plasma possessed they are hard to kill
Decapacitation was the preferred method
That is why John the Baptist was beheaded

In the 1800s and early 1900s the method for silencing
Was the gathering up of gifted people and putting them in asylums
To give them shock therapy and erase their memories

Listen I will tell you a secret

At the last trumpet
In the twinkling of an eye
We will all be changed

And even the dead shall be raised!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-19/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #19

Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 30, 2024 | archeology, astronomy, technology |

Hidden in the thick jungles of Guatemala
Is the abandoned city of Copan

It has stayed silent since 1576
When an electric field was forced down upon the inhabitants

Copan has numerous stone sculptures called stele
Which are of dragons and flying serpents descending from the sky

These harken to a time when plasma filaments and plasma configurations
Assumed a snake like appearance

On the west side of the main temple
Stands a 63 step staircase known as the Hieroglyphic Stairway

The Hieroglyphic Stairway contains more than 1200 stones
Each stone is carved with symbols

Copan was more than just a city
It was a sanctuary for astral travelers
Ones vibration was aligned to the portals we call planets

At Nemrut Dagi in southeast Turkey
Stands 9 colossal statues on the east and west side of what was once a vibrating pyramid

Known as the Ruins of Commagene
5 human like sculptures with conical hats are in the middle
Surrounded by a lion and an eagle on each side

The middle one depicts Saturn
It is between the statues of Venus and Mars
On the outside of them are representatives of Jupiter and Mercury

The limestone pyramid has been pulverized into small rocks
It is 150 feet tall and 500 feet wide
There is 1 shaft that goes down at a 35 degree angle

A smaller relief stele shows these gods shaking hands with the cosmic adventurer
It is a frequency handshake that enables one to enter the portal

Above in the stele are 3 stars
Depicting the magical celestial companions of Saturn
After they whirled around the northern axis

These are the same Magi that visited the birth of Mars in the womb of Venus

We are meant to travel interdimensionally
To expand our horizons
And focus our attention on many realities!

From https://bennettleeross.com/history/epic-cosmic-eruditions-of-the-current-era-20/

Epic Cosmic Eruditions of the Current Era #20

Posted by Bennett Ross | Jan 30, 2024 | History, Prognostication |

1000 years were added to our history
Known as the Dark Ages

Later an additional 297 years were added
To make the bogus timetable more credible

The I or J in front of a date was taught to be a 1
So by default it added 1000 years

The I and J meant Ishua and Joshua
Which were Hebrew names for Mars
There has been 727 years since the original birth of Mars

2024 is actually the year 727
Which is very close to the number of years since the destruction of Atlantis
And the beginning of a new era

Before Atlantis there were spirit beings
Gradually materializing into the physical plane

Surrounding the north pole are tall lofty mountains
Which are like an impenetrable wall

When the atmospheric depressurization occurs and the firmament breaks open
A black dot sun with a blue ring around it will appear at the pole

When the windows of heaven open and the gates swing wide
Plasma will come gushing in and the axis mundi will come to life

An exodus will take place to the northern realms
Like bugs being attracted to a power lamp

A frequency change will result
And plasma will light up peoples eyes like flames in a fire

Compassion and love will be amplified in some
While jealousy and hatred will be magnified in others

We will be energized with superpowers
There will be no need to take in energy from plants or other sources
And we will not have to recharge our bodies in sleep

Instantaneous healing will occur
But only if one can take in the positive charge

Now is the time to raise your vibration
And when the Spirit of God comes
You will be ready!

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