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SORCHA 1/22: "Trump Accepts DeSantis Surrender As “Frisky Nikki” Goes Full Zelensky On Free Press"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 22-Jan-2024 19:27:43



January 22, 2024

Trump Accepts DeSantis Surrender AsFrisky Nikki” Goes Full Zelensky On Free Press

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived this morning in New York for a two day visit, where he will take part in the events organized by the United Nations Security Council, says this followed Director Sergey Naryshkin of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) revealing: “The US government has demanded that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky remove dozens of high-ranking officials, whom Washington no longer trusts, from their posts under various pretexts...Washington wants those jobs to be filled by Ukrainians trained in the West, who have sworn allegiance to American interests...As part of the policy of total vassalization of Ukraine, the United States has started forming what is essentially a colonial administration in that country”—a revelation joined by Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko warning: “The mayors and the heads of community are elected by citizens, and they are instead being replaced by people who are put in from the top...So that’s why I worry...The movement, what we see right now, I can’t say it’s democracy...It smells of of authoritarianism”.

To the extent the Ukraine Nazi Regime is a vassal of the socialist Western colonial powers, this report notes, the Wall Street Journal, in its just released article “Ukraine’s $30 Billion Problem: How To Keep Fighting Without Foreign Aid”, assessed: “Ukraine will run out of money within months and be forced to take painful economic measures to keep the government running if aid from the U.S. or Europe doesn’t come through...The country faces a $40 billion-plus financial shortfall this year, slightly smaller than 2023’s gap...Funding from the U.S. and EU was expected to cover some $30 billion of that...The money is needed to keep the government running and is used to fund salaries, pensions and subsidies to the population”—and as to what the socialist Western colonial powers are actually funding, Director Paolo Raffone of the powerful CIPI Foundation in Brussels, which has $10.5 trillion in assests under management for the 200 million workers it represents in over 163 countries, just gravely observed: “The Ukrainian internal distribution of power has annihilated any internal dialogue, banned opposition parties, shut-down independent media outlets and persecuted journalists and dissidents...Vladimir Zelensky knows that elections will mark the end of his career as president of Ukraine and will resist until the end”.

Among those sane enough not to “resist until the end” when their delusional presidential ambitions meet reality, this report continues, is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who dropped out of the Republican Party presidential race and endorsed President Donald Trump yesterday—a political surrender President Trump greeted with the announcement that the “Ron DeSanctimonious” nickname was “Officially Retired”, then he told a massive rally of his supporters: “Before we begin, I’d like to take time to congratulate Ron DeSantis and of course, a really terrific person who had gotten to know his wife, Casey, for having run a great campaign for president...He did...He ran a really good campaign...I will tell you...It’s not easy...But as you know, he left the campaign trail today at 03:00 p.m...And in so doing, he was very gracious, and he endorsed me...So I appreciate it...I appreciate that...I also look forward to working with Ron and everybody else to defeat crooked Joe Biden...We will have to get him out...You know, he’s put our country at great peril”.

Left standing alone against President Trump in the race to become the Republican Party presidential candidate facing off against demented warmonger Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, this report details, is former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who was just branded “Frisky Nikki” after Britain’s largest circulation newspaper Daily Mail revealed: “Nikki Haley DID cheat on husband Michael - had affairs with her comms consultant and a MARRIED South Carolina lobbyist before she became governor, sworn affidavits and new witnesses claim”—a truthful revelation “Frisky Nikki” responded to by going full Zelensky on the Daily Mail by banning its reporters for her campaign events, which caused them to fire back: “Only dictators ban the free press - yet Nikki Haley gags DailyMail.com simply for reporting a story she doesn't like. So DAVID MARCUS demands: Is she running to be president of America... or a tinpot communist state?”.

