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Reader: " Good though the video is,the situation is even worse than it portrays."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 23-Jan-2024 11:18:50

In Response To: Bank Crisis & Inflation: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 4 [29:35 video (cc)] (hobie)

(Thanks, R. :)

Reader Ron writes:


Re: Bank Crisis & Inflation: The Biggest Scam ....

G'day Hobie,

Thanks for this excellent video. Finally,some commentators are beginning to tell the truth about the money creation cum banking scam that has created the bankster controlled dystopia that has almost destroyed our world.

Good though the video is,the situation is even worse than it portrays. For instance the fractional reserve banking system doesn't just empower those who receive currency first. In fact the real THEFT is the fact that ALL currency (other than less than 3% of bank notes issued by each Treasury to convey the appearance that the Treasury is issuing the nation's money) is created out of thin air by banks placing book entries in "borrowers'" accounts. Thus BANKS are fraudulently stealing ALL of the face value of the currency they PRETEND to issue. That means that 97% of the currency in circulation is bogus and indirectly pocketed by the shareholders of private banking corporations with only the costs of operating the banking system and bribing and/or coercing politicians etc, being deducted, plus, of course, the largesse the banksters dispense to their mates at mates’ rates or for nothing. That’s why, the MEGA Talmudic banking corporations and corporations like the Murdoch empire, Blackrock and Vanguard, dominate the global economy.

Also, taxes are not given to the Treasury to pay bank interest, they go directly to the IMF, the Vatican, the UK Royals etc.
Also, ask yourself, IF the money/currency allegedly loaned to the US government is real, WHY does the US government only pay the banks interest on it and NEVER pay (repay?) to them the principle amount which escalates every year? Moreover, IF the US government doesn't have to pay banks the bogus principle ostensibly loaned to it, WHY are USans forced to pay such bogus amounts to the banks?

In truth, the people labelled as "borrowers" by the banks are actually creditors because they, not the banks, are the ones agreeing to produce and actually producing, wealth. Accordingly, the banks should reimburse to all their "borrowers" the principle and interest they have stolen from them and return title documents and guarantee quiet possession of mortgaged properties.

Also, the video falsely says we are stealing prosperity from tomorrow to spend it today. That's not so. Every population is paying its way with real labour and production every day. The problem is that the Talmudist banksters who run our world steal up to 95% of our daily productivity, EVERY DAY, and use it, EVERY DAY, to create their lavish and wasteful lifestyles, space exploration forces, underground cities connected by Maglev trains, sex trafficking & adrenochrome farms and factories etc, while most of humanity experiences wage slavery, free range serfdom, poverty, scarcity, want and growing STRESS, sickness and ill health.

Accordingly the entire Western monetary cum banking system is totally fraudulent and drowning in LIES and disinformation 24/7/365. It is, as this author says, a PYRAMID scheme, a PONZI SCHEME, a SCAM and a LIE. It truly is nothing but a form of legalised (but cosmically UNLAWFUL) theft. It is ostensibly "legal" because the same people who own the banks also own the private corporation governments, like the US Inc., and the Commonwealth of Australia et al, and so they suborn politicians and collude with their governments to legislate to legalise the fraud involved.

This exegesis is a bit complicated but more or less accurate with some exceptions. For instance,it needs to be emphasised that when The Fed writes cheques & gives them to the Treasury or the banks it isn't creating money it is pretending to create it in the form of meretricious currency, just as the commercial banks do when issuing their bogus loans. Also banks don't lend out their clients' deposits because they are NOT 'deposits', they are unsecured loans that banks invest but they don't tell their clients that. That's why banks can BAIL-IN so-called 'deposits' when they face bankruptcy. Those "deposit" funds rank BELOW secured creditors in any subsequent liquidation of the bank.

As national Treasuries issue a tiny quantity of money in the form of coins and much less than 3% of the currency in circulation in the form of notes, (because the quantity of bank created derivative so-called currency is enormous) well over 97% of the currency in circulation consists of digital book entries made by banks in their clients' accounts. THAT is what this video audio refers to by stating:
'Our entire monetary system is totally fraudulent. It is a PYRAMID scheme, a PONZI SCHEME, a SCAM and a LIE. The Western global monetary system is nothing but a form of legalised (but cosmically UNLAWFUL) theft'.

This presenter says that digital book entries "are still currency". Arguably they aren't, if "currency" is meant to have any value. Book entries are NOTHING. The PRETEND loans by banks are reinforced by government's monopoly on FORCE & VIOLENCE, which it/they use to force whole nations to pay to banks the full amount of the imaginary sums of money appearing in bank loan accounts, PLUS compound interest (until that chimeric amount is paid in full). THAT is worse than highway robbery or counterfeiting because robbers and counterfeiters don't charge compound interest in addition to the money they steal. This EXTORTION RACKET is monumental!

Also, the term "deficit spending" is bankster 'SPEAK' designed to conceal the truth that the process is fraudulent. The proper function of every national Treasury is the creation of sufficient asset backed money and currency (backed by the full faith and credit of the nation) to fund national government expenditures AND to facilitate the adequate exchange of goods and services by the general population. That is necessary because at humanity's current level of spiritual development some means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services is necessary. Accordingly, creation of the means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services is a necessary function of every nation's governance arrangements.

The failure and refusal of national Treasuries to fulfil this function creates the basis for the private banksters' PONZI scheme. That refusal by governments to require their national Treasury to create and issue adequate quantities of asset backed money and currency constitutes criminal COLLUSION between governments and The Fed, & all other private Central Banks globally.
See eg: Link https://ronchapman.substack.com/p/cosmic-consciousness-and-its-energetic

And: Link https://ronchapman.substack.com/p/mileis-2024-davos-talk-directly-translated

IF each national Treasury issued it's respective nation’s money and currency, on an asset backed, interest free basis, ALL of the ill gotten gains of the banksters and their mates would disappear and be redistributed to the global population that produced the wealth. THAT would create instant prosperity and abundance for everyone. THAT is what is about to happen once the current fraudulent system collapses and is replaced by the QFS. BELIEVE IT, it's coming!

PS: The statement that 'TRUE WEALTH IS YOUR TIME' is spot on. The COLLUSION between governments and the banks is forcing us to: "...trade away our time for numbers someone printed on paper or typed into a computer. Those numbers represent our blood, sweat, tears, labour, ideas and talent. WE are what gives the currency its VALUE".


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