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Jon Rappoport: "Lawsuits launched against new Texas immigration law: what nobody is saying"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 26-Dec-2023 08:53:25



Lawsuits launched against new Texas immigration law: what nobody is saying
I’m saying it
Jon Rappoport
Dec 26, 2023

First, a few details about the new law. Then I’ll deal with the loons and virtue signalers and murder-enablers who pretend they’re saints.

Washington Post (archive.is):

Civil rights groups sued Texas on Tuesday over a controversial new law that would allow state and local police to arrest and deport migrants suspected of being in the country illegally, a power that until now has rested solely with the federal government.

The lawsuit filed against Texas sets up a potential showdown between the state and the federal government over who has ultimate authority to protect borders and enforce immigration law. It is a fight that [Governor] Abbott has longed for. The law also gives Texas courts the power to order immigrants suspected of entering the state illegally to return to the country through which they entered.

“Immigration is a quintessentially federal authority,” said the complaint [against Texas] filed in U.S. District Court in Austin by a group of Texas civil and immigrant rights organizations, El Paso County, and the American Civil Liberties Union, arguing that the [Texas] law, known as S.B. 4, violates the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution. “A state cannot replace Congress’ immigrant scheme with its own.”

Entering the United States, other than through an approved crossing, is already illegal under federal law and is policed by federal authorities.

But thousands [millions] of migrants have been arriving to seek humanitarian protection or work, and they generally are not prosecuted, especially families. When more people cross the border illegally than federal agencies can process, migrants are often released into the United States to await a far-in-the-future court date.

Number one: Illegal immigration is illegal.

This is no problem for the federal government.

In fact, it’s a giant loophole: “We, the federal government, declare illegal immigration is illegal. But we don’t enforce that law. However, only we can make immigration law.”

Number two: You didn’t really think I was going to drop my exposure of the ACTUAL fentanyl catastrophe, did you?

The feds have remained quiet about it. Meaning they refuse to link it to illegal immigration. They’ll whine about fentanyl, but they’ll never admit it comes into the US through permitting illegal immigration to expand without limit.

So here, for the second time, is my analysis of the fentanyl situation.

As you read it (and ready yourself to spread the information far and wide), keep in mind that the weight of just seven grains of salt is a lethal dose of the drug.

—I’m waiting to hear some lard-ass sociologist or some vegan software engineer say:

“But you see, Jon, if you do a real analysis of the fentanyl numbers and deploy a MODEL, and rational ALGORITHMS, and make a reasonable PROJECTION…

“You’ll see your estimate of 6 billion potential deaths from fentanyl is a massive overreach. We’re actually talking about no more than 600 million deaths…”

“And depending on which model you use, on the low end we could be looking at a 365 million number…”

“And then there is the question of how many years it would take for 600 million or 365 million people to ingest lethal doses of the drug…”

“So the die-off could take, say, as long as a decade…”

“And that estimate would require a different model…”

Yeah. I’m sure this reaction from “the professional community” will be forthcoming.

One of the first articles I wrote for publication (1982) was an interview with Bill Perry, who quit his plum job as PR man for Lawrence-Livermore Labs, where they design nuclear weapons.

One day, he told me, a physicist at the Lab whined to him about needing more funding.

Bill said, “Why? We already have enough bombs to blow up the planet three or four times.”

“You don’t understand,” the physicist said. “I’m working on MATHEMATICAL problems.”

Well, here is MY mathematical problem—which I assure you, involves everybody in the world:

Fentanyl is an incredibly lethal drug.

Two milligrams is a deadly dose.

Now follow the math—

Insightcrime.org, November 21, 2023: “Fentanyl seizures along the US-Mexico border [in 2023] have hit record highs, suggesting that, despite a supposed ban on production of the deadly synthetic opioid in parts of Mexico, a multitude of criminal groups are keeping production apace.”

“United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents seized 12,119 kilograms (26,718 pounds) of illicit fentanyl along the country’s southwest border with Mexico in the 2023 fiscal year, which runs from October to September. This marked a nearly 90% increase from the 6,397 kilograms (14,104 pounds) officials seized in the previous fiscal year.”

Let’s call the total 2023 seizure an even 12,000 kilograms.

This is only the seizure total for ONE year.

12,000 kilograms equal 12 billion milligrams. (There are a million milligrams in a kilogram.)

With a lethal dose of fentanyl pegged at 2 milligrams, we’re talking about enough fentanyl to kill 6 billion people.

Again, that’s only fentanyl seized along the southern border during one year.

If we add in the fentanyl seized in the prior year, 2022, there is easily enough to kill every person on Earth.

And of course, no one knows how much fentanyl has slipped into the US through the border and has never been found.

The standard law-enforcement assessment is: however much we’ve seized, we assume much more has gotten through unnoticed.

6 billion deaths.


Would you call that a problem?

An emergency?

A reason for the federal government to stand up and start shouting and actually DO something?

Do you think this rates some serious attention? AS IN: SHUTTING DOWN THE BORDER WITH 50,000 TROOPS?

Or would you say, “Look, I realize this is a tough situation, but the HUMANITARIAN flow of immigrants into the United States MUST remain our highest priority.”

That happens to be the irreversible priority of this federal administration.

You can rank that priority anywhere on a scale from ignorant to psychotic to genocidal. It IS genocidal.

The main reason people turn away from GENOCIDAL is the following reaction: If it’s this horrible it couldn’t be true.

Which gets us fucking nowhere.

Is all this sinking in yet?

-- Jon Rappoport

Episode 56 of Rappoport Podcasts—“How ‘the virus’ became the biggest lie and the biggest cover story in the world”—is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, go here. To learn more about this episode of Rappoport Podcasts, go here.


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