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SORCHA 1/11/24: "Biden Prosecutor Faces “Liquidation” As Trump Prosecutor Joins “The Real Housewives Of Atlanta”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 11-Jan-2024 14:18:55



January 11, 2024

Biden Prosecutor Faces “Liquidation” As Trump Prosecutor Joins “The Real Housewives Of Atlanta

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An informative new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin visited the far eastern region of Chukotka that borders the State of Alaska in the United States, says he factually told its peoples: “We have become the largest economy in Europe...We have overtaken Germany, and rank fifth in the world”, then he observed: “Russians regularly receive threats from the West, but this doesn’t scare us...They should think about themselves, what they will eat tomorrow, what they will wear...They all have a ton of problems that are incompatible with our problems...The leading economies of Europe are going through difficult times...We are growing and they are in decline… As it turns out, they are more dependent on us than we are dependent on them”.

Prior to President Putin arriving in Chukotka, this report notes, the socialist Western colonial military bloc NATO announced that it would help a coalition of its allies, including Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain, to buy up to 1,000 Patriot missiles to replenish their own stockpiles, and as per the alliance's official website, COMLOG, a joint venture between the US defense firm RTX (formerly Raytheon) and German company MBDA, was awarded the $5.5 billion contractan announcement followed by world-renowned French historian Emmanuel Todd assessing: “The Americans are now saying that they are going to make Patriot missiles in Germany...This, of course, is due to the fact that they are unable to make them themselves, as they no longer have the necessary industrial resources...The US has fallen into a trap in Ukraine, finding itself at the very center of a confrontation with Russia...This trap emerged due to Ukrainian nationalism, Washington's illusions about the possibility of causing Russia to disappear and its inability to see the ruinous condition of its own industrial potential...The West has condemned Ukraine to terrible suffering by instilling in it the illusion that it has enough means to support Kiev in the war”.

Earlier today, this report continues, Bloomberg News revealed from its sources within the socialist Biden Regime: “The United States is worried that the rift between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and the commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces, Valery Zaluzhny, is hampering Kiev’s military efforts”—a revelation joined by Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk warning: “President Vladimir Zelensky is doomed to be ousted this year, having antagonized all of his domestic and foreign allies”—all of which followed world-renowned American military strategist retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel David Davis assessing: “It’s pointless to just give another $60 billion to Ukraine so that they can just continue the war on for the another year without result, except that another several hundred thousand Ukrainian people will die for nothing...Ukraine was not able to turn the tables when they had everything that the West could give them, let alone now that the West don't have that stuff to give”.

While Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden presides over the latest in the long string of failed American wars, this report details, it was also revealed today: “Sources within the House of Representatives have disclosed that congressional leaders possess adequate evidence to draft an article of impeachment against Joe Biden”—a revelation joined by former Ukrainian Parliament Member Andrey Derkach stating: “What’s important to me in the congressional investigation is not to bring Biden in for influence peddling...It is important for me that the final document of the Congress says that the money stolen from my fellow Ukrainians was taken out of Ukraine and given to Biden”, then he gravely warned: “The former Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, who was famously sacked by then-President Pyotr Poroshenko under pressure from President Joe Biden, is being used by the current government in Kiev as a bargaining chip with Washington...Last October Shokin had contacts with two attorneys working with the US Congress, Jake Greenberg and Clark Abourisk...The SBU recorded those conversations, where Shokin told the Congress about real criminal acts of Blinken and Biden, and about the corruption of the Biden family...The question of liquidating Mr Shokin on the territory of Ukraine is now under consideration”.

As the Ukrainian prosecutor having evidence against Socialist Leader Biden faces liquidation, this report notes, the State of Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis politically persecuting President Donald Trump is obliviously now auditioning for “The Real Housewives Of Atlanta” reality television series, that follows the lives of upscale Black women who cheat on their husbands and constantly back stab each other while constantly carrying out devious plots—is a sordid made for reality television spectacle documented in articles like “Read The Allegations Of Misconduct Against Fulton County DA Fani Willis”, “Fani Willis Subpoenaed In Trump Prosecutor’s Divorce Case — As It Emerges He Wasn’t Even Approved By Board”, “Fani Willis Arrest Calls Grow Over Bombshell Allegations” and “Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Complaint Against Fulton DA Fani Willis”—today it was reported: “Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has been urged to launch a criminal investigation into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Wilis over allegations she had an "improper" relationship with a special prosecutor involved in the election interference case against Donald Trump”—and was a report quickly joined by the shocking news: “Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis secretly colluded with the one-sided, Democrat-run January 6 Committee to obtain tips that would help her prosecute Donald Trump — and tried to keep it out of court, and public view, using a procedural trick...The revelation could upend the prosecution of Trump and 18 co-defendants because the evidence was concealed to keep it away from discovery requirements that would allow defense lawyers to see what was shared, and the extent of the collaboration”.

For those wondering how farcical America has become under the despotic rule of Socialist Leader Biden, this report concludes, yesterday it saw an Obama appointed federal judge throwing out the case to strip President Trump off the ballot in the State of Nevada—was a case to strip President Trump from the ballot filed by John Anthony Castro, who has filed similar cases in at least 27 other States, but who yesterday was arrested for filing 17 false tax returns and faces 99 years in prison on 30 felony countsall of which makes it no wonder why the American libertarian Mises Institute organization just assessed: “The establishment is unwilling to admit that they are the reason Trump was elected...But, ironically, by attempting to disqualify him from participating in the election, they undermine the illusion of democracy - their main source of legitimacy in the eyes of many Americans...It’s hard to see how that will go well for them”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


Georgia Trump Case DA Fani Willis Had Criminal Affair With Her Prosecutor? With Victor Davis Hanson

DA Fani Willis' Prosecutor Met with Biden WH Before Trump Charges? With Dave Aronberg and Mike Davis

These aren't prosecutors, they are political operatives: Joe Concha

January 11, 2024 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.


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