As to whom is backing “Frisky Nikki”, this report notes, the leftist New York Times article “Big Donors Rally Around Nikki Haley” revealed: “The former governor of South Carolina is winning support from some Democrats and business-minded conservatives as the G.O.P. candidate who can beat Donald Trump”—leftist Forbes Magazine gave its elite corporate readership the helpful article “Here Are The Billionaires Backing Nikki Haley As A Trump Alternative”—all of which is critical to notice because America’s most trusted and popular newsman Tucker Carlson just revealed the truth that woke leftist garbage isn’t just flowing from the government, it’s being pushed by leftist elite corporations.

In fighting back against the elite American corporations pushing leftist woke ideology, this report continues, Fox News just revealed: “Former Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is holding companies accountable for caving to what he sees as far-left ideology...Cameron has been appointed as the new CEO of the "1792 Exchange", a nonprofit that seeks to preserve freedom by putting pressure on companies that prioritize political agendas over profit”—a revelation quickly joined by the leftist New York Times article “Facing Backlash, Some Corporate Leaders Go ‘Under the Radar’ With D.E.I.”, wherein it observed: “Proponents of corporate diversity, equity and inclusion programs, commonly called D.E.I., argue that they are important to hiring and retaining people of color...Critics now argue that some such programs can exclude white and Asian people unfairly from hiring processes...In recent months, hundreds of companies have been re-examining those initiatives after a series of challenges to diversity programs: the threat of litigation in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision striking down race-conscious college admissions, criticism of D.E.I. initiatives from some high-profile business leaders, and a wave of layoffs in the tech industry that heavily affected D.E.I. teams”.

Along with Fox News revealing yesterday: “A CNN/University of New Hampshire poll found Trump leads Nikki Haley 50% - 39% respectively, just two days before the primary on Tuesday”, this report details, the leftist Washington Post reported today: “With the contest for the Republican presidential nomination now a two-person race, Donald Trump holds a clear lead among New Hampshire voters over Nikki Haley, his last remaining challenger, ahead of Tuesday’s primary here, according to a Washington Post-Monmouth University poll...The poll finds 52 percent of potential primary voters supporting Trump, while 34 percent are backing Haley”—the leftist New York Times also revealed today: “One Republican activist backing Ms. Haley said he kept his lawn sign in his garage because Mr. Trump’s victory felt inevitable...Another Haley backer, Fergus Cullen, a former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party, described his support for the former governor as unenthusiastic...He said he could not bring himself to defend Ms. Haley on social media or lean on friends and family to vote for her”—and famed American conservative political analyst Jesse Kelly posted the most factual message: “There will be a million eulogies for the DeSantis campaign and almost all of them will be wrong and laced with bias...Simple truth is you cannot fight the ocean...No candidate or campaign was going to defeat an indicted Trump...Period”.

With terrified socialist Western colonial elites knowing the “simple truth is you cannot fight the ocean” of peoples seeking to overthrow them, this report concludes, their main Wall Street publication Barron’s just warned: “2024 has been labelled a "make-or-break" year for democracy, with crucial votes due in more than 60 countries, including India, South Africa, Pakistan, Britain, Indonesia and the United States, as well as the European Union”—a warning known well by Politico senior foreign affairs correspondent Nahal Toosi, who after meeting with all of the top socialist Western elites at last weeks World Economic Forum in Davos-Switzerland, released her open letter “Populism Keeps Rattling The Globe. Elites Have No Idea What to Do”, wherein she warningly assessed:

For more than a decade, forces on the ideological extremes have torn at the global political fabric.

And for just as long, the luminaries at the World Economic Forum have fretted about how dangerous that phenomenon is — for the businesses they lead and the countries they govern.

But years into the transnational struggle with resurgent populism, the corporate leaders in Davos appear to have no serious solutions.

In conversation after conversation here, I detected resignation and helplessness among business executives when it came to their counterparts in government.

C-suite types fear the polarization will only deepen as half of the global population, in more than 60 countries, votes in 2024 — everywhere from South Africa to the United States.

These 12 months may well be the biggest election year in history.

Many of the campaigns are unfolding in hotbeds of populist and nationalist sentiment, including major democracies such as India.

Far from seeing this as a moment to turn back the tide of insularism, executives are girding for endless backlash.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]






January 22, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it

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