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Greencrow: UPDATED: Trudeau’s law -- (Text)(Videos)(Images)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Sunday, 28-Jan-2024 17:58:35

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2024/01/26/trudeaus-law/

UPDATED: Trudeau’s law

Posted on January 26, 2024 by greencrow21

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice” – Martin Luther King


NOTE: January 27, 2024 I have updated this post with more important links so if you read it when it was first published, have a quick scroll to see the additions. Thanks.


Good Friday morning sentients! Back on the Malahat after a week down in the primordial swamps of lower mainland Vancouver. The snow is almost gone here–and there–after a week of rain. Just settling in again and enjoying, savouring, relishing the great victory that we sentients won just a few days ago when the Federal Court handed down its landmark decision on the Liberal Regime’s invocation of the Emergencies Act [aka martial law] two years ago next month. This was a fabulous victory and we should all pause and soak up the sensation of finally being vindicated in the courts. There are few more satisfying sensation allowable to humans on this earth. 

Two years ago this week the Trucker Freedom Convoy set forth from Vancouver to travel all across the wintry Canadian Landscape to Ottawa where the organizers planned to demonstrate against the Lie-beral regime’s dictatorial and fascist covID policies, mandates and Lockdowns. In the preceeding months I had been demonstrating every weekend in downtown Vancouver in front of the Art Gallery. I went there nine separate times. Marched with the other anti-vaxxers through the streets of Vancouver. According to the fear porn media I should have caught the dreaded covid at least nine times. Nary a sniffle.

Thousands of kilometers away in the boreal forests of Manitoba, my blogging colleague Northerntruthseeker was also writing and protesting. He went out to cheer the Trucker Convoy on as it drove through Winnipeg. I am posting his recollections of that time here. 

None of us knew what to expect once the Truckers got to Ottawa. Frankly, I was hoping that they would demand the resignation of the entire Liberal government. I felt that Canadians had suffered enough and that we were entitled under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to stay in Ottawa until the despots were gone. But, as history played out, that was not to happen. In fact, JFT the tyrant first ran away to his home in the Laurentians and then said he had caught “covID” and then he sicced his foreign SWAT team thugs on the demonstrators…including a horseback contingent that trampled the demonstrators, injuring one and perhaps killing another. What happened to the severely trampled ‘man in the tan coloured jacket’ is a mystery that puZZles us to this day.

Yes, Trudeau achieved his Wet Dream, invoking the Emergencies Act on his arch enemies…ordinary Canadians wanting to be free. We’ve remained under his yoke ever since. Flash forward to last week when the Federal Court of Canada finally released it’s decision in the challenge to the invocation of the Emergencies Act. The judge found that Trudeau had acted ultra vires [outside the law] by contravening the Constitution twice and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Twice.

I have an excellent analysis of the Reasons for Judgement that I am going to link below. This is a three way conversation between three members of the National Citizens Inquiry into the Covid Policies in Canada. Two of the members are lawyers and one an expert constitutional lawyer. But, first, I have a few links to show you what winning looks like!

Here is the link to the conversation between three participants of the National Citizens Inquiry into the Covid Policies as they examine Federal Court Judge Mosley’s Reasons for Judgment. Please pay careful attention to what this victory does and does not grant Canadians:

A brilliant analysis of the Federal Court of Canada’s decision on the Invocation of the Emergencies Act in February, 2022

Emergencies Act and the State of the Law in Canada – Ches Crosbie & Dr. Bruce Pardy


I also highly recommend readers apply to download the PDF at this link

Emergencies Act Case Summary – 10 key passages every Canadian should read

To access an expert 10 point closer examination of the decision.

Greencrow continues: I point out, according to the above analysis, the Federal Court Decision can be summed up thusly:

The Liberal Government of Justin Trudeau acted ultra vires [outside the law] in four distinct ways against the Canadians who came to Ottawa in February 2022 to demonstrate against Covid mandates and policies. These include not recognizing that the demonstrators were within their rights to demonstrate, that they were peaceful, that they had a right to contribute to funds supporting the demonstration–freezing their bank accounts contravened their Charter Rights–and that normal means and laws were sufficient to deal with the political demonstration. In summary, the Trudeau Liberals mistook a political crisis of their own making, directed specifically at THEM–for a national security emergency directed at the nation.

The Trudeau Liberals mis-used the highest law in the land–the Emergencies Act–for their own crass political purposes!

The folks analyzing the Reasons for Judgment seem to think that the Reasons were written in such a fool proof way that will make an appeal difficult if not impossible on all four counts. 

Law community “absolutely thrilled” with Federal Court’s Emergencies Act decision

Of course, knowing the Trudeau Liberals the way we do…if they can subvert the law once [or many times as the case may be] they can and will do it again–i.e., subvert the law to overturn the landmark Federal Court decision. We are not out of the woods yet. In fact, IMO, we’ll never be out of the woods until JFT is gone from that PM office, along with all his henchmen/and women.

In that regard and by coincidence, this past week US journalist Tucker Carlson paid a visit to Canada to “liberate us’ as he said in his own words. The timing could not have been more perfect! Please review the links below which show the genius of Tucker Carlson at work…skewering the high and mighty with humour.

Greencrow concludes: The battle has been won but the war is far from over. As the NCI analysts said about the Federal Court Decision, it did not affect the ongoing imprisonment of the Coutts 4 who I have written about in previous posts. One would hope that it at the very least increased pressure on the legal community to rectify this ongoing Travesty of Justice:

Denying Bail To The Coutts Four Is a Political Decision and Act

Yes, while the innocent Coutts 4 are moldering in jail, JFT has a policy of bringing in unvetted former criminals to come into Canada and set up residency. One of these criminals was responsible for raping and murdering a Burnaby teen a couple of years ago–a case that tied up the courts for half a decade.

Trudeau allowed Former criminals to enter Canada, take up Residency


It is significant to note that JFT did not come out immediately after the Federal Court Decision was made public but again, as is his want, hid for several days while he let his underlings take the fall in front of the cameras. The Trudeau Liberals announced immediately that they are appealing the decision. Canadians will find out in the next week or so what ground they plan to appeal on. JFT is caught between a rock and a hard place. The Reasons were so tightly written that they’ll be difficult to appeal. There are four separate grounds of appeal. IMO an appeal will likely fail unless JFT has put some very skullduggerous Supreme Court Justices on the SCOC bench. Many on the Supreme Court are Trudeau appointees–so who knows.

All I can say is this: If the Federal Court decision is overturned…then Canada as we knew it will no longer exist. We will, ipso, facto, become a Chinese-style dictatorship. Perhaps that was the plot all along. Stay tuned.

